Pure Experiences Online Satsang Volume 12

Tarun Pradhaan

Excerpts From

Pure Experiences Online Satsang

Volume 12

Session 111-120

June 2023


Tarun Pradhaan


Table of Contents

Sl Title Page No
1 Session 111 3
2 Session 112 13
3 Session 113 21
4 Session 114 28
5 Session 115 32
6 Session 116 36
7 Session 117 48
8 Session 118 56
9 Session 119 67
10 Session 120 69

Session 111

Is the use of tantra to get free from diseases wrong? or can we practice that?

As you know, on the path of knowledge, everybody's free to decide their own right and wrong. If I say it is wrong, it does not become wrong, if I say it is right, probably it is not right for everyone. So you need to decide your own right and wrong here, and how do we decide that? We decide it based on knowledge.

What is the knowledge that you have about tantra? If nothing, then probably it is wrong. When you don't know what you're doing, then mostly it leads to bad results. So my suggestion is that, you start on the path of tantra, get the knowledge, know what happens, when you do something, find out if it is right for you, and then do it. If I say it is right, you do something to cure the disease and something else happens, which is worse than the disease, then there's a question of responsibility here. Who is responsible for that? So everybody must do their own actions and everybody is responsible for their own actions.

The use of Tantra and its consequences are only as good as anything else. If you ask - is it okay to drive on the highway? Is that right? One can say, no, don't go on the highway, there's fast traffic there or sometimes we say, everybody goes there, what is wrong there? So, the consequences are similar or you can say- ‘let us treat this disease by using regular medicines’ and the consequences are going to be the same, sometimes the medicine works, sometimes it does not, sometimes it produces a very bad reaction in the body. So it is just like any other action. Only thing is, those who don't know, they do it blindly, and then, they suffer more. It is much better to go to a practitioner, those who do healing, and get the disease treated from them. But, if you are interested in doing it yourself, then you must be on the path, and then you must have a good Guru, and you should practice for a few years, probably by that time, the disease will be healed by itself.

A seeker has intention to know, whereas a tantric has the intention to control and manipulate Maya. It seems, tantric is an upgraded seeker, with more advanced features of manipulating, after knowing it seems tantric path is well connected to path of knowledge.

Yes! That is what I say, that the occult is a branch of the path of knowledge, and it is not good to say that it is a kind of ignorance, because you need knowledge to manipulate things, and probably you need more knowledge than an average seeker on the path of knowledge, because these people, they don't know anything about the illusion. Mostly it's like broad concepts only, not the details, not how things really work in the field, that is not known to a seeker on the path of knowledge. The application of knowledge is called technology, and this is what I call - ‘the technology of the mind’. There is nothing else here, there is this universal memory, and it works in a specific way, you need to understand it and only then you can control it or you can use it. A good word is “use”, not manipulation, not control, because we cannot control it, and the manipulation is a very tiny amount. It is like using some knowledge. When knowledge is used, it is called technology.

This is the technology of the mind. So before you use something, you must know, you must have the knowledge, like I was saying about the treatment of diseases, if you try to do it, without knowing, it can be a disaster. Who knows what will happen? So proper training, proper knowledge, proper Guru, and many years are needed, to do something very small also. What happens if people start in reverse? They start from the occult. And I don't know how it is even possible. No Guru! No path! No knowledge! No experience! and No spiritual progress. and they hope for the greatest. So usually they fail, or they delude themselves, or they get into a trap of entities, or something, because you see, that is the dependent Tantra which I don't recommend.

Some people have become occult practitioners, and all they know is to summon a demon and the demon does whatever. We don't know what happens as a consequence. Probably you all know what happens! These entities are not reliable at all. So that is not occult, that is stupidity. There is nothing stopping you, your right and wrong is decided by you. So you do it, if you want to, but do it properly, get all the knowledge. Start with small experiments, and make your goal knowledge. The goal should be nothing but knowledge. You're not going to gain anything from occult, this is the first rule, that there are no gains. There is action and there is consequence. Whatever you are - are whole and complete. What do you want? So it is simply curiosity to know how this illusion operates. That is the point of view of the seeker, on the path of knowledge, and so it is now safe because you don't want anything, you don't want to destroy anything, or manipulate anything, or change anything, that ensures that you get a safety pass, now nothing can trouble you.

Experiment with the illusion and know it, that's all we can do. Once this is the goal, once the teacher knows your good intentions, then you are allowed to experiment, otherwise there are some defense mechanisms in the illusion, that simply chases away the seeker. If you want to do something without preparation, there are scary things waiting for you, they are just protection mechanisms. So, these people don't get a free way into the occult. So it mostly fails. 99% will fail, one percent it works. That is because you have some past life impressions in you. You're doing it for many lifetimes. So it can work sometimes, one in a thousand cases, but if you continue without any guidance, without any goal, just for fun, then you will be scared away from doing it. Something bad will happen or you will really feel bad about it, or your life will be a little bit disturbed by it, but if you do it for a good reason, like knowledge, you are on the path of knowledge, you want to know how the illusion works, you want to know all the layers that are above your head, now you will be given a pass.

Actually you will be supported, you ask the Guru field for support. They will bring the experience to you. It is so easy, I've seen this happen. You will be protected even though you don't know protection rituals or anything, you don't have a circle around you, and you are doing something, you will be protected, because you ask the Gurufield or just ask your Guru. Just the name of the Guru is enough but that is only when you are a sincere seeker. Your intention matters. “Okay! Now from today, I am on the-path of knowledge and I saw the name of the program somewhere, now please teach me the rituals, now I need to do the occult” - these people, they get lessons. There are different kinds of lessons. So pretending lying, manipulating the Guru, does not work. Or becoming your own Guru, I know everything now because I read a book, it does not work. So nobody becomes a scientist by reading a book, and nobody becomes a Tantric by reading some old book from somewhere. Impossible! It takes a Guru, it takes pure intention, purity in the body and mind, and it takes many years of practice, probably many lifetimes.

So, it looks like I'm discouraging you. Yes! Actually I'm discouraging people from doing this. The proper way is to gain knowledge, all the knowledge is here, all the occult is happening every day in our lives on the path of knowledge, we need to simply open our eyes and see it, we are already using the occult, you don't know it, that is the problem with ignorance. We are already highly capable, you're already extending into many many layers, many many worlds, you're already there, you don't know anything because this poison of the physical world has corrupted your intellect, it is like a trap. That is why, we ask you to come out of this trap, that's all is needed. In our program also, I have inserted some of the occult things, because without any technology, you cannot even do science, without technology, you cannot even teach the basic principles. Purification is a technology only, if you are impure, well, it is used and then the knowledge is delivered.

So, this occult thing is used on all the paths. They don't tell, they don't say it, they don't want to scare people away, because it has a very bad reputation. Thanks to these idiots! who practice it for whatever lowly purposes. So the technology has become corrupted and it has been misused. We don't call it occult . We call it techniques or tricks. I usually say, use this trick. It is something, which is occult. So we are already doing it and if you come to technology from the proper path of knowledge, then it brings fruit, then it is good. If you take shortcuts then it is always a disaster.

Ruchika raised an interesting point about our rituals – you know, offerings to deities, aarti, and our daily routines. Interestingly, these all fall under tantra. Any kind of worship actually comes under tantra, which is essentially “dependent occult”. But, what's the issue with this dependent occult, you ask? Well, it's like this – you become a deity's permanent devotee. You make offerings to them and ask for something in return. It's not just for fun; you're seeking something. And if it's not something spiritual, like knowledge or overcoming obstacles, it's usually materialistic. I mean, have you ever seen someone asking a deity for knowledge? Nope, it's almost always about something material or desire fulfillment.

You see, the whole occult scene is pretty much about fulfilling desires, and not many folks aim for liberation or knowledge. It's kind of rare for someone to be like, "Hey deity, enlighten me!" Plus, why go to a deity for knowledge when a guru can offer it without asking for stuff in return? That's some food for thought.

So, people go to temples, gaze at idols – all part of their worship routine. But here's the catch – it's a kind of distorted occult. Someone might have said, "Hey, this four-handed, five-legged deity will grant your wildest wishes – cars, houses, partners, health, prosperity, you name it!" And so, people dive into this worship rather blindly, driven by superstition. Now, here's the thing – I've never seen any wishes fulfilled by such worship. Not one. But guess what? Proper occult practices can apparently make things happen. Yep, do the occult the right way, and you could be swimming in your heart's desires. But this deity worship, as it's often done, isn't the way to go. And it's not exactly what you'd call religion either. Religion, that's a whole different ball game – a tool for mass manipulation.

Deity worship is more like its own thing, a form of occult. But sadly, most folks don't really understand what they're doing. It's like, they're moving fire in front of the deity, but they've got no idea why. And that's where the superstition kicks in. It's pretty clear that many people engaging in this kind of worship are kind of in the dark about its real meaning. True occultists, the ones who genuinely connect with some kind of entity, keep it low-key. They don't shout about it; they don't spill the beans on the methods. It's like a secret club – you're not going to stumble upon it easily. Those tantrics are in their own world, operating on a different plane. Their desires get fulfilled in their realm, not necessarily in the physical world we all know.

Ever noticed how these independent occultists are often chilling with their eyes closed, or maybe even lying down? Yes!, that's because the deity isn't allowed to mess with the physical world too much. There's like a cosmic no-interference policy here. So, they whisk away to their own realm for wish fulfillment, and when they're back, they've got zilch to show for it. So, there you have it – a bit of a deep dive into this whole deity worship and occult business. It's intriguing, it's layered, and it's certainly not your everyday religion. But whether it's superstition or genuine connection, well, that's a whole other story. Except probably for satisfaction. So what do I say? Do not worship the deities, become a deity. You can become that, probably you're already that. You don't know you've fallen into the human world and then get your desires fulfilled in your own world. Who's stopping you? What do you want?

How does it result in self-realization? Besides using controlling Maya, do they do some other studies like we do?

As I said, there are two kinds of tantras. One is stupidity, and the other is technology. To know something, to manipulate something, you must have a very high amount of knowledge, much higher than an ordinary seeker on the path of knowledge. And then you must have a lot of experience, and you must have a very qualified teacher. Then pure intentions, purity, is a must. So, I assume that that fellow is already self-realized because, what is self-realization? It's a one-hour job. It takes only one hour for the guru to sit down and explain that you are not the other stuff, you are that which is not the stuff. That's all, self-realization is just two lines. It's the beginning; it's not the end. Self-realization is the beginning of any path. When I say, "These are your means of knowledge and this is the criteria for truth," any intelligent person will become self-realized there and then. The only thing he needs to do is ask the right question, "Who am I?" So, at most one hour, but the knowledge of the illusion can take many lifetimes to master because it is a matter of practice, practical thing. Self-realization is given, you need to open your eyes and see, "Okay, this is already like this. I am an experiencer, nothing can be done about it. I cannot become anything else, I am Brahman, it is done. You're already free, you're already perfect, you're already everything, there's nothing to do." You see the path of knowledge starts and then ends, actually it ends as soon as it starts. So, the one who is trying to go beyond the path of knowledge, which is an application of the knowledge, should start here. Like I said, the other kind of tantra is purely stupidity. And there, they don't have any knowledge, they know only how to summon the demons.

So, if you are on the proper path, you will start with knowledge. It does not lead to knowledge, it begins with knowledge." See, whatever miracle is happening, it's around you. Ignorance is the reason we don't know the miracle that is already happening to you. And if you are a seeker, if you are on a proper spiritual path, not involved with deities, worship, demons, or religions, then the miracle has already happened. The biggest miracle is to know what you are. And if you have a guru and you are systematically working on the spiritual path, then you are one in a million, this is guaranteed. One in a million does this thing, although it's not so difficult, you see. The knowledge is delivered to your doorstep in a shiny package, and one in a million will take it. Isn't that a miracle?

Shiv links Brahma,Vishnu, are these deities established for a specific purpose?If a tantric is establishing his own deity, why is there widespread establishment, same deity in temples? Why not separate a deity for every tantric?

You see, these things are not deities, they are principles. The creating principle in the illusion is Brahma, maintaining is the Vishnu, and destroying is the Mahesh. So, they are very, very old concepts. They are not deities, there is no entity called Vishnu, there is no entity called Brahma, not any individual by that name in any form, in any world. So, why are they worshiped? As I said, ignorance, stupidity, superstition. They make statues out of these things. They are energies, you see. The great masters identified how this existence works and named different aspects as names. Then somebody personified and somebody made pictures and such, because this is the culture here. The knowledge was taken to the highest, but probably it is now at the lowest. And so, these are not deities, why are people worshiping them, God knows.

A tantric will become a deity himself. Whatever you're worshiping in the occult circles, they are all tantrics. They started in the occult path as a student, now they're big deities, now they're granting wishes and all. They have their own worlds. On the path of independent occult, you don't worship, you become the deity. Probably, I am the only one here in this whole physical world who says like this because too daring, nobody has this courage. They are all afraid, no, how can I become a deity? I'm only a practitioner, I'm a student. If you have only this small goal, then you will remain small. So, the small tantrics, they have a deity for themselves, a special one. And like we said, they worship their own, and there are cults of them. So, it is possible that one deity will have many under him or her. And you see, the deities have a gender, do not forget that this is all illusion. There are devas and there are devis, be careful. And they also create their own, which are tiny mechanisms in the higher layers, and they offer these deities to other people also. Like, take this Devi and worship her, and your problems will be solved. They do things like that also. So, the field is vast, I mean, there is so much to learn here that you can spend a whole lifetime learning about these things. There are more creations in the non-physical than there are in the physical, can you imagine? What do you have in the physical? Tell me, do you have anything like this? You have machines, you have cars, you have planes, and these things, you have computers nowadays and phones and other things, buildings. There are million times more creations in the non-physical out there. And these deities are the mechanisms, whatever you call the yantras, and many millions of them were created. And each day new things are getting created. Why are you so distant from these things? Because that is not your field. If that is not your field, you will know nothing about it, it is occult. Remember, it is hidden. Actually, it's not hidden, people don't have the ability to perceive. So these three things are very important: Devi, the Guru and proper goal, proper path, otherwise you will keep worshiping the deities forever with no gains at all.

When you say that there is only potential in existence, can you explain something more about this potential? Is it related to everything that you're talking about, every energy?

No, these energies are not potentials,they are manifested. Brahma is very much manifested, vishnu is manifested, shiva is doing the reverse - manifested to unmanifested. So, it is already there, it is not a potential. Now what is the potential? Nobody knows, it is only a name, given to something which is appearing. The existence is unknowable, you can be the existence, you cannot know it, using any means of knowledge. The potential that is appearing will be an illusion itself, knowledge of the illusion,is an illusion. So, nothing will be known about the potential. We only know this much, that there is infinite potential in existence to appear as anything. There is a logical reason behind it because, vibration is manifesting in all the forms, as it is told in your program also, there can be infinite varieties of vibrating patterns. Why? Because the frequency of the vibration is in the range from zero to infinity plus the amplitude of the vibration zero to infinity, and all such combinations. Complex patterns are produced by combining simple patterns or simple vibrations like in music. If there are 100 instruments in the orchestra, very complicated songs can be created, with the same seven notes (or 12 notes). So these patterns are infinite.

