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Mainly there are three kinds of states:


Waking State is broadly divided into three kinds with more divisions under each.

Lower Waking States:

  1. Insanity: Very rare but everybody goes through it. May last a few minutes, or hours, or days.
  2. Disturbed: Irrational thoughts. Awareness is there of being disturbed.
  3. Criminal: Disturbed state but intelligence to plan. Discrimination is lacking. Distorted thoughts. Present in cruel and evil people.
  4. Stupid: Confused, lack of confidence, over confidence, random activity, not goal oriented.

Middle Waking States:

  1. Egoic: Most dominant state. This state includes an obsessive survival in reproduction, reputation, eating, accumulation, and many others. There is many uncontrollable emotions in this sometimes mental disorder.
  2. Shifty: This is when attention shifts from higher to lower and lower to higher.
  3. Imaginative: Higher layers are engaged here and there and barely any of the lower states are involved. Arts will come from this state. Introversion.
  4. Rational: Logic arises. This is where highly goal directed activity can take place. It happens for few hours even in a very rational person.

Higher Waking States:

  1. Concentrated: Concentration is so developed where person is aware of what is going on.It is stable.
  2. Aware: Knowledge of the Experiencer arises. It can come and go. Aware and concentrated states combined give more stability.
  3. Equanimous: Peace is achieved and the awareness does not fall. It's a stabilized awareness and a broadening of attention. There can be an awareness of everything at once.
  4. Absorbed: All states are seen as one state. The difference between the waking, sleeping, or dreaming state disappears and becomes aware of all activity. Attention has widened so much it can expand to anywhere.

Laws of States:

  • Persons in lower states do not have awareness of any higher states.
  • Persons in higher state are aware of states under it.
  • A person is defined by the state he is in.
  • Dominant state defines the overall quality of life for a person.


Natural Dreaming States

Attention is withdrawn from the gross senses. Less amount of sensations and perceptions.

  1. Day dreaming: Imagination, story, visuals, sounds, can be very vivid. Children can overlap this with waking state, not differentiating between two.
  2. REM Dreaming: Body is inactive and attention is completely withdrawn from physical senses. There is an identity in the state, similar to physical yet different. It is similar to waking state, close to waking state. What is lacking is awareness and rationality. Mostly driven by emotional state.
  3. Lucid dreaming: More awareness and more control. There is memory of person who is sleeping in the bed. Because of heightened awareness a memory bridge is formed between layers. Even with awareness, the experience of this dream is as real as the waking state. It is possible to manipulate the scenario there. It is like waking state except for added powers. It is also called as wish fulfilling zone. It is safe to play. It is very unstable and doesn't stay long.
  4. Spontaneous Projections: Happens by itself. There are characteristics of lucid dreaming. Can manipulate only limited part of the dream. Lack of control gives it reality. There is a memory bridge and awareness of this state that it is happening to me, "I am in some other area." Other people can be met here and there may be experiences of new senses as well. There is a lack of control in this state. This state happens spontaneously when the situation is right. Sometimes people can get terrified. It can be a very surprising event.
  5. All waking states: Subsets of dreaming states. No matter how rational, these are all dreams. This world is an area in UM. A great amount of awareness in the waking state turns this waking state into a dreaming state.
  6. Induced Projections: Convert spontaneous projections into induced projections with right techniques. There is a memory bridge between the projected states and waking states so awareness is maintained. Possible to go to same place, make friends. Then you know it is not creation of local memory. It gives hyper real state. Practitioners master this state and may choose to stay there, finding current waking state to be inferior. As long as memory bridge is there, you will not get lost.
  7. Equanimous state: Waking has already become dreaming. Liberated state. Higher self projecting into physical world had forgotten because of loss of memory bridges.

Mixed Dreaming States

As an attempt to reach higher state

  1. Remote viewing, Channeling, Healing (Present data)...Gain access to this world, other worlds, communicate with other entities. manipulate waking state a little bit. The attention range has widened and possible to access information from other realms.
  2. UM readings, precognition. (Future) Parapsychology, know about events in the future. Loss of awareness does not happen.
  3. PLR, Dowsing, Psychometry (Past) Shaman who can enter into an altered state and tell what happened. To find lost people, water, lost treasures.

Undesired dreaming states:

  1. Hallucinations, delusions: (Undesired dreaming states)Highly imaginative and criminal minds can have problems with these afflicted dream states.
  2. NDE, Entity Encounters: This is a borderline projection and many will not accept that this is a dream within the universal memory. The physical body is already dead and our attention makes it alive.

Afflicted Dreaming States:

  1. Drug induced, Entheogen: They work through destruction and destroy the body and distort the mind. They do provide an experience but it does not help unless it propels you to find a Master. People believe that these can induce a spiritual state but it's only a warping of the mind. A yogi can experience the same thing with 2 minutes of meditation. They can lead to someone to become a true seeker. They will not purify the mind. They only provide a dream experience.
  2. Device induced, Binaural beats: This is using devices or sounds to induce dream states. They are like crutches. Zero progress.
  3. Hypnotic, Mesmerised: Somebody else has control and not you. It is possible and has some therapeutic usage to relieve traumas and phobias. Nothing more than that.
  4. Accidental, Trauma, Injury: These states can create many problems such as coming into contact with negative entities. Sometimes this can cause someone to commit suicide but can also be a wake up call for a criminal mind or drug addict.


Light Sleep

In light sleep the body is resting with some mental activity. This sleep is interrupted frequently. This is the common type of sleep for the insomniac.

Yogic Sleep

In yogic sleep the body is resting and there is a high awareness as well. The body can be in a full resting state and there can be activity on the higher states. The causal body can be seen easier here than in our waking state. The causal body never sleeps and it's never inactive. This is a healthy type of sleep but may seem overwhelming eventually.

Deep Sleep

This is a very healthy sleep and there is no awareness during this time. There is no need for awareness here because nothing interesting happens during deep sleep. This is a very active state but not in the lower states. Awareness can be turned on during deep sleep with practice, especially if there is normally awareness during the waking or dream states.

Afflicted Sleep States

  1. Anesthesia is not able to be remembered but it can cause spontaneous projections. In a true anesthesia there is no experience.
  2. Fainting is a defense mechanism to prevent further damage. It can also be caused by a loss of blood.
  3. A coma causes all the lower layers to lose complete function, or only partially. There is still activity going on in the higher layers.

Death and Dissolution

Death is the destruction of the lower layers. The higher layers are unable to be destroyed. The lower layers are bound by rules and there is a cycle of birth and death, but the higher layers have less rules. Most death is in darkness and fear.

The dissolved state is when the causal body has evolved enough to explore the universal memory and it can experience itself in the truest experience possible. There is no coming back to the lower states and being able to describe this experience when this happens. The waking state is the furthest from reality and the sleep state is the closest.