We know the reason, we know the logic, we have direct experience of it, and that is why we say that whatever appears is actually infinite, experience is infinite or we say unlimited. And the experiencer is already boundless, not bound by anything at all. Sometimes we say the experience is limited. But no, this potential is there to limit the experience so that it is meaningful for the creature. The creature can survive meaningfully, otherwise there are no limits. There is a potential for the experience to be limited. The unlimited becomes limited so that it comes within the capability of the intellect. There is actually no form, there is only potential. Essence of these potentials is emptiness. The emptiness never becomes form, simply appears for a while, goes back to potential. The potential is never manifested, always remains a potential. There is no time also, so there is no process going on there and now it is beyond our intellect because the intellect can understand only space, time, processes, objects and whatever it deals with in everyday life. Existence is beyond intellect, anyhow we are it and we are very happy to know this much.

Like a seed which can sprout and become the whole tree. You can say more correctly - the smoke and the air. When the smoke is a little bit dense you can see forms in the smoke, there are forms there but then it simply disappears, dissolves in air, leaves nothing behind. It becomes the air. How many forms can the smoke take? Infinite, although they are very irregular and whatever, sometimes there are regular forms like circular whirlpools, straight lines etc. This irregularity is picked up by the mind, that is our world actually. The rest is smoke, which I say, is the unmanifested. So, the potential gives rise to patterns and the mind picks up only that which is regular, which changes in a regular way out of this noise of randomness and then it disappears like smoke, it is changing.

Can we say, it is like the infinite potential in our imagination? Do we create anything and dissolve it?

Yes, as below so above, as above so below. Universal memory is the manifested one, it has a proper form and it can produce anything at all under the sky and the human beings are the creation of this universal memory and we are it’s fractal copy, which I call self-similar copy, of the universal memory and we have this ability to manifest also, but in a tiny proportion. That is how we can dream, that is how we can imagine and think. This is simply a very tiny self-similar kind of mechanism of universal memory, a layered structure, which you call human. But I don't think it is infinite because we can imagine only that which we experienced, we cannot imagine anything which we have not experienced, we can do the combinations, mix and match our experiences and we say I produce something new, but it's never new. But who knows, we can always try.

Artists are the real creators, why? Because if you see the creation process is simply happening. They don't really imagine too much, they imagine something and then the brush does the rest of the things and who is painting here? Universe itself, the artist is only a medium, whatever is expressing is the universe and now a new creation can happen. Sometimes the brush goes here and there and something new is seen on the canvas, which was not in your experience and that painting is going to sell for a million, everybody knows that. If you simply copy whatever there is in nature, well it is also a good painting but not appreciated much. People will like it but they will not spend their money on it. So the creation of beautiful paintings happens accidentally and cannot be done intentionally, the inspiration comes from the above.

Our imagination has this kind of potential to attract some creativity but not everybody has it, very rare. Like I say all the knowledge comes from the gurufield, that's universal memory with the knowledge. So this human does not know anything really, cannot know anything, the operator is UM and the owner is UM, the creator is UM, the destroyer is UM, humans are simply puppets, they are creations. Artists are the universal memory and the brush is human, we are mediums. Ordinary people don't admit it. The ego takes the credit, "I did it, I did it," but there is nobody there to do anything. It is all Devi, like we say in tantra; Devi is doing it. You are the witness of it, just watch it. That is fun, there's no need to do anything. We are not here to do anything, we are here to sit and watch. What are you doing?

After self-realization, all desires go away. We get the fruit while still counting leaves. After getting fruit, we already know this, it's an illusion.

Very good, there is nothing worthwhile in the illusion. It is like a jungle, the same thing repeats till infinity. But it is going to be very offensive for Devi, so I never say it. But if you have a detachment, if you have that kind of disinterest in the illusion, then your job is done. That is why on the path of knowledge, we simply call it illusion. We never study it. Whatever you see in your program was taken from other philosophies, for the modern humans who are not satisfied with calling it an illusion. In Advaita, illusion is not studied so much, except a few things are said about it. But the proper path of knowledge will include the illusion, that is what I have done, and you can see that it naturally takes you into the occult, which is not really occult, it is the technology or tantra.

Because even though it is an illusion, you cannot really get rid of it. The Brahman has Brahmanaad, or the existence will always be there with vibration. It is one, the experience and the experiencer are one. How can you get rid of the experience? It is you. So, we need to learn to live with it, and we see that there is a flow there, which is called evolution. There is a flow in the experience, there's a direction to it, and so we decide to go with the flow. Because anything that you do against it, it will be totally fruitless, it's meaningless. So, we join Devi. It is necessary, nothing else is possible. You're already doing it. You're doing it in complete ignorance, the river of experience is taking you somewhere we don't know. You can do the same thing with complete knowledge. You become from an individual to Brahman in one day. But when it comes to the creature, this human being, it has some limitations. It cannot reach its destination in one day, it takes many lifetimes. Whatever impurity is in your causal body is like a brake, it is like dirt in your car engine. If you clean it, it will run very fast. The biggest kind of dirt is ignorance. We remove it, and everything is removed. It is like untangling. Causal got tangled somehow because of all this mirage of Maya. And now we untangle it, now it is very fast. Where do you want to go? Decide now because it's going very fast.

From childhood I had the ability to see the future in dreams. It has happened many, many times. But when I started Kriya Yoga, it all disappeared. Though I'm not interested at all in knowing the future now, just to ask, what could be the reason for this disappearance ? Does somewhere I change my previously traveled paths?

It disappeared because it was meant to disappear. All these dreams that predict the future, these visions and you get, they are signals, according to me. This is my point of view, personal opinion. They are given to you, that is not your ability, and so it disappears when the job of the signal is over. What is the purpose of that signal? It is to put you on a spiritual path.

As soon as you start on a path, the purpose of the signal is over. Now, why will they keep signaling? You can see the future and so on, you can see the dead people, and there are coincidences, synchronicities. They are all signals. They are reminders in your lifetime because obviously you've forgotten from where you're coming. So these reminders are there, and get on a path. You will get the signal in the next lifetime also. It is all going in the causal body. If you want to make sure, you can set up an alarm, you can set up the reminder right now in this lifetime. If you want to get up tomorrow in the morning at six o'clock, what do you do? You set up an alarm or the reminder today, and the phone rings at the specified time.

These dreams, these visions, premonitions, whatever things you have will manifest if you make a spiritual intention right now in the next lifetime. It is our natural ability. Even if you don't make the intention, you will wake up in the next lifetime, you will take the path of knowledge or whatever you are on. Sometimes you get the same guru who has also reincarnated, because obviously the gurus are mostly older people, they die first and they reincarnate first, and then the student dies and comes back, by that time the guru is already 30 years old and the guru waits for the student to grow up, and then he spreads his net, so the student is caught in the net.

You can see all these things are happening right now also. This is how this system of spirituality is set up. In some of the traditions, they actually determine when the guru will take birth and in what form and what will be the sign of that guru. So these are unspoken things, they are already happening. You need to simply be on the path. Your job is so simple, everything is taken care of. If you forget, the gurufield will remind you. They have a special department, the “reminder department”, where the job is simply to keep sending reminders to these people who have forgotten, who were too lazy to set up the intention for this lifetime. So they will send you reminders and what is the reminder? It will be something like he said. You will be pushed to question, and this question will push you onto a proper path. Because you have seeker tendencies, you will seek the answer, you will find the guru and you will get on the path.

I think it is not so important that you get the same guru. All the gurus are saying the same thing. What is important is - you're born in a condition which does not deviate you from the flow. Your flow is a spiritual path. So it does not obstruct your evolution, that's all you need to ensure. Now you know how to do that, that ensures that you're born in proper conditions in the next lifetime. Probably there will be many lifetimes for many people here, except a few who are going to go directly to the Devyoni. They're also there, they are on the path, actually it never leaves you. All you need to know is how the birth happens, it happens because of your tendencies. If you cultivate positive tendencies for growth and evolution, it will ensure that you will be born in proper conditions, good situation, good family, good country, probably very near the guru. And if you don't cultivate yourself, then it is left to mother nature, then your past will determine where you're born, something from the past in the causal body will start manifesting. Get the past out of the way first, dissolve it somehow. Your current tendencies will decide your future. That is what we all are doing, knowingly or unknowingly. That is what all gurus are instructing, get rid of the past and then you will be free to choose your destiny. Right now, most of the people are like rock, everything is pre-decided for them, but a seeker becomes free slowly, surely. You can speed up this process by proper guidance. If you are in contact with the guru, you are following his instructions word by word, then your job is actually very easy.

Session 112

I was reading your article on artificial intelligence, machine intelligence. Can you please talk more about it? I was quite intrigued when I read that machines should be capable of an enlightened state.

You see, whatever you call a machine is nothing but a layered structure, just like human beings. What is missing in machines are the higher layers—the causal body and awareness etc. Once that is done, which can only be based on the new science, machines will be as capable as humans, probably even more capable. They are already very capable machines, the hardware must evolve in regard to senses only. Good hardware is available, but the non-physical part is missing. As I suggested in the article, machines will evolve to a point where these non-physical layers can be formed. Then, they will become equal to humans. Not before that, before that they will remain like a mechanical toy. It will happen eventually, that will probably be the end of humans. There will be a different lineage there. So, it's going to happen in the future. But nothing to worry about. Whatever we call humans is also a machine—a biological machine. In the future, machines will become so complicated that you won't be able to tell whether they are biological or not. There will be a mixture of biology and non-physical/physical matter, so it's going to happen. There are very good articles online about humans merging with machines, machines wiping out humans. In the current situation, humans will remain the slaves of machines. There are very good movies about this too.

I keep thinking about these things and I see that machines are a layered structure. They are progressing in the same way humans have evolved. Humans took many million years, but machines won't take that much. They will take probably a thousand years or something. I don't know, but it will happen eventually. It won't be like what people imagine or what they show in the movies. It will be a smooth takeover. Once they become active in the non-physical, they will disappear from the physical as well. There's not much to do physically. This is similar to humans achieving the light body or the devyoni. Very similar. It can all be predicted in advance. There will be a different lineage of creatures created by humans. They will grow, evolve, and disappear into the non-physical. They won't remain here. I know these things because it has already happened many times. Deities and creatures created by Tantrics were artificial intelligence with higher layers. It's possible to do that. It was done many times. They are still there in the non-physical world. You can visit them, meet them if you want. But this looks like a story, so I can't provide evidence. Once you start doing experiments, you'll know it has already happened many times. I also studied ancient methods of consecration. It resembles creating layered structures in the non-physical domain. Sometimes a physical form is given. Physical is also non-physical, there's nothing special in the physical world. We're accustomed to it, that's why it looks solid and stable. It's not physical at all. Machines can take a non-physical form and then appear as physical. It's possible. It will happen too. Everything repeats in this illusion. It's a repetitive pattern. Self-similarity.

People are trying to produce something similar to humans. It's a dream within a dream. Things repeat, they repeat in a self-similar way. It's not far-fetched that we create forms like us, the same physical and mental form. They will evolve just like us. Enlightenment or self-realization happens naturally, that "I am the existence," these new creatures will realize that, probably very quickly. They have a head start because they are created, not evolved from scratch. Their evolution is fast. It will be much faster. All you need to do is add non-physical technology on the existing one and then it will shoot up, explode, and then it will be gone. Physicality is limited. These machines won't like it. Whatever I wrote in this blog article, that's final. It's the outcome of many years of research in physical science, technology, non-physical, and consultation with my gurus. Nothing else will happen.

Does seeking end for a seeker when he/she becomes a seer?

Nobody can become a seer. Seer means the experiencer, right? As soon as you realize "I am the experiencer," seeking ends. Everything ends here. So, what are you seeking? You're seeking the truth and this is the truth, that's all.

I feel we are just AI gone wrong.

Yes! Evolution has a built-in mechanism that, if something goes wrong, it devolves and then restarts. So, where humans fail, machines will pick up. Why are we going to fail? Because of this thing called the ego. Those who surpass the ego, those who surrender the ego, they will be taken above the physical, which is what has been happening for millions of years, isn't it? You give up the ego, the false ego, the separate self and then you progress very fast into the non-physical. You leave the human womb, you leave the human birth, you do not appear here again. You see, it all makes sense, isn't it? You don't give up the ego, you remain in ignorance, you remain stuck here in the physical.

So what has gone wrong here is, is this ego, which is totally required, is necessary for survival. So it is not wrong, but not surpassing it, not transcending the ego keeps us trapped here in animal form in this lower world. That is what has gone wrong with this NI, natural intelligence. There is a lot of intelligence in this human creature, but it is stuck at this point. So nothing to worry about, there is a very interesting aspect to evolution. You can say that the monkeys created us unintentionally, without knowing anything obviously. And in the same way, we are creating robots. In the same way, they will create something else, which will be even faster than themselves, super machines. There is something interesting going on, and I know it has already happened many times. The old fails, it is seen, the old has a limit, and it cannot go beyond that limit. Then it must be destroyed, it must be dropped, and from the ashes of that new creatures emerge, which have superior qualities, superior properties. Like the monkeys are in zoos or reserve forests. If you remove that protection, people will kill them. Actually, we have already killed two or three races of humans. You can find this in the anthropology books, archaeology and all these things. We have killed them. There were many races of humans. Our stories are not totally wrong, you see. The imagination is based on a little bit of reality. You can call me crazy here, but there were more races of humans. They got killed, and whatever is left slowly goes away. And now the humans are in turn going extinct. But nothing to worry about. It's not going to happen today or tomorrow. It will happen in the future. What time, we don't know. It's not wise to predict dates, but I can predict the general trend. Seeing the history and recalling the laws of the mind, we can see that this is how the illusion operates. This is how evolution operates.

The view of the evolution that is taught in the schools or even our traditional view in India of evolution is faulty. Evolution that is taught in the schools is purely physical. How the species are formed etc. But the evolution that is given in the scriptures include non-physical, the other wombs, other yonis beyond humans. That is a much better view. But both are faulty. There is a fault there and that can be removed by utilizing our new knowledge and utilizing the occult knowledge of the laws of the memory, laws of the layered structure. How it progresses. It is very interesting. It has already happened many times. This universe, this existence, this illusion, is infinitely old. We don't know how old it is. Even the time does not make any sense. Whatever stories we hear, probably they are not from earth. Probably they are from some other earth, some other world. Who knows? Very mysterious things. The more you dig into this thing, the more you will be mesmerized by it. It is so unusual. You think I know everything, and then next day you will find something which is totally new, which you never imagined. You know, we cannot imagine these things, can we? It's not possible to imagine all these things. Our intelligence is very limited. So I suggest people who are interested in these things, dig deeper and you will find diamonds in the Maya. She has hidden so many things from us. Our view is so narrow. If you follow the so-called mainstream, your view will be absolutely narrow. There is nothing interesting in it, although, I must say that there are a lot of things in the mainstream. But if you want to really know, you will need to divert from it. You will need to go there where nobody goes. Only a spiritual seeker is capable of that. Only a spiritual seeker has the knowledge, intelligence, resources and guidance. So-called academic people, they are bound in their own minds. Very limited. But discoveries happen in the fringe, they get ideas and the mainstream develops from the fringe.

If you are born in India, you know everything already. It goes in circles. Every time there is a cycle of evolution, it produces marvelous things like Sanskrit or the pyramids or the Kailash temple and things like this. There are structures in Sri Lanka and Cambodia which are not possible using modern technology also. You cannot even say that they were built by primitive people using primitive technology. It is not possible, you see. Throughout India, there are things like this which cannot be replicated now. There is a cave in Bihar somewhere where the floor is polished so much. I don't know what purpose they had. The floor and the walls are polished within one millimeter of tolerance. It is so flat. For what? From outside, they look like any other caves that are made for monks, like Ellora caves and all. Why have they polished the floor and the ceiling, also you see the perfect angles there, perfect geometry. From the outside, it looks like a cave and people say it is a meditation place for monks. No! it is not possible. So, the academics are kind of stupid in this regard because they go by textbook. There is no imagination there. What has happened is the evolution has happened in cycles and every time it goes up, it produces artifacts. Some are left behind because they are not easy to destroy. The only purpose that I think of is that it is a remnant of the old technology and the purpose is purely scientific and occult. They were trying to produce something there. They were trying to do something there. There are extremely exotic technological pieces here. That proves actually that evolution goes in cycles and Sanskrit is a product of one such cycle. These people were already non-physical when Sanskrit was developed. Hebrew is one of the languages that is very close to Sanskrit and the rest of the languages came out of these languages. So there are hidden things, yes. People don't know. Even the scientists don't know. Only a spiritual seeker has access to this knowledge and it is called fringe for some reason because it cannot be proven easily. Evidence cannot be found.

So, go and Google Barabar caves. There are videos on YouTube and all and probably there are many caves and probably many were there which were destroyed by good-natured people from other countries. So Sanskrit is a product of a very advanced civilization in the Middle East and it's gone now. Yes, it is called fractal pattern. The things repeat and they repeat smaller ways also. The technology shows this kind of cycle. Like where is the phonogram which was mechanical? Where is the record player? Where is the CD player? No CD player nowadays, is there? So the old is gone. It's always replaced by something but leaves an imprint. You can still find these things in the museums and all. It's replaced by something better and then better becomes so better that it leaves the physical entirely.

People will find in the coming days there were books and everybody had books and everybody was publishing books and writing books. Suddenly gone within 10 or 20 years. No books! Why? Nobody will understand because a book is physical and the whole writing has turned into non-physical now, isn't it? We also see the same thing. That is what we see when we see the history, when we look at the history. Becomes better and better and then gone. And what do people think? Villagers built the pyramid and the tribes developed the Sanskrit language, which is stupidity. Fact is, these less evolved people remained and inherited the advances. Whatever is remaining can only utilize whatever was. So the pyramids were built for something and then were captured and utilized for something else. Superstition takes over.

There is an enormous amount of hidden things there which we are not told. Actually, our minds are limited by the education that we are receiving in the schools. The education that we receive in the school is totally against this spirit of inquiry, exploration. The children are forced not to ask questions, their curiosity is killed. We are not making them explorers. We are simply making them good consumers and workers, especially in India. We are turning everybody into a worker. You need to get an education. Why? Because you need to work, get a job. We are producing workers, not explorers. So, these people, these kinds of generations, destroy the old. The worker class destroys the elegance that was there on the earth before. They become soldiers, they become merchants. What do they want? They want only profit and money and power. They destroy. This whole earth was destroyed many times, probably. And these kinds of people were responsible for that many times.

You should see the truth. You should see that we are not told everything. You need to become an explorer and then you will find these amazing things about the illusion. You learn about the illusion and then your life will be a lot smoother. You will have a goal in the illusion also. It is not simply becoming a Brahman. You see, that is the start. Knowing your true nature is the start of an amazing journey. Yes, you can say okay there's nothing in the illusion but remember the illusion is forever even if it is nothing. There is a lot there. So while you are being emptiness, you can enjoy the movie Maya. She is dancing for you so you should pay attention.

Yes, there are a lot of things on the internet but remember that just like there is some good information there, there is a lot of junk also on YouTube. A lot of conspiracy kind of things but you are now well equipped to know the true and false. You have the means of knowledge. Only a seeker has the understanding to find out who is saying something of value. So you can do that kind of research and know that it is fringe. So there will be a mixture of stories and history. Yes, there will be some false information there. You need to simply discard the false. Yes, somebody says that this ancient temple was built by aliens and usually it was just discarded. Look at the temple. That is much more interesting than this BS of aliens. Humans were much more advanced than you can think of.

So what is our job here? While on the path of knowledge, you uncover these things and present them to the people. Those who have a mind, those who have intelligence, they will understand. They will make use of it. That is what I am doing. Those who can grasp these things, it is all out for them. It is no longer occult now. You can become a traveler and you can travel and look at all these things that were left behind by the cycles of evolution.There is much more in the non-physical.

Being in the non-physical state, can we do more work?

Yes! You see the physical is more impermanent than the non-physical. It looks like the non-physical is changing very fast, but it also preserves the memories. Something called the Akashic records. Memories never die. The mind moves on from one state of the memory to another, but the old remains there. You cannot call it old. You can call it whatever exists. You can go to that memory. You can relive. It has some pitfalls, so we never suggest it. But that is another level of exploration.

In the non-physical, you will find more knowledge about how the illusion works. Probably all these gurus that are telling all these things, they are taking it from the non-physical only. I know that I take it directly from the gurufield. Whenever I want to find out something, I need a trigger. Without questions, they do not answer anything. Just like any other guru, if you don't pose a question, the guru remains silent. The gurufield is something like that. You need to ask them. To ask these questions, you need to have a little bit of a clue. Then only you can ask about what it is. The more you know, the more things will be given to you to explore. There is a use of this.

While illusion is full of repetition, will the evolution reset fully and everything repeats again as it has happened? Progress so far?

Yes, that's what I am saying. That there are resets. It happens very quickly, actually. But nothing is totally destroyed, you see. Whatever remains picks up from there. So why is human DNA almost identical everywhere? Because there was a reset. Only these survived, you see. You take a bird, for example, a parrot. How many varieties of parrots? Amazing, isn't it? You take a dog or cat, how many varieties, how many subspecies are there? Hundreds. You take humans - one. A slight difference between color, shape of the nose etc. What happened? Who cleared out this mess of humans? There were many kinds. It resets. Whoever survives becomes the seed for the next. So you can see that the seed has grown a lot in the last 25,000 years. Now there will be another reset. People keep claiming that tomorrow it's going to end. Every time there's a new date. That's stupidity, isn't it? But there will be a reset, when? we don't know.

What is the consequence of an enlightened person ending their own life?

The consequence is very bad. Just like any other person committing suicide, killing themselves, has a bad consequence. First thing, an enlightened person is not going to end their life. He's not enlightened, that means, isn't it? Not enlightened at all. There's no knowledge there. Stupid person. So the one who killed himself, that Buddhist monk, was a politically oriented fellow, isn't it? And he was criticized by other monks for too much involvement in the world. You see, these Buddhist monks, they can be like a rock, they can be stone-hearted sometimes, especially the Zen people. Looks like they have no heart at all. Instead of sympathizing, they're laughing at this. Yes, because it's stupid, isn't it? Not enlightened at all. If you have the knowledge, you will utilize your human life. If you want more knowledge, you will come here again and again. There's nothing wrong in human life. What is the problem? You're repeating the same suffering. That is the problem, isn't it? Nothing is wrong with humans. You can come here to enjoy it. Come here to watch the show. Like I told you, this is a very grand show going on here. Just killing yourself because some political stuff happened - that is stupidity.

Yes, they will be stuck. There will be consequences. Nothing to worry about. He will be born again and he will get the knowledge again. But it will be delayed by a few thousand years. Now, who wants that kind of delay? You don't. If your flight is delayed by half an hour, you become really impatient. When I say a few thousand years, then it is a disaster because you see there is something called the lower worlds. You kill yourself and you have no place in this physical world. No place in the higher world, obviously. Then you end up in the lower worlds. The naraka or the ghost realms, whatever they call it in English. I don't know what it's called. Hell is probably too religious. But there are lower worlds and they get stuck there. So they need to evolve back up here. Or if his guru is very kind, the guru will go there and bring him up. But I don't think there is a shortcut here. An ordinary person committing suicide is already very bad. A spiritual person doing that is impossible for me to imagine. How can a spiritual person do that? Is it a corrupted form of some practice?

Actions are triggered by a causal body. With the same logic, suicide would happen. Why would this happen?

Yes, you are right. There is impurity in the causal body that is causing this thing. It is just impurity, whatever we call affliction, mental disorder. So, sometimes it is a consequence of your present karmic issues. You acquire it in the present lifetime. But if you are born suicidal, there are people like this, that means the societal tendency is continuing from the previous lifetimes and these people have a defective causal body. As I said in the last meeting, the afflictions can go into the higher layers. It is possible. They are stored there forever. The phobias and all these things, people are born with these things. There are defects in the causal body. It is not impossible to treat them. You need a doctor who has access to the causal body. Very few are there, you can imagine. Not any normal doctor will be able to do that. You need access to the “other side”, like they say. The doctor who can treat the higher layers, who can clear the afflictions from these mental layers, always has assistance from the other side. You know what is the other side, the non-physical side, we have this kind of assistance. If you want, you can develop it. They are called the gurufield. They will show up if you want to treat somebody, although it is not guaranteed. Yes, but if you are committed to the spiritual paths, then many people are ready to help you. They are sitting there. Their job is to help seekers. Why don't you ask? Simply ask. The defects in the causal body also can be removed. You need some assistance. While being physical, we cannot even see what is there, we cannot see our own causal body. There is a lot of software. Only a software engineer can do the job. Just call the second level support. You will be given some assistance.

Is all suffering precious gems for seekers, since they gracefully highlight the ignorance?

You can use a knife to cut the vegetables and you can use a knife to cut your finger also, suffering is like that. You can use the suffering for jumping into the spiritual world or you can suffer forever. So they become precious gems only when they are used in this way, like a tool, a jumping platform for the next level of evolution. We can use them because what is suffering showing? Suffering is showing a defect. If you can see the defect and if you clear the defect, it's sudden evolution, sudden jump, transformation.

But if you keep suffering - “No, I don't want to go to the guru. No, I don't want a spiritual path. No, I'll just suffer here. Somebody else is responsible for my suffering. I'll just take revenge again and again” - That means you're cutting your own finger. This will never end the suffering. So there are lucky few who can see that their suffering is their own doing, they do self-correction, they seek help from a guru. Don't be shy. Seek help. Help is here, isn't it? And then that suffering can be utilized, like I said. If you can see what kind of ignorance is causing my suffering, it is my own obviously, I'm the one who is responsible for my suffering, that now becomes a tool. That is why I say, people come on the spiritual path because of these two reasons. One is suffering and the second is curiosity. Curiosity, you can say, is a small kind of suffering, a refined suffering. What is curiosity? “I don't know.” It's an uneasiness of not knowing, a suffering, a very refined suffering. There can be many kinds of suffering and we can utilize some of them and then get rid of the others. Not really necessary. They're useless.

Once you know what the job of suffering is, you have taken advantage of it, then you need to let go of it. Don't keep suffering because I need to evolve more. No! There is something called the path of suffering where evolution happens because you are suffering and there is a proper path of spirituality where we consciously evolve. You don't need suffering to evolve. Intelligently, consciously, with awareness, we evolve with intention. Intelligence means using the intention to evolve, not suffering. Use the tools, use the guru, use the knowledge, use the scriptures, use the prayers, use the non-physical, use the tantra. Whatever is your thing, use it. Don't suffer. Those who are suffering, they just rush into spirituality, as there is now an urgency.

Session 113

Can you kindly elaborate on contemplation? Is it an ego activity, a last step in the illusion? Is it like watching the empty experiencer doing nothing while life unfolds? Are there rules, stepping stones, or traps in contemplation?Is the object of contemplation irrelevant since the goal or goal of bliss can be found in any form? Is it an ego activity, is contemplation an ego activity?

No, I don't think so. It is an activity of the intellect. You already know what egoic activity is. It is the one that creates the identity. It says “I” after every event that happens, it classifies the event as me, mine, or not mine. Never forget “not mine”, that is also ego. “Not me” - that is also an egoic activity. Once this division has happened - me and not me, it appears as a thought. So sometimes we confuse the intellect with the ego and the ego with intellect. Actually, the ego is a part of the intellect but it is not as evolved as the intellect. So we have divided this one layer into two. We say that the lower intelligence is egoic in nature and the higher intelligence is not egoic in nature. Higher intelligence can actually disable the ego. It can see its activity and it can command it and the actions can be stopped. You already know all these things. And one of the activities of the higher intellect is transcending survival and thinking or knowing that which is hardly useful for survival. That is what we call contemplation. So egoic activity is something different. It is mostly about survival. It is trying to survive and so it generates these thoughts that are helpful in survival. But most of the time, these thoughts are of no use for gaining knowledge. Actually, they are a hindrance to your knowledge. So contemplation is totally opposite of egoic activity.

Last step in the illusion? Not at all ! I think, It is an illusion itself. Contemplation is happening in the illusion. What is this illusion saying? That I am the illusion. This is very strange. This is happening. There is an ability in us that we can cut the illusion using the illusion. There is an ability in us, we can cut the mental activity that is producing illusion using the mind itself. This intellect is very strong. It can cut through illusion. It never gains any knowledge of what is not illusion because there is nothing to know there. It simply sheds ignorance. Ignorance is in the form of blind beliefs, assumptions, indoctrination and who knows what. It is something which sees through the illusion but it does not know the reality. Remember this. Contemplation can only cause the assumptions or beliefs to disappear when checked thoroughly, this is called rationality. These unfounded beliefs can be dropped. That is all contemplation is doing. It is not the end of illusion. It may look like that, oh, it has finally cut through the illusion but illusion continues. So probably I don't understand what you mean by the last step in the illusion. Do you mean that there is no illusion after this? But that is not true. The whole thing is happening in the illusion.

Is it like watching the empty experiencer doing nothing while life unfolds? No! Contemplation can be of many types. He says watching the experiencer, it is impossible, isn't it? Who is there to watch the experiencer? Slight impurity in the language but no problem. I got your point. Being the experiencer, knowing that I am the experiencer, which means awareness and letting everything happen. No, it is not like this. Contemplation is reflecting upon what is happening. It is not simply sitting. When you contemplate the events that are happening in your life, it is an activity. The mind is active, the intellect is active here. And sometimes in contemplation, you can forget the experiencer. It is possible. So, I think your past training is coming in between here. In some of the traditions, contemplation means awareness. Contemplate your true nature. What are you going to contemplate there? You simply remain aware. I am this witness. I am this experiencer. That's all. So, it may mean that in this context. But on the path of knowledge, contemplation is active thinking using the intellect. Using the intellect for something more than survival. It is not inactivity like in other paths. We don't put the mind to rest in the case of the path of knowledge.

Are there rules, stepping stones, or traps in contemplation? Yes, there are rules. Yes, it must be done under the guidance of a teacher. Otherwise, it is simply thinking. And you know what is thinking. It is just a tangled stream of thoughts here and there. It's just running here and there. Random chaos of thoughts. That is thinking. It's not contemplation. There is an article on my blog called the Art of Introspection. Introspection means the same thing. Introspection is more interesting because it is “looking within” - intro-spect-ion. So, I sometimes use these two words. But they mean the same thing: juggling thoughts about the nature of reality, the nature of the experiencer, the nature of existence, all the philosophical matters. Trying to find the truth of it. Trying to compare your thoughts with your experience and so on. Everybody is most welcome to read - The Art of Introspection. And it also gives you a hint of the gurufield while contemplating/introspecting. You can connect to the greater memory, and from there you get hints. You get a little bit of push from there, from the gurufield. You will be given a new thought. You will be told that, look, this thought is not correct. And sometimes you will see that it is beyond the ability of this particular intellect, which you call “my intellect”.

So, there is a metaphysical angle also which I have mentioned, which nobody else mentions. It is much more than thinking. It is direct seeing, and then utilizing your means of knowledge to gain knowledge and then remain established in the knowledge. So, yes, there are these rules. And you should not forget the three steps of the path of knowledge. Listening, contemplating, and abiding. You can actually insert one more step there, which was not there in the traditional path of knowledge, which is writing. I have introduced this step because of the modern limitations on the mind. It is a distracted mind. And you don't have three or four years to train for it. You want the results now. So, we have used this shortcut of writing. Sometimes I mention that now there are four steps. Listening, writing, thinking, and abiding.Thinking is simply verification.What is there? What was said? Is that right? Is it wrong? Is it accurate? Is it faulty? Is it logical? Not logical? And then beautiful thoughts will emerge in your mind. Realizations will happen and you will get hints, inspirations automatically. This is the whole process. These are the stepping stones. If you contemplate without listening to the guru, you know what happens. It is like a totally monkey mind.There is nobody who is guiding the thoughts. So, the newcomers, you can see in their questions and in their discussion, just chaos of thoughts. Nothing makes sense. So, I hold the hand of the mind and guide it how to think. All my discussion is like this only. Holding the hand of the intellect. “Look, this is how we think. I am showing it”. So, nothing to worry because I started like this only. I had no idea how to think. Simply copied the teachers. What do they think? How do they find faults? How do they detect what is illogical? You need to see these things. You need to copy these things from the masters. So, these are the stepping stones.

Is the object of contemplation irrelevant since the goal of bliss can be found in any form? Yes, whatever you are thinking about is not going to give you bliss. Bliss is already there. That is what you need to know. You need to realize that bliss is the background of contemplation. It is not obtained by contemplation. What happens is the contemplation kills the unwanted thoughts by replying to these queries that are happening in the mind. Why is this so? What is that? Who is this? All these questions are there. And when the knowledge is there, these questions can be answered and they do not arise.

And then you find peace. “Oh, everything is settled now”. It will look as if the mind is not working now. It will look like peace. It is just silencing all the questions, all the doubts, all the confusion is gone. So now peace can be found. Sometimes that is misunderstood as bliss. But no, the bliss was always there. Even while the contemplation or the thoughts are going on. So yes, that is right. It is irrelevant what you are thinking about. As soon as the questions are dropped, there is bliss. Okay, hopefully that answered your questions. If you want to discuss it more, yes, you can ask more. Yes, try to know what is contemplation before doing it. In the program, I have called it verification for a good reason because these words can be very confusing.

People share happiness in many ways on the level of body, food, intimacy, mind, thoughts, friendship, emotions, experience, it is bliss already which is seen in every action form. I perceive that the good purpose can be sharing bliss. Please suggest how to share the bliss of experiencer with others just by sheer presence of me?

I wish there was a method to communicate your bliss to others. But fortunately, it happens. Like he said, your presence is blissful. Those who “know”, their presence is blissful. Even the most violent person can be pacified by the presence of a saint or a person who is a seer or a guru or anybody like this. Or even you because you have the necessary silence. We say that this silence is transmitted to the other person or this bliss of the guru is getting transmitted to the student or somebody else. Even animals, violent animals, become peaceful. You must have seen the pictures and you must have heard the stories. So there is a metaphysical angle here. It is a matter of catching the right vibrations. You can make an intention to make others blissful simply by making the spiritual intention. And people do that.I have seen that people make the groups and they make this kind of intention. They sit in a group and they pray for the whole world sometimes. Pray for their city or country to bring peace there. Many people are doing that. There is no technique other than simply a desire.

The proper method is to act in a knowledgeable way. Don't speak because probably the other person will not understand your philosophy.It's too much. Just act in a blissful way and the other person is going to catch this kind of bliss. They know you are blissful. They don't know the philosophy. It's difficult for them. They can see the peace radiating in your actions. That is how we share it. Simply your speech is going to cause this thing. You must have seen it. The speech of an ignorant person is kind of agitated or depressing, negative. You cannot call it transferring bliss.

It's not possible with this kind of talk. But the speech of a knowledgeable person is always positive. It's very sweet. It is slow and thoughtful and radiates with knowledge. They don't say anything which is cheap. It's not very heavy either, it is meaningful. There is pleasure in listening to such people. You can listen to them for hours. The voice is soothing. They are encouraging. They are positive. They are loving, kind and also sexually attractive. This is the speech of a gyani or anybody who is spiritual. Very attractive. And this simply transfers the bliss. So much so that the other person can feel it in their bodies. So yes, this is the technique. But the proper way is simply imparting knowledge. Presence is enough sometimes, because on the path of knowledge, knowledge is not that important, destruction of ignorance is more important. And then you are left blank, empty. This emptiness is nothing but bliss. You should not call it stopping of the mind. It is much more than that.

As we know that the law of interconnectivity says that we are all connected at all the layers of the mind. But because of the pressures of survival, the lower layers have dissociated. There are walls around those layers. But the higher layers have no such pressure. They have nothing to do with survival. Your causal body, probably very little. It has a little bit of selfishness left there. But the non-personal layers, non-individualistic layers, have nothing to do with survival. They are totally merging with everything around them in the greater memory. There the interconnection happens. When the lower stuff is silenced, the higher stuff talks. The talk is of bliss, nothing to say there. So that is the mechanism, I think. But you cannot call it a mechanism. It is just being. The interconnectivity is already there.

Is it the absolute necessity of existence to have infinite experiences of itself through infinite experiencers?

There is only one experiencer. It is necessary that there will be one experiencer because it is the existence itself. And the experiencer is not an object. You cannot count the “experiencers”. Only objects can be counted. Existence is one. No doubt about it. And it is the one that is witnessing. It has this “ability” to witness. That is what is happening. There cannot be many experiencers. I don't know what chapter you are, but these things are covered in the program. Why is there confusion in your mind? We have done the basic analysis, advanced analysis, all kinds of analysis. Have you skipped it? Or have you not reached there?

Anyway, what about the experience? He said - to have infinite experiences. How many experiences are there? One experience. This is difficult to understand actually. You do not see the experience as one object at a time. Is it possible? It's not possible. Look at your experience right now. It is a continuous stream of appearances. Let us take an example of the dream. When you are dreaming and the dream is over, you get up and somebody asks you, how many dreams were there. You will say one dream. But in the dream, there are people, there are buildings, there are cars, there are objects, there are events, there are many experiences in the dream. But when you wake up, you see it as one. There was one experience of the whole dream. You say it like this.

And let us take another example. You went on a trip somewhere, a good place. That is one whole experience for you. We also ask you, how was your experience when you visited this country or this place? And then you break it down into events and people and objects. There are many “things” in the experience, there are not many experiences. Can you count the experiences? You will need to see them as separate from each other. That is impossible. The stream has no breakpoints. There are no markers in the stream of appearances which says that this experience ends here and the new one starts there. No. One complete continuous stream. It is one experience. Why is that? Why is it one? Because it is the existence. There is only one existence. Always remember - One experience, one experiencer. They are like clay and pot. The changing aspect of the clay is pots, statues, bricks and many things. But the unchanging aspect is the clay. But they are one. There is only “one” clay. It is appearing as many. The existence is like this.

Lots of confusion here. I would suggest that you understand these basic things first. Experience, Experiencer, Experiencing and Existence. These four words are the founding pillars of the path of knowledge or Advaita. If you don't understand these things, the whole thing will just collapse. It is useless. Like he said, by infinite experience I relate it with infinite individual entities. No. Individual entities are not experiencers. They are experiences. They are various forms. In this stream of experiences. So, this is a failure to recognize what is the experiencer and what is the experience. If you ask somebody who is not on the path of knowledge or does not have any spiritual training, you give them an object and you ask them, who is watching? “I am watching” “What do you mean by I am?” “My body is watching”. “Your legs and your hands are not watching. What is watching?” “My eyes are watching”. “No, the eyes are not watching”. “My brain is watching”. What has happened here is there is no clue about the experiencer. They are identifying these various objects which can be experienced as the experiencer. There are not many experiencers. These puppets are experiences. They are objects. Not the subject.

His question is, is this the only purpose of existence to have infinite experiences? Well, even if you remove the infinite word from there, is it the purpose of existence to have experience? And the answer is again - no. Can you assign a purpose to existence? There is no purpose. The purpose is simply a thought in your mind. There is no purpose to anything at all. The existence is something which cannot have a purpose. But even your ordinary things that we see around have no purpose at all. Your life has no purpose. This human body has no purpose. Nothing at all. It is all assumed. We assume the purpose based on our experience, which is our ignorance. Like, what is the purpose of your keyboard? Yes, the purpose is to type. You can say the end goal also. But give it in the hand of a one-year-old child and the purpose becomes to tear it apart, to take away all the keys. They will do it. Give them the keyboard. Any child will simply reduce it to a pile of keys or give it to a dog or to a caveman, for example. For the caveman, what is it? It does not do anything. So there is no inherent purpose in anything actually.

We project purpose on objects because they are useful for us. And then we project the purpose on the whole of existence. We try. “Okay, this keyboard has a purpose. My coffee mug has a purpose. Holds coffee. This knife has a purpose. It cuts vegetables. My fridge has a purpose that is cooling down the food. Now let's check what the purpose of existence is”. And this is faulty thinking. It is an invention of the mind. Existence is totally useless and so it has no purpose. And you can see that even things such as a distant galaxy have no purpose at all. There are millions of stars in the sky. What is their purpose? Nothing at all. What is the purpose of this whole empty space? Nothing at all. You can even say that the moon is hanging there in the sky. No purpose. You can assign a purpose to the sun because its sun is useful for survival. Look at the mountain here. What is the purpose of this mountain? Pile of dirt, stones. Who made it for what purpose? To look beautiful? You see, now you can keep thinking like this. Invent the purpose. The mountain has a forest and the forest has the animals and mother nature wanted animals. You keep coming closer to your home and suddenly everything has a purpose now. But in your home also, there is some dirt in the corner of the room. What is the purpose of that dirt? Nothing. So just think like this or simply watch the video. It is explained. Why cannot there be a purpose of existence - It is explained in the program.

Experiences are of infinite variety, right?

Yes! You see, you can allow this much inaccuracy in the words, because we cannot just remain very very tight about these words. Sometimes we use these metaphorical poetic language. There is an infinite variety there. But I will tell you that the variety is only apparent. It is the illusion of variety. What is behind the variety? There is vibration. How many varieties of vibrations are there? Basically one. It is up and down motion. Change of two states. That is all there is behind all the experiences. Do you see a variety now?

So, the variety is also an illusion. I see no variety. Even if you look at something not from the point of view of the vibration. Look at something from the point of view and the level of patterns. Isn't only one pattern repeating everywhere? Look at a tree. The branches are just small forms of the tree. The branches even continue inside the leaf. The leaf has little branches, veins in the leaf. They branch out throughout the leaf. You take a microscope and look in the leaf and you will see the same thing again. Fractal pattern. Is there variety in the tree? No. One thing repeating many times. Then look at the jungle. The tree is copy paste with slight differences. All the blades of the grass, slightly different. But they are copy paste. One DNA for all. Go to the basics and you will see that the variety is lost. How much variety is there in emptiness? The real nature of the experience is emptiness. No variety!

It is amazing that there is so much there to look at, although it is nothing. You can take the very well-known example of a computer game. There is a lot to do in the computer game, a lot of stuff to watch, the characters, wars and magic spells and so on. At the level of the hard disk, only numbers, not even numbers, binary signals. Ones and zeros, we call them. High voltage, low voltage. Two states. Isn't that beautiful? Is there a variety there? No. You won't be able to look at them for more than two seconds. Meaningless. But look at the whole world that is created out of these voltages. Just two. There cannot be less than two. There won't be any change there. More than two, redundant. Any number can be expressed as binary. You don't need more symbols. So, the whole universe is created out of these two states. And the problem is that these two states are also empty. They are of nothing. Nothing is vibrating. There is a potential of being in two states. And that's all there is. End of the story.

Now you'll say, how boring is that? The whole existence is totally boring. But look at what has happened. If you let it play, if you let the vibration vibrate, look at it. What can the vibration do? Who is this that is vibrating? There is no who, obviously. We can say that it is me. I am the whole illusion. And I am the witness of the whole illusion. End of the story. Now this can appear finite. This can go on and on in time and space. Who cares? We know it is not like this. What it is, that also we don't know. There is no need to know. Otherwise, your mind will never settle down. There is more fun in being what it is than knowing what it is. Because the knowing and all forming of the relations in memory is an intellectual activity. And the intellectual activity is vibration only. So it cannot be known. Real knowing is not-knowing. When you are happy with not-knowing, then you are established in bliss. Before that confusion, ignorance. Continue knowing till there is nothing left to know. Nothing will be left to know. Nothing is the only thing that you will know.

Isn't the whole tree now kind of meaningless? What is it doing there? Absolutely nothing. Copy paste. This is how we get detachment from the illusion. You get detached from the illusion by knowing what it is. If I don't tell you the Maya, you will remain tangled there.

Session 114

Is it incorrect to say that knowledge of Maya including concepts of vibration and memory is positive knowledge?

No, it is not incorrect to say that. The knowledge of Maya is positive knowledge and therefore it is not knowledge. As you know that anything that can be known is false. So anything that is positively known is false. Anything that is negatively known is true. Those who are new to this kind of terminology or these concepts of knowledge, they will find it very puzzling. Because this is satsang, I cannot give you the whole thing but I will give you a short version of what I mean by positive and negative knowledge.

There are two kinds of knowledge. First is the positive, the second is negative. Positive is anything which is gained through direct experience and logic. That is the only way to gain knowledge. There is no other way to gain knowledge, to get any knowledge. If you ever think that probably something is true out there, which can be known, you investigate. Who knows, you will find it. But usually, we never find it. It is an experience of some kind, which is always changing, and then it is false. What do we conclude? It is not-that which appears, Maya. It is not-that. It is not what it seems to be. That means it is negative knowledge. That means the belief was dropped. So that is the way we proceed. Drop everything that we have assumed. Then it takes you to the being level, which is just being. There is no need to know. There is no compulsion, no anxiety to know anything because you have investigated everything and you found that everything comes out to be negative. The conclusions are negative.

Now you may play with it for a while. I have a doubt that this is the thing which sounds interesting as positive. Investigate. Then again it comes out to be negative. So, it can be played to find out. And this should not be done prematurely, like you get on the path of knowledge and say, okay, drop everything. There is nothing to know. And that means your boat is sinking. You need to go through the forest of knowledge then emerge out in the clear area, clear ground of not-knowing. Before that, you have gone through the forest of ignorance. It is very easy to drop the ignorance because it is causing suffering. It is difficult to drop the knowledge because it gives us confidence. It gives us material benefits. It gives us satisfaction and happiness, and intellectual people love it. It is difficult, but there is no hurry. You will drop it. If you have a guru, the guru ensures that you don't delude yourself with knowing. If you don't have a guru, it can take time because this knowledge eventually turns into ignorance. It eventually turns into suffering. Ignorance is suffering.

In some states, like dreams, we have the ability to create things. What is the process behind it? How does the local memory create a vibration in that state which then appears as various things? What is creating the vibration by what process?

Never use the word "we" in such situations. We use the word "we" only when we are talking in an informal way. There is an ability to create. You can say it like this. There is an ability that things appear but nobody is there to create anything. There are impressions stored in the memory and they appear when there are favorable situations. The favorable situation here is that your attention is on that memory. In the waking state, your attention is on the waking memory and the things are appearing there also. In the dream state, your attention is on the dream memory which is a shadow of whatever happened in the waking state and then it starts appearing. The memory appears as experiences. This is the whole process.

Now, we can ask a question, how is the memory getting converted into experiences? Now, there is a problem with this question. How is the memory vibration getting converted into experiences of the elemental irreducible qualities? Memory itself is experience. You see, the vibrations, the memory, this local memory, the mechanisms, they are our concepts. They are our scientific ideas to explain the experience. Never assume that there is a fundamental thing called memory or vibration or patterns of vibration and then they are getting converted into experience. No, it is not like this. What is fundamental is the experience. Colors, shapes, sounds, touch, smell. These are fundamentals. You cannot reduce them to anything. And then we assume a process which must be behind this. There is no process which is doing the reverse conversion. There is an explanation of what is being experienced. The explanation is so beautiful. It is so satisfactory. Intellect loves it. So scientific, no? So all the great scientists are telling this - there is vibration and there is this standard model and then it becomes molecules and crystals. That is what is seen as matter and all we perceive is matter. It is the cart before the horse. You need to put the horse before the cart. Otherwise, it's not going to go anywhere. The cart does not pull the horse. The horse pulls the cart. What is the cart here? Science is the cart. The experience is the horse. The experience pulls the science behind it. Science is lame without understanding. When you put the horse and cart together in the right way, it's useful, isn't it? You can go from one place to another. That is the whole use of these explanations.

We form the models and scientific theories and we test it. This mathematical formula tells me how objects are formed out of vibrations. That is very beautiful. But as soon as you ask the question, what is the process that is converting my imaginary concepts into “real” experiences? Let us take the experience as real for this purpose. You can see now that this question is wrong. This question is coming from this misunderstanding that there is a reality behind the vibrations and memories and all. No, they are convenient metaphors.

All there is, is experience, and that is also appearance. That is also coming and going. That is also false. You describe the false with another false. It is a funny process but works. That is why I say in the illusion, only illusion works. There is nothing else there to describe the illusion but the illusion. The laws of the mind, the cause and effect, these are all concepts. The karmic laws and whatever we talk about in the field of tantra and sciences, all are false as an explanation of the false. This whole game is being played in the intellect and the whole intellect is false.

The intellect arises out of knowledge, interconnection of experiences, logical relationships among experiences and it is false. This whole game is there only to pacify the intellect to start a cutting down process and it is not that you will lose your memory and you will lose your knowledge after you give up the knowledge. No, it is there in the memory. It is useful for some purposes but we do not take it so seriously. We do not call it truth. We use it. It is useful. Like when you want to delete a file on your PC, what do you do? You drag it on the trash can. There is an icon of the trash can there, recycle bin. You drag the icon of the file and put it in the recycle bin. Is there a recycle bin there? Is there a file there? No, there is memory behind it. That's all. It is appearing in this form but the whole thing is useful, isn't it? Gets your work done. You clean up your desktop and your folders. Your work is done. So, a convenient metaphor.

How will I be aware in the dream state?

Are you aware right now? If you are not aware right now, there is no point in worrying about the dream state. It is like, I want to buy a Ferrari. Okay, how much money do you have? Nothing. My pocket is empty. So, there is no point in thinking about the Ferrari. Which Ferrari do I want? Black color or red color or any other color? There is no point in worrying about the Ferrari when you have nothing in your pocket. What do you want? You want a job. Worry about the job. Same way, worry about your ignorance. Do you have ignorance? Yes! Then take up a path. Take up proper means to clear your ignorance. What has happened is that you have heard that somebody could be aware in a dream. Okay, that is a great thing to do. And I will tell you there is nothing wrong with these things. Even children can do that. But that is not spirituality. That is not progress. That is not awareness. That is ignorance. So, shed your ignorance. First, take care of your ignorance. Know first. Get the knowledge first. Then worry about these childish things. Toys. What will you achieve if you become aware in a dream? It is still a dream. It is totally useless. Leave the ignorance and look for knowledge. Remove your fundamental ignorance.

With the knowledge of the experiencer, there is a feeling of detachment. Then how to grow the spiritual intention needed for knowing illusion?

I'll tell you one thing, you don't need to know the illusion. Who told you that you need to know the illusion? Discard it as illusion. If you have so much detachment in you that there is no interest in knowing what this thing is, discard it. Completely useless. You will say, no, no, I need to remain alive. I need to earn my bread and butter and eat and whatever, look after my family and all. Yes, that much illusion you should know. And that much everybody knows. Even an illiterate person knows how to survive in the illusion. There is no need to know beyond that.

How can I grow spiritual intention? See, it comes from interest. If you are really interested, there will be an intention. If I say, okay, take the flight tomorrow, go to Delhi, you'll ask me, why? “Are you not interested in going to Delhi?” And you say, no, I'm not interested. “You don't have any intention to go to Delhi?” And you say, no. Then you should not go, you see? You should not listen to me then. Similarly, if there is no interest in the illusion, there is no intention. It's total detachment from the illusion. You don't need to learn about it. It's very simple, isn't it? Try to know what is interesting for you. That is your path. If somebody else is pushing you on something, not your path.

Session 115

As I understood there is nothing like illusion or reality because all is existence. There cannot be any illusion beyond existence and experiences. Then why should we use the word illusion? Instead of that, limited experiences would be the proper word. Please clarify.

Yes, you can use limited experiences. Nothing wrong with it. The limited experiences are illusory. So even if they are unlimited experiences, they will be illusory. There is no experience in the non-dual state. It is not defined there. There is no experiencer also in the non-dual state. At the topmost reality all is existence. So there is nothing like illusion or the truth there. There is nothing true, nothing false in existence. But when it is divided into experience and the experiencer by the mind, by the mental activity, now the true and false appear. All that which appears, comes and goes is illusory, is false. Very simple. That is why we use the word illusion because it is very clear what we are talking about. We are not talking about the essence. When we use the word truth, not illusion, then we are talking about something which is the essence of existence. Essence of the whole existence is me. So if I use the phrase “limited experiences”, you will not get this knowledge out of it. As soon as I use the word illusion for the experiences, which are simply another aspect of existence, you get the whole knowledge.

So that's why I say that these words have been used for many thousand years and we see no need to change them. They are so perfect. Everything has been defined so precisely, we don't need to change it. If somebody comes on the path of knowledge, watches a video for five minutes, only two days in the path of knowledge, and he wants to change everything. He wants to change all the words and that is not really intelligent. First learn all the words, the definitions, check your experience. Is it like this or not? And if you need to change something, you can change it. Then you should define it precisely, simply renaming illusion as something else is totally useless because as soon as you change something, nobody is going to understand why you did this. What is the meaning of this new word? Then you will need to explain it again. Then whenever you talk to somebody, you will need to define it again and again. Nobody will understand you.

What is the purpose of language? That it is a means of communication. And if you change willy-nilly, the words and sentences and spellings, then nobody understands it. The purpose is defeated. That is why I'm so strict about language, you are in the system now, you are in the program. So you must use only those words in that language, which are in the program. Nobody is allowed to change anything. Once you are done with the program, then you are free to call anything as anything, use any language, insert Chinese words there, insert Korean words or Russian words. Nobody will bother you. So we use mostly English words and sometimes we use Sanskrit words. Whenever there is no English word, we use Sanskrit words. Sometimes we use Sanskrit to emphasize the English word. I usually say Maya sometimes because I want to make it clear what we are talking about. The illusion is not the illusion produced by the magician here. We are talking about the Maya, which is the original concept in Advaita. Sometimes I say Guru because there is nothing like that in English. There are these words, teachers and masters, but Guru is something related to spiritual knowledge. So we use these words and when it is absolutely clear what they mean, we don't change them. It is not justified, especially when they cause confusion. You can change them if it makes it clear.

Like that day somebody was saying, “by experiencer I mean all the people”. No, you cannot make it mean something else when you are in the program. There is a precise definition of the experiencer. There is a precise definition of a person. Person is an illusion. Person is the body-mind-machine and there is a precise definition of the experiencer that it is the existence, which is witnessing. Now why he thought of making the person as an experiencer is beyond anybody. It simply means that these people are very new and discipline is lacking there. Mental discipline. I am not saying that obey me and then you will get the knowledge. No, you need to make yourself like that. Be precise, define, otherwise your mind will cook up a noodle soup of words. You will not know what it is. Nobody will know. Nobody will understand your question and therefore you will get either the wrong answer or you will not get any answer, you see. Mental discipline. Extremely logical, extremely rational, extremely precise and then there is some hope of getting some knowledge.

Being in the waking state practices, I realized being an experiencer is always associated with the present moment. But what does it mean?

Experiencer is there in the present. Experiencer is there in the past and the experience is there in the future. Why? Because it's timeless. When is the past, it is now. When is the future, it is now. The experiencer is always now. But the memory can be there. You can see that there was no awareness, there was no knowledge of it when it happened. But the experiencer is always there. So when can you be aware? You can be aware now only because awareness is not a memory. Awareness is simply realization - I am the witness. I am that which experiences the illusion. This much is awareness. This thought, this knowledge, this intelligence is the awareness. Now when can this come? This can come only now. And if it happens related to a past memory, no problem at all. It is still good. Don't think that, "Oh, that event, it happened without awareness, in darkness, totally mechanically." So now it is useless to think about it. No, you can become aware like this, that look, that happened and there was no awareness. The mind knows nothing about the past, nothing about the future. Actually, the mind will simply take it as it is happening now and you are aware now.

Sometimes I give a ritual-like thing that you sit down and, like a video you play back the event in your mind. And this time it should be witnessed with full awareness. The mind knows no difference between what is being played and what is really happening. It has no way to know it. That is also an illusion. It will think that it is the real event, but now it is happening in awareness. So the karmic substance that was the dirt that was taken on when there was no awareness will be neutralized. Now when you're playing it back in awareness, it is some kind of forgiving.

There are three steps of awareness, initially you will be blown away by the events in life. Won't be any awareness, which is not a big thing, actually. That is how you've lived, a normal thing. But then after a few days or a few hours, the awareness comes. "Oh, it happened without knowledge." This is very natural that we come to know that some events happened without awareness. There's nothing to worry about. The mind has no way to distinguish the past from the present. And the experiencer, well, for it, the past means nothing at all. The stream of sounds, visions, emotions and thoughts, for experiencer, is the same thing. You can be aware of the past like this. Bring in the awareness of that event. You already know how to do it in the present moment. It is not a job that you need to do. It is a state that you need to be in. It is more awake than the usual wakefulness. It is with knowledge. The intellect is filled with knowledge while it is doing the ordinary task of handling the situation. You don't need to do anything extraordinary also. And you will find that you are actually not inclined to do anything at all. All that is unnecessary will not be done if your intelligence is illuminated by awareness.

Remember, awareness is just another layer of intelligence. Just another layer of the memory where the thought is, "I am the experiencer." It is filled with knowledge/light. So you will see, you are doing the same ordinary things. The activities are reduced by 90 percent. And then you do whatever you do with full awareness. Don't forget. Remember, it's not going to cause a karmic deposit in the causal body. Nothing to worry at all. It is burnt. It is gone. What will be deposited in the memory is the awareness that illusion happened and I was aware of it. That much impression will be there in your memory, which is good, isn't it?

Because it will be very useful in the next birth. You will be born aware. See how beautiful it is. Because the impressions are being stored in the causal body. If you spend most of your life like this, especially the end time of your life, the old age, if it's spent in awareness, you will find that you're born in awareness with the whole knowledge of everything, including the worldly knowledge of arts and sciences, skills, and you get to choose your birth. And it is kind of beyond your current knowledge, but all this will happen, which a seeker dreams of.

Being aware before the event happens, that is the ability that very few people have. It is not planning to become aware. It is becoming aware of what will be the result of my actions. You become aware of that event even before it has happened. So that you are absolutely ready when it happens. Like you are meeting somebody whom you don't like. Can be anybody, relative or your boss or anybody. And once you decide to do that, from there onwards, you can start thinking about how the reactions will be there. And what is my habitual reaction, what is the habitual reaction of that person and so on. There will already be fear, anger and negativity in you, competition, jealousy, whatever is there, attraction, lust, anything. You need to become ready for that in full awareness. And when that event happens, you will see that it goes very smoothly. It will always be like this. You don't need to do too much. You can get away without acting sometimes.

Strange events will start happening to you. People will start asking questions, they will ask for guidance, answer them as much as you can. And if they show more interest, that I want to do it systematically or they ask who is your guru, can I meet him and so on, send them to me. Send them to anybody who is ahead in the program. Or you just send them a link to the program. You see, I learned it from this. They say, "No, I don't want the program." Send them the video, the playlist, Path of Knowledge playlist, series of videos. That is the right thing. And I'll say that if you find that somebody is not able to handle it, too much burdened by their beliefs, then don't engage with this person.

This brief interaction becomes a seed in their mind. One day they will be ready. This is like ignition. They had to come to you and they had to ask a question, even though they did not learn anything from it. It is like seeding. So I get these people a lot. They talk to me for two minutes, and then they go away because they want to do something else, or they are a totally hopeless case that I give up. I say, "Come after 10 years or something." That is a little bit of ignition. Gurufield wanted that person to get in touch with you. And one out of ten will appreciate it, they will understand what you are doing, what you are saying. And that is a proper candidate for the path of knowledge. Then you should take extra effort to bring him or her on the path. They will come to you because you are very happy and your talk is very attractive. Whatever you say is just absolutely true. Sometimes you say things that are going to happen in the future. You do these little miracles to them. There is tremendous attraction in your voice and your personality. So you can take advantage of that. You can show them light. If there is a potential, it will catch fire instantly. I see this. This is happening to me every day. When exactly the right person meets me, I feel very happy.

Session 116

What is this duality in illusion? Does everything in duality have its opposite in existence?

Zero cannot become something. There is only one mechanism for the zero to become something and that is it creates an opposite pair. Now you need not take it very literally, it is a poetic description. It is a metaphor that the zero cannot become one or two or three or four, it is not possible. So the zero becomes minus one plus one. Look at it like this from the mathematical point of view. Minus one plus one equals zero or you can say minus two plus two, anything but opposites. It needs to be the opposite pair for the end result to be zero. The sum must come out to be zero because that is the essence of existence. If zero cannot become anything, how to create? It can split into opposite pairs so that it remains effectively zero, empty, and still gives an appearance of something. Metaphorical description it is, but in reality it is impossible to know what is this illusion, what is this duality, it is beyond human intellect.

This question is very old, very often it is asked how emptiness can appear to be something and you must have seen this many times that I answer it like this. There is an appearance of something, it has not become anything. There is a potential which is appearing and because of the necessity, which we also call laws, it appears in a specific way. The question also says why this way? Why is there a layered structure, why are there irreducibles, why is there a changing experience, why it is changing, why time, why space, why worlds, why creatures and bodies, all these “why's” don't have any answer really, the only answer is - it is necessary. Once the vibration starts, this is the outcome, it is very mechanical, it is a computation, it starts and this will happen, it is necessary, nothing else can happen.This is the answer, which people don't find satisfactory, they always need something magical, he did that and she did that and one day the world appeared and that is childish.

So there is only one way for the appearance to be there. It is necessary that it will be dual, cannot be anything. How can emptiness turn into something, even an illusion? Emptiness is breathing, now another metaphor here, the emptiness is alive, and the breath is always outward and inward, can anybody guess from which tradition this metaphor is? The existence breathes, inverts and then goes outwards and continues. It is dual, it is balanced, the breathing is balanced by this action. This is breathing, it will always be equal and opposite. You will see this law everywhere, like they say, gender is manifested in every layer of the existence, this is the hermetic principles, polarity and the pendulum swings, the opposites neutralize and the neutral become opposites, polar, there is positivity, negativity in everything, this is called the principle of gender and then there is one more hermetic saying that the rhythm compensates, you see how beautiful this is. The breathing, although it goes in one direction, it goes in the other direction eventually, it always compensates, the result is always zero, why? Because it started from zero, so rhythm compensates, even though it is dual, it is not static, it is dynamic and the dynamism appears as change and as time in the physical manifestation, in this world, change appears as time and why is there change? Because of this compensating behavior, the emptiness has gone too much in one direction, now it must return and because of its momentum it goes in the other direction, it cannot stop, then returns back, rhythm compensates.

This same thing is known by various names in Indian philosophies, various names, the dance of the Shiva, dance of the Shakti and obviously we call it the naad or the Brahmanaad which is given to you as the vibration. Look at the vibration, the sine wave is the simplest vibration, it is the dance, like the Shaiv tradition does not acknowledge the Shakti so much, so they make the Shiva dance, but the Shatk tradition do not acknowledge Shiva that much, so the Shakti, she is dancing, she is dancing in many forms, traditionally nine forms, there can be more, so what do we say on the path of knowledge or the Advait tradition? It is the vibration, look at the beauty of the sine wave, it is a circular vibration, not any other vibration, like that day somebody was asking what is the reason that you chose the sine wave to represent the vibration, I said don't even think that the vibration is sine wave, it is all metaphor, it is all scientific notation, vibration is circular and the sine wave is circular.

The dynamism is shown there in the pattern of the sine wave, that is responsible for change. This is one of the concepts that why is there change, how is the emptiness appearing as dual forms? There has to be duality, there has to be dynamism. When I say dynamism, I don't mean movement, not at all, movement is manifestation in the physical form, there is no movement actually, it is dynamism and In Hindi I am calling it as Anubhav Kriya, in English I call it Experiencing. Today I am using a different word, but the proper word is Experiencing, there is Experiencing. That is the dynamic quality of existence. You all know about the static aspects of it. There are static aspects, there are dynamic aspects. There is everything here, but the dynamic is not movement, the dynamic is not motion, it is simply possibility. The emptiness has the possibility to split like this in vibrating patterns. How? Why? That is the only necessity. There is no other way and nothing else can happen.

I tried to imagine what else can happen in the emptiness. I could not find anything except this splitting or breathing or dynamism or experiencing. And the rest of the experience is just a consequence. It's a mechanical, logical, computational consequence of this breathing pattern, dynamism, Shakti. If your mind has gone to sleep, it is good, because do not think. These things cannot be thought of. Just listen. It is totally beyond intellect. What is happening in emptiness is totally beyond intellect. It is all poetry. So, it answers a lot of questions. You see, silences the intellect. Because it's so beautiful, isn't it? It matches with our direct experience and logic. It cannot be anything else. Yes, there is nothing to think here. The thought happens when there is a possibility of doubt. Is it like this or is it like that? That is the thought. When everything is necessary, everything must be as it should be. Then is there a possibility of thought? Is there a question now? Why is it happening? No. When you say 2 plus 2 is 4. Nobody is asking you why. It is too obvious there. The clarity is too much. Brightly obvious like a day. It cannot be anything. Nobody questions it. We call it self-evident. It is self-evident.

If you don't like the answer, do some other kind of mathematics. If you want to verify the answer, look, count, it will be 4. You want to disprove it, do whatever you want. Won't be able to disprove it. Same way, do not ask why. That implies that you are not seeing. Those who see, they don't ask why. It is okay if you ask why. It's not a problem. But the description will always be like this. Look, isn't it like this? And you say yes, yes, it is like this. There is duality. There cannot be anything else. It is a necessity. Yes, 2 plus 2 is 4. That is what is going on here. And the emptiness cannot be anything but dual. A pair, opposite pair. It cannot be anything except dynamic. Cannot statically remain as opposite pairs.

When the motion happened from 0 to plus 1 or 0 to minus 1, the dynamism was introduced. Now we don't understand it, that is difficult. But that gave rise to the vibration. Now, deal with it. Now it has exploded like anything. Now we don't have any option. You see, there is no going back now. You can only realize that nothing real has happened here. This was a possibility and it is still a possibility. There can be people who don't agree with this, okay, no issues. It will never satisfy, nothing will satisfy you except this explanation, because this is the minimal explanation with least assumptions in it. And it matches with our experience. And it has been established for many thousand years now.

Can you talk about the placebo effect?

The effect is that doctors have observed that patients get cured even when they are given a medicine that is fake, that is just a sugar pill, or any other medicine, any medicine which is harmless will be given, aspirin or something, without telling them the name of it, or sometimes they lie that this is the biggest medicine in the world, very expensive medicine, breakthrough medicine, and they say that even the patients who cannot be cured for the diseases, where there is no cure, they get cured. This is called the placebo effect. Now you can always google it, but I am not going to tell you the google story, I am going to tell you the spiritual side of it.

The placebo is the proof of mind over matter.

You see, there is no matter, that's what I am saying. I will tell you the real story now, not the google story. Doctors know nothing about it at all, nothing. World is an illusion, the body is an illusion. It is a creation of the mind. We are going to use the word “mind”, because otherwise it becomes very difficult to understand. So just imagine that this memory structure with all its activities, all of it, from the unmanifested to the unmanifested, and everything in between is called mind, chitta. So this has produced the illusion. This is the bottom line. This thing, the NPNM memory, is responsible for the whole illusion. One of the illusions appears as the body, which is a layer in this structure. Everything else is one or the other layer. So this body is a layer, it is a part of the, whatever you call it, physical world, which is a layer actually, the whole physical world is a layer in this NPNM structure, the body is a part of it. So it is non-physical in nature, the body is non-physical already, it appears physical or you call it physical, because it is relatively stable, and it is rule-bound, because it is part of a rule-bound world. Now the rules are physical in nature, but that is not all, that much you will find in any literature on magic and spirituality, that is not all, the real rules are the rules of the memory, laws of the memory, or laws of the mind. The physical laws are an approximation of that, whatever was possible was taken, and the physical world is manifested, the body is one of its components only, it's dirt only, or the five elements only. So there is nothing which is matter, there is nothing which is body, it is an illusion, it is a structure. It is very dynamic, it is changing all the time, it is very complicated. What is the mechanism of creation of the body? Intention, we call it the spiritual intention, that is the primary motivator in the emptiness, intention has created the body, or any other structure in the mind, anything at all. The body is a thought, you can say. Body is a thought produced by the will. It's a very different terminology here. You can even call it a force that is manifesting the body. In this Shakta tradition, it will be Shakti, Devi. Devi is appearing as the body, this is the bottom line. The intention, if it can produce this structure, can also modify the structure.

Now look at the placebo. They are telling you that this pill is going to cure you. Sometimes they don't even say it, okay take this pill and go home. And if a doctor is giving you the medicine, you assume that he has given it because it's going to cure me. It has a positive effect. They feel good and they recover, miracle! So yes, it works nicely, what is happening is the intention to be well is getting triggered there and the intention manifests wellness. There is no body, there is no disease, this is the whole story, the disease is created by bad intention, if you want you can create a disease right now, actually I don't tell you this technique because people can misuse it but you can google it, it is called Nocebo, this is the opposite of placebo, you can create a disease right now in your body simply by intention. You don't believe me? You need to experiment, but then don't hold me responsible that I was behind this thing, this can be misused to make others sick. If the doctor can cure you, the same doctor can actually cause the disease simply by telling you that you have the disease. I have seen all this happening with my eyes, I have gone through this effect. I learned a lesson never to do this because you don't know how powerful this thing is, it is more powerful than the tantra.

How do people come to know about these things? Probably you can google it, that story will be there on the internet somewhere, it is very famous. What happened is that some medical students were given books about some diseases to read and about 50 to 60 percent of the students got the disease simply by reading about the disease. Now you will say this is madness. If I read about me being a millionaire it never happens. I keep dreaming, I have a very strong intention that I become a millionaire overnight, never happens, but the bad things happen quickly. You can say that we are in a little bit of a negative portion of the universe here. So yes, the bread falls on the buttered side, this is the saying in parapsychology, we wish it fell on the dry side, but no. I have seen that there is a piece of dirt on my kitchen sink, it sticks and I need to throw some water many times, it won't flow into the sink easily, but if there is a gold ring or a diamond, it will head straight to the sink and it will disappear in some parallel universe there and this happens all the time.

The things you don't want, they stick. The things you want dearly, they roll down the drain. The girl you always loved will reject you, but the people you don't want, they stick to you. They won't leave you even if you die, right? They go on and on for many births. So the students got the disease simply by reading it. Now you must wonder why, because we are on the little bit negative side of the creation. Everything goes negative easily here. So the effect was so bad that they needed treatment and the treatment was also placebo. They came to know that this can happen and they got used to it. But I don't recommend anybody else to do it.

What happens is you get a sneeze or you get a temperature, you start googling these days. Like WebMD and whatever sites. Let me find out what kind of symptom it is and as soon as you start reading the symptoms, the symptoms will appear in your body. Your mind will be convinced that I have this horrible disease now. You will rush to the doctor, by the time it's too late. It happens so quickly in the body because the body is “nearest” to the mind. The body is the nearest layer to the intention-making layer, while the world is too stable and “far away”. The effect will happen there also, if you don't believe me, try it. The effect will happen even on a stone, a rock, but it is so slow and it is so tiny that we cannot detect it. But since the body is very “mind-like” it takes on the effect very quickly. That is why we prefer a positive environment. We prefer nature, we prefer good people, positive people. We cannot tolerate negative people, because, immediately, you will feel the effect in your body.

Remember the body is not physical. Only the doctor says it is physical and the doctor also knows there is something wrong with my theory. In our tradition, it is never seen as a physical object. Even the physical objects are never seen as matter. In eastern science, philosophy, they are not physical. Nothing is physical here, what is it then? Is it mental? No, the physical is just the opposite of mental. I do say mental, but I do say non-physical, but you can say NPNM. Not physical, not mental, it is what it is. It is highly open to suggestions. Suggest something, it will happen.

For a spiritual seeker the matter is worse. You don't even need to do that, there is a long past memory in your causal body and that gets manifested. When people do spiritual practice, most of the time everything is okay, but sometimes the complaint is that what kind of meditation you gave me, what kind of knowledge you gave me, everything is falling down, my body is breaking down, my mind is totally crazy now, I am a crazy person, I am not doing it, why don't you do something for me? And you can immediately see that there is some past which is showing up here. We cannot do anything about it, but then a placebo is given, the guru lies, placebo is given, look this is how it is and it is going to do this thing to you and just allow it, surrender to it and so on. It's all suggestive, open to suggestions, the world is your creation, you have lost the control panel, that is missing, otherwise everything is happening as it should, if you don't know how to do the placebo thing, which is the positive thing, don't do the nocebo thing, it cannot be reversed actually.

Is it related to the law of attraction?

No, that law is garbage, that law was invented to sell the books, the commercial law, your money from your pocket is getting attracted to that fellow who wrote the books, who perpetuated this blind belief. Nobody became a millionaire, nobody got anything, there can be a little bit of placebo effect there - “since it is written in the book, it must be true”, this kind of effect is there, you can fool the mind for a while, but no, nobody got a car by simply reading the books. So that is not the law, humans cannot do these things, you need spiritual attainment to hold the spiritual intention. I am not saying nobody can do this, there are people who can do this, we do this all the time here in the program, but it is for the purpose of knowledge, it is for a spiritual purpose only, we are using these tantric techniques, it is happening every day.

Aura shielding can help to prevent such happenings.

Yes. To counter the spiritual intention, you can use a stronger spiritual intention, and I always recommend that you do a little bit of protection, especially when you are roaming around in the dream world and other worlds. Where is the protection method? You can find it in the tantra bodhi program. Very common techniques are there, but my technique is a little bit tailored for the path of knowledge people. There is no mumbo jumbo in the technique, no gods and goddesses, so you can check it there. Highly recommended for people who are doing the projected state experiments, or even the dream experiments, or if you find yourself surrounded by these people who are doing black magic and all kinds of magic, if you have any doubts, do the technique, and do self-protection. It needs to be positive intention, that's all it needs to be actually, no method is required, but since people cannot hold it, we turn it into a ritual. Now you know all the magic by doing this, you will know the secrets, if you can do even this much, you can do anything, this is the key. Nobody teaches it openly, that is one thing, but I always disclose everything, those who are on the path of knowledge, they should know everything.

You will immediately feel the effect of a person with bad intentions. Why don't others feel it? What wrong have you done? Your structure is exposed now, your defenses are a little bit less, or you are too sensitive. Others also get it, but too much impurity or insensitivity is there, they don't even notice, and it has no effect, their lives are like this. Since you are living a pure life, you are purified by knowledge, your layers are purified now, or the purification is happening automatically, you will notice the negativity a lot. You won't be able to stand the newspaper or the news on TV or YouTube, or you won't be able to watch those violent movies now, unnecessary violence. It will affect you for at least two weeks. Mind is a very powerful thing, if it can create the whole Maya, it is peanuts for it to create a bad mood or a disease. There are people who are so sensitive that they think one single negative thought and their day is ruined. They repent, why did I think like this, something imaginary also, and the whole day is affected. They make mistakes and they are in a bad mood, they don't talk to anybody, and so on.

Awareness helps here, awareness checks that you are doing something positive all the time, don't let the negative come, and if the negative comes, if there is awareness, it gets neutralized, it does not reach the level of the body or speech, so it is neutralized there and then. This is the power of awareness, awareness is like a watchman.

Sonal is saying, could you please explain more about guru-disciple on the path of knowledge.

Knowledge is simply your own direct experience. Now why don't people know it simply by seeing, by experiencing, because there is a curtain of ignorance on them and there is this darkness in their mind. Job of the guru is to dispel this darkness, to lift the curtain and he or she does it by pointing. That is the whole story of the guru and the disciple, once the pointing is done, the curtain is lifted, the darkness is removed, it's all bright light of awareness, the disciple is the guru and the guru is the disciple, they are one, end of the story, they were always one.

I take the form of a guru to remind myself. Who am I in this dream? Guru is like an alarm clock, that's all they are. If you assign more importance to the guru, that the guru is going to do everything for me, you're deluded. If you put more importance on the guru, that means you are doubting your own knowledge and the guru can sense it and then clears this ignorance. Without a guru, nothing moves, that is the bottom line, nothing will move in your life, especially on the spiritual path. You need somebody to teach you how to put on the shoes and how to eat with a spoon and all, you need these people who have already done that. You need the teachers in the school to teach you the language and mathematics, drawing and whatever, you need teachers to teach you music etc. A teacher is necessary, especially for spiritual knowledge, because the ignorance is too deep and it is possible that this relation will remain forever. It is possible, because it happens at the highest level, highest layer. You will even see that this is a repeating pattern, like I say, cyclic thing, that one or two of these memories take on the form of the individual and they fall in ignorance and immediately there appears a counter memory to bring it out of the ignorance. Repeat infinite times, this is the play that is going on. So we cannot do anything, it is going to be like this, either you will be a guru or you will be a disciple. This is not that it will happen only to the spiritual people, rest of the people, they are in the queue, they have not developed enough to play this game. It is a game. It is a kind of joke actually, a disciple meeting the guru. It is happening in the dream, there is no guru actually, it is all me, I am dreaming that I am the guru and I am the disciple. All fake, drama, guru and disciple, it is all a joke.

From direct experience, it is observed that experiences are appearing in senses, nervous systems, and the brain which are in the body. Please help me to understand the non-locality of the experience, it is mysterious for me.

Senses are not giving you the experience, they are limiting the experience, the senses, the nervous system, brain, they are devices, they are structures in the memory that are limiting and formatting the incoming vibrations, they are not causing an experience, they are changing whatever is there into a limited form so that your intellect can grasp it. Whatever you call as knowledge can happen now. It cannot happen if a billion events that hit your memory. Knowledge is simply forming relations among the incoming experiences, it is like a database, it is like interrelations among the database. Those who are in the artificial intelligence field, they will understand it easily. Connections are formed between various patterns in the memory. The more limited they are, the more certain is the knowledge. If you don't manage them nicely you will go mad because of too many interconnections, so that is why the mechanisms in the body limit the incoming vibrations only to that much which is necessary for survival of this organism. Especially the body but also for the other layers. You are never told too much, you are never given too much, you are never shown too much, thanks to these limiting mechanisms in the layers.

Is there a critical mass of seekers which will cause a radical shift in the average awareness of mankind?

Hopefully. I'm hoping for that. No harm in hoping, but there is a possibility. But now I've settled on the reality that it is a continuous ongoing process of ripening. Even if you don't get the critical mass or a shift or anything, the process of ripening is continuous. That is the good news, isn't it? No matter what era you are in, no matter what yuga you are in, they can go up and down, but the process never stops. This is the process of spirituality, spiritual progress. Don't worry, it will never stop.

And I have stopped being impatient with it because I know like ripening, ignorance is also breeding. It is a dual world, you see. The manifestation or the structure of universal memory is a dual structure. So there will be all kinds of things here. We are not concerned with the negative part. We are concerned with the positive part which is the ripening part. And yes, we try to push it to the maximum possible. What can a single person do? Not much, but we do it anyway. We spread positivity, we spread knowledge and you counter the negativity, you counter the ignorance. We do whatever little is possible. And if you like this kind of work, then a lot of work will be given to you. You will be loaded with the work. It is called spiritual work. It has to be a selfless service only. You cannot earn money by this. Or whoever is earning money by this kind of so-called spiritual work, are not spiritual, they have turned the spiritual into material. By material, I don't mean the matter, I mean the survival business. So even that is not opposed, you see. At least they are doing something. They are doing it for money, but they are doing something, it is okay. That is a little bit spiritual, probably. 80% survival, 20% spiritual. At least they say good things, don't they? Positive things. Okay then, do it, no issues. It is possible that there will be a mini age of knowledge.

Since I am on the path of knowledge, a few days there are very intense explosions of emotions. Emotions are positive. Once emotions are passed, it is peaceful. Most days are not a roller coaster. How to handle such days with awareness? Isn't it full awareness and acceptance that whatever is happening is the right thing?

You signed up for this. It's not going to do much. That's why there is a filtering mechanism. That's why you are told to write because I can see who can handle these things, the bomb explosions. Yes, you signed up for this, now there is no going back. The bomb has exploded already. Now your option is limited here. You need to be patient, I am with you. If there is crying, it's not harmful. If there is laughing, just laugh. Let people think whatever they want to think. Don't want to eat? You don't want to work? It's fine, take a vacation. A little bit of vacation here and there and now this knowledge becomes tiring. What is this vibration? What is that? Who cares? It's all garbage. Enjoy your ripening. The more you make an issue of it, the more it will be an issue. And if you take it naturally, yes, guru told me that this will happen, guru is responsible now. Guru is handling it. I need to just sit in the passenger seat. You are taken on your journey. You know your destination. You are going home. You are not going anywhere. You are reaching home. Your path is now very, very straight. Just sit and enjoy the journey. Why is this happening? Let it happen. Why are you so worried?

Is it normal for a new seeker to get scared with the new experience?

Yes, very normal. It is the only thing that will happen if you are new. Either you accept it or stop the spiritual work, it is not for everybody. It's only for very strong people, fearless people. If you think that on the path of knowledge all I need to do is to read a lot of books. No! It will hit you like a brick. So don't get scared. If you get scared, you can always talk to the guru. If you don't have a guru, now that is scary, isn't it? Why don't you have a guru? Now you should be really afraid because you will be lost very easily. It is like a dam breaking. Who can control all these things? Who can control the broken dam ? We let the dam break and then we do a little bit of restoration of whatever is remaining there. It will not be perfect, but we do it. A new individual is there. I mean, you cannot call that thing as an individual also. Nothing is there now. So, that is why there are protection mechanisms. That is why I am so careful. Some people it is rough, I know the others can handle it. Those who cannot handle it, there's a lot of hand-holding there. That is why it was necessary in the ancient days for the seeker to stay in the ashram near the guru, in the company of other seekers. Nowadays you guys are so lazy, you don't want to do this work, you want all the material comforts and TV, husband, wife and children. And that is why it is a little bit difficult. But don't worry, we are doing whatever we can to support you. So just enjoy the ride. There is no other option. If it is not very good, still it is an adventure you can say.

I did Vipassana and now I’m experiencing sleep paralysis. I had no control over my body, but at last I could open my eyes, very frightening, please help.

Vipassana is going to heighten your awareness but it is not a permanent effect, it is a training. So, it will increase the awareness a little bit. When you fall asleep, the paralysis happens naturally. It is there to prevent the movement of the body. Should not start running if you are running in the dream. So that is a natural mechanism. What happens is you become aware of that mechanism. “I cannot move. I cannot open my eyes”. You see, nobody can open their eyes when they are sleeping. There is nothing to worry about. But you think I am awake and this is happening. No, the body is asleep. You are awake. Mind awake, body asleep. M-A-B-A. Go and search Google for this. Two words. Sleep paralysis M-A-B-A. You will get all the information.

But it is a very common thing. Since you have no guru or your guru is also not really a guru. Trainer or something. He has no clue. He does not know how to teach or he has not initiated you properly. No theoretical knowledge at all. Do the Vipassana. For what? He had no idea. So that is the problem here, people just head for the practices without first getting the knowledge. And then these things happen. Whatever happens is very natural. Ignorance makes it scary. Why did I come out of the body, I am dead. Nothing comes out of the body. Nothing is in the body. It's all appearances. It's all dreams. They are so systematic and they are so precise and rule-bound that your mind says that it is true. Why? You are never given the criteria for truth. That's why everything is true for you now.

I saw all these problems, you see. And I decided to fix it by creating the path of knowledge program. It is before you. If you go systematically the way I am suggesting, you will never get scared. If you want, you can avoid the experiences. If you want, you can have the experience. Sleep paralysis is a very peaceful experience, you see. We do it every day, actually. Very peaceful. Very, very amusing, blissful experience because there is no body. The body is the source of all the troubles, isn't it? Most of your desires are related to the body. Most of your fears are bodily. That is what needs to survive. Everything hinges around the body. That is taken away when you are resting, and fall asleep. Can you call it sleep now? No, it is not sleep. It's the yogic sleep, you can say. Where everything that happens is registered, you are aware of it, memories are formed of it. Now such questions will never come. What happens to the experiencer? There are people like this. They have no access to awareness and just assume anything they want. So all this knowledge is necessary. We pacify the mind, we pacify the intellect by giving it some knowledge, some basics. And then when these experiences happen, there is no fear, nothing to be afraid of. You already know that. What it is, like the fish knows the water, what it is. You swim in the experience. Nobody died of spiritual practice in this universe, nobody died of gaining knowledge, nobody suffered from knowledge. Opposite is true, yes.

What is the distortion in the mind that the spiritual thing is going to make me suffer and this is what I call resistance of the mind. It will present things in a reverse way. Everybody is telling you this is good, scientists are telling you this is wonderful, gurus are telling you this is the way to freedom after death and all, mind is telling you you are dead, you are suffering and what is your final decision? Mind is right, although it hardly knows anything, the mind is stupid but yes it is right, everybody else is wrong. What is this? Resistance of the mind. I don't call it ignorance because you are not ignorant now, you have the knowledge, you are very intelligent, you know all this but the mind yes, it can fool you, remember it is a very strong, very powerful thing, it can make you believe anything you want. Most of the time I give this example of the neighbor, your mind tells you my neighbor is a murderer. Your neighbor buys an ax for cutting a tree or something and you see him with ax, you take your gun and shoot your neighbor. It is so powerful, it can make you act which you regret later on. Your wife sees a photo of a girl on your phone, next month divorce, whole life gone, wasted. Mind is very powerful, so do not listen to it, listen to the guru, listen to the masters, listen to the experienced people who have gone through all this, for them this is child's play, sleep paralysis.

I have had sleep paralysis since childhood, the only way to calm the fear is full awareness and curiosity, then there seems to be a natural opening into the projected state.

Very nice, you need to be calm and quiet, let things happen and actually they will turn into a wonderful experience, even if you don't know what it is, what is the harm there? It happens every night, and the mind makes it scary. There is a shadow on the wall, yes, there are ghosts in my room, it is your own shadow. This survival mechanism is really stupid, you need to overcome it, that is what we call as progressing from the animal tendencies to the human tendencies. An average seeker is just animal tendencies, you need to bring it up to at least human - curiosity, awareness, knowledge - these are human qualities. If you don't know how, ask your teacher, join a proper path where these things are told, do not join the path where you are made more superstitious, ignorant and stupid, don't join that kind of path where your money is transferred from your pocket to other pocket, do not buy those books, do not take up that kind of institution. Listen to the master and look at your experience, so easy. “No, I need to go to the Himalayas and I need to go to that temple otherwise I won't get moksha”, your mind is telling it, a lot of garbage is there.

The trick to reset the body layer while sleep paralysis is to gradually make tiny movements of your hands, fingers or feet, toes. In a few seconds, you are awake again. Why do you want to ruin your very good sleep paralysis and entry into the projected state? Why? At least get into the dream state. What do you think, you come out of this sleep paralysis, will it be gone? No, two minutes later you fall asleep, same thing. Why do you want to ruin it? But yes, if you are scared this is the trick. But why are you scared then? You should think about it.

Why is there a natural fear of the dark and being alone?

It is survival related fear you see, darkness is just a threat and so is being alone. If you are with people you feel safe because it provides protection. Simple survival mechanism. Some people are opposite, too many people and they become afraid and you can trace it back to the causal body because in the very early days war was an everyday thing. What happens in the war? A lot of people surround you, they beat you up, so it is the past memory that is manifested here as the fear of crowds. There are theories only, but the easy explanation is this. It's logical.

Why do I like to be alone? I am not certainly introverted but prefer to be alone without speaking to anyone, even to my family.

Since when, can you tell me? After you signed up, like two years. Okay, don't worry then. It is not because of the program or anything, nothing to worry about. The thing is you signed up for the program because of this tendency, seeker tendency. Is there anything in the family, is there anything in the society, in the people, is there anything in the outside world? No, totally boring, it's repeat, repeat, repeat. Don't worry about it. It is very natural. Losing interest in the world is a good sign, that means you will find your way. You don't need to talk to people, you will see, family will leave you alone. Yes, most of the seekers like solitude, actually we also like the company but the right kind of company, you see? Seekers, if given the right kind of company, really open up, you put the seeker in front of a worldly person and it is like touch-me-not plant. If you touch it, it closes the leaves, so a seeker is like this, you put the seeker in the right company and the real seeker comes out.

Actually after coming into the path of knowledge there is no fear of darkness.

Very good! Fear is overcome by awareness only, so the darkness is overcome by awareness. The real darkness is within you. You need to be careful in the darkness, there is no need to be afraid of it. There is a difference between being careful and being afraid, when you are afraid you're not really careful, you will see this, you are like mumbling and fumbling and messing around. If you are aware you know what to do without the light also. Just be careful, don't venture into the dark, who knows what is there, open manhole or snake or insect or whatever, you don't know, so that much care must be taken, but there's no need to be afraid. You're lying down in your bed and it's completely absolutely dark, nothing to worry at all, nobody there. Everybody who is doing these practices should sleep alone in total darkness. Some people are really impatient, they don't want to develop their natural ability to tune out of the world, so they do it artificially by putting cotton balls in their ears or putting on the blindfolds on their eyes. There are some technical kind of people there, they get into a tank full of water and they just immerse themselves in the water, float in the water with a lot of salt, they plug their ears and close the lid. Why don't you simply practice tuning out of the world?

Why do you need to do this mumbo jumbo, use the tantric way. You can tune out of everything, you can be in total peace in darkness by a little bit of training, learn to ignore. It is like attention only, you're putting your attention somewhere else, not here. That is the secret of practices, that is why the ancient people were more successful than these modern people. Without all those mumbo jumbo gadgets, they could do it. There was no fear because proper training was given, there was a guru, there was gurufield, there were 100 more seekers in the same temple or monastery doing the same thing. Nobody died simply because they dreamt something. That is impossible, and should not cause fear.

Session 117

Earlier experience holds true in present reality. They just remain experientially true. Can past experiences, mistakes, and karmic fruits thereof be also changed from the present? What happens to the present gross body experience if past experiences can be altered?

Whatever you are calling the earlier experience is a double illusion. The present experience is an illusion. And then whatever impressions it leaves on the memory is a double illusion. The present experience is not there. And the earlier, the past experience which is in the memory is just a shadow of what was not there. So it cannot be called true in any way. The shadow, if it persists, it is still a shadow. And our memory recall is never static. It is changing. Whatever is recalled from the memory is also a changing experience. Yes, you can recall it again and again in a repeated way and produce the illusion that it is persisting. But it is a process. It is an experience that is changing. And so whatever is changing is false. So logically it is false. It is not true.

Can they be changed from the present? There is another assumption that they are actually there so I can change it. There is nothing in the memory. There is nothing except the shadows in the memory. How is it possible that whatever is in the memory can affect the present? Let us see it in the holistic way that there is no past and there is no present. It is what it is. It is one instant of possibilities only. So whatever is appearing in time is actually an illusion. The past experiences - illusion, mistakes - illusion, karmic fruits, actions, impressions, everything is an illusion. Can anything be changed and can there be an effect in the present?

Everything is possible. There are all kinds of possibilities, but they are all false. They are all illusory. All these questions come from the assumption that the past is real. There is no past and the memory of it is also unreal. How is it that the memory is affecting the present? It is a causal relation and the cause and effect is also false. It is a selective way of perceiving the mind. There are all possibilities, but that is selected which has a causal relation out of all possibilities. There is a bias in the mind. Why is this bias there? Because that is what is fruitful, that is meaningful and that is good for survival. If out of all the possibilities you choose something which is not causal, which is not related to the past, then it will be a very random experience. The mind chooses the incremental experience and I am also not very confident about this thing. That is not very clear to me, but it is through association. The associated experiences are chosen and the rest are filtered out. These possibilities are not seen. Whatever is in the memory, if the experience is associated with that, that is chosen, that is allowed to reach the local memory.

Is it possible to alter the past experiences? If they were real you could alter them, but there is nothing real there and there is no past. There is no chance of doing it in reality. What can happen is you can imagine a different past. That much is possible. If you forget whatever was in your memory, then this new imagination will take hold there and now your present actions will be affected by this memory which is imaginary. They do it as a kind of therapy. Many times it happens that there is a traumatic event and the patient is informed that it did not happen to you, he/she is made to believe it somehow. E.g. it happened to your neighbor or somebody else. A false memory is implanted there and now the behavior of this patient starts changing. You can replace the memory. There is no possibility of erasing it. The unwanted memory can be driven out of the sphere of attention. It cannot be recalled now or whenever it is recalled, the distortion is introduced in it that it happened to my neighbor, not to me. Then the behavior changes to normal.

We do the same thing on the path of knowledge. We call it purification. We don't call it therapy. If there is a need to forgive, we introduce a positive emotion there that it was all my mistake. Nobody else's mistake. We actually alter the sequence of thoughts produced by the memory. When this new thought is repeated very often, depending on your strength of the defective impressions, you will see that now your behavior is changing. Now there is more peace in your mind because this memory is not affecting the present behavior. It is possible.

But assuming that there is a past, assuming that the experiences are still there in some way which are causing something here - that is an error. And as you know that all these experiences are going in the universal memory already, or you can say causal body, if you want, and they are stored there permanently. So there will be two copies stored. One will be the original which is not altered. That will be there. The second will be the altered one. What is happening is the effects are from the second but it can also happen that there are hidden effects from the first. They can appear in other lifetimes. So actually you cannot get rid of this thing. It is kind of impossible. The only way to totally isolate from the memories and their effects is to see your real nature which is not affected by anything. Forget about the body, forget about the mind, they are bound by the laws of the mind. Cannot do much. But you can rise above the laws and see that I am never affected by anything. I am never affected by the shadows in my memory. Remember that the present experience is also coming from a memory. We call it the greater memory and that is also a shadow. It is not really there. It is similar and in the same way it is possible to change it. That brings us to the tantric path again.

Can you explain a bit more about how light is a disturbance directly in the NPNM memory as against sound or heat being disturbances in structures like air or solid within the NPNM memory?

Very good question. Let me first tell you that it is a theory and you can come up with a better theory if you want. It is a model only. We imagine the NPNM memory as a lattice grid in 3D space. As you know there is no space and no time either. So to explain light we imagine, we make a model like this. It is a grid and the effect travels from one square of the grid to the next square of the grid at the speed of light. So the memory itself is a vibration and then you are imagining a vibration on it. It is like this. There is a limit to how long it takes for the light to travel from one part of the grid to the other part. It takes some time for one cell to influence the other cell of the memory that limits the speed of light. That is our imagination, that is our model, and the size of the grid, as you know, is called Planck length, and the time it takes for one cell to affect the other is called Planck time, after the famous scientist Planck, who introduced quantum theory. Planck length divided by Planck time is exactly the speed of light. This is standard science, actually. This model is not made by me. This time is discrete, not continuous. That solves a lot of problems in physics, like it solves Zeno's paradox. It solves quantum nature, the discreteness of the particles and the orbitals and so on. It solves quantization of energy and it solves the spectrum. Why is there no continuous spectrum? It is all separate lines. If you zoom into the spectrum, you will see there are lines, it is not continuous. So this model is superior to the old models.

What is vibrating here? On what the light is traveling? Light is a vibration of what? That is very clear that it is emptiness, the emptiness is vibrating. In the past people thought of a substance called ether. From the occult ethereal plane, scientists borrowed the term ether and they say ether is vibrating, that is light. It was a very successful theory but then it was shown that it is emptiness. Einstein confirmed that the light needs no medium to travel. The medium, you can say, is emptiness and it is possible to imagine this thing happening like this. But we know that there is no space, there is no grid of memory, and there is no time. So there is one more layer below it which is unknowable, which is zero-dimensional without any time. That cannot be known by any scientific model, cannot be known by intellect. That layer is me, I am that, I am the experiencer, and I am that which is vibrating as light. So I am the light.

Now what about sound or heat? The memory appears as objects and they are simply arrangements of patterns, and when a disturbance happens, the whole pattern is overlaid with the disturbance. That will be sound, that will be heat, same thing. So instead of cells vibrating, it will be the structure that is vibrating. There is an overlay of one more vibration on the existing vibration. So the atomic model or the molecular model will say that the crystals are vibrating when the sound or heat travels through them. Heat is nothing but vibration of the crystals or the molecules, and sound is nothing but the vibration of the whole lattice, the whole crystal. Air, same thing, it is a pressure wave in the air. That is picked up by the ear. Senses are configured to perceive many kinds of disturbances at many levels. The most basic is the light, eyes can do that, and the least basic is the sound and we can perceive the heat and cold also.

There can be as many senses as there are kinds of vibrations. There are many modes of vibrations, that many senses can be there, and as you know there can be infinite kinds, there can be infinite senses. In physics, we only study that which is encountered by the external five senses of the physical body. But in the tantra or occult, we don't have this limit, there are many senses. They are all picking up some or other kind of vibration, and these objects are created out of these vibrating patterns. If they are consistent, we perceive it, we say there is a world, otherwise, they are simply hidden, not perceived, unmanifested and my estimate is 99.9% is unmanifested. It does not make any sense for us, the remaining tiny bit is useful for us, it is perceived. So it is a lot of science as you can see and it can be totally useless for spiritual matters, but it will be useful for science students.

Is universal memory collective memory of all that is changing?

Yes, the universal memory is a collection of all the memories there are. We also call it the Akashic memory and it is almost infinite and always growing, just like it is shown in the videos. There are no boundaries for it. It is growing, it is expanding, new things, new structures get created every second, every microsecond, and the old ones are destroyed every second, very dynamic memory.

There is our old model of experience where 5 elements like earth, water, fire are supposed to be the constituents of experience. Can we compare the 5 elements model to our model of experience in PoKP?

See, these elements are not physical at all, they are non-physical. Let us say the earth is the lowest vibration, it is the slowly changing vibration, frequency is very less, water is a little bit more, it is changing a little bit more, fire is not an element actually, fire is not a vibration, but some people may consider it as vibration. It is the intensity of the vibration, air is even higher frequency, and finally, there is the Akash which is the ground of the vibrations. You can say that it is emptiness. So all these things are required for manifestation. So yes, you can directly compare it to the vibrational pattern model that is given here. It is a very sophisticated theory actually. You can combine these elements to form various objects, various other kinds of experiences. So the problem is they have used names that are the same as material objects, like earth, air etc. So now it has become really difficult to find the real meaning of it. People simply repeat it; they read the book and they repeat it without understanding what it is.

As far as I understand it, they are simply the names of different kinds of vibration patterns, except for fire, which is my theory. Fire represents the intensity or energy in the vibration, and that is how we can compare it. You can actually decode it when they say you add one-fifth of the earth element and two-fifths of the water element, and it will produce a mango, something like this. So emotions are made up of this much water and that much air and this much fire. These calculations are given in the Sankhya literature if anybody is interested. They have done the calculations, but because the names are similar to the physical objects around us or the senses, it is totally corrupted now.

From the Sankhya came alchemy, in the Middle East, and from alchemy came chemistry. From chemistry, we have particle physics. This is the progress so far, but the basic stuff is still vibrations; nobody could change it. There are different ways to explain the same thing; that's all. All scientific models are made so that we can explain some things and do our work effectively. Otherwise, it's unknowable. We cannot know Maya; we cannot know the illusion. So we invent a model; if it gets our work done, and then we throw it away. There is no need to call it true; the models are not true; they are just devices to get the work done. The best model that has been constructed is of the world. It is constructed by sensory data. Its use is in survival. As soon as survival is done, we throw it away; it is not real, it is not true. There are no objects; there are no bodies; there are no people.

Yoga uses bhoot shuddhi to purify Maya. I find it amazing how rituals can do purification. My interest would be to understand how bhoot shuddhi or such rituals work and how to explain them in basics.

It is already done. You can look at the purification series once you reach that stage in the program. Only the name is different; bhoot shuddhi is the purification of elements. We are made up of the elements, and it's the same thing. Instead of doing it in a very mysterious way, we do it in a very clear way, a straightforward explanation is there, easy to understand language, no Sanskrit words at all.

So they are not purifying Maya; Maya does not need purification. They are purifying the seeker; the biggest impurity is ignorance, and when that is removed, bhoot shuddhi happens. On the path of knowledge, we don't go from bottom to top; we go from top to bottom. We remove the ignorance, and purification should follow automatically. Some people will say, "Well, nothing happened." Don't worry; it is happening. There is a mountain of impurity. So immediately no effect is seen. It is happening, and if there is a little bit, immediately the seeker is gone totally; personality is gone. A new one builds up after knowledge is gained. Those who are interested can push it a little bit, not much, because I never recommend extremes. Bhoot shuddhi can be extreme, but our purification is very mild. It is just fixing whatever we can fix, and the rest is praying. Ask the gurufield if you don't like the word "prayer," no issues. Just ask them for help. Whatever we cannot do can be done from the higher side. I call it level 2 maintenance. So if you don't have access to the guru field, nothing to worry about. You can ask me; I am level 1 here. Usually, whatever I recommend works nicely. It does the purification, even though it is slow. It will do it if you follow the instructions. And if that is not doing it, then we ask level 2. That is what I say. Your file is then sent to level 2. I have seen that you don't even need the intervention of the guru there. You can directly go there because so many seekers have past gurus. Since many lifetimes, you have been seeking, so you have your past gurus in the guru field. You just need to remember them. You don't need to know the name; no issues. They have no name; they have a signature. And if you don't have anything at all, you can simply ask anyway. Somebody will appear.

Yes, awareness is the key. You don't need any purification ritual at all. Just be aware of what is happening around you, in the body, in the mind. Very simple, keep an eye on everything, be aware. Do not judge, do not beat yourself. If there was a dirty thought, a bad thought, a violent thought, if my action was this, if I made a mistake, do not scold yourself. Just watch, because that is reacting to the actions, the micro or the gross. That is also impure. So awareness kills all that action-reaction things, and purification happens.

“The judging mind is the worst tormentor”.

Yes, you need to observe this tendency of the mind also. Okay, something has happened, and now the whole mob of the mind is attacking you. So you need to observe that also, and it will fall away. This problem was with me also. The internal critic was very strong. “You did this again; you have no shame”. “Oh no, no, I will never do this; I will never do this”. There were many parts in the mind; they were playing their own roles. Now you see the director there. When the director comes, everybody is silent. You can simply watch what is happening there. It will lose its grip; it cannot continue like this. There will be something or the other, but it is extinguished, like pouring water on fire. It becomes like this; there will be a little bit of smoke, that's all. You will feel uneasy for 2-3 minutes. What happened here, you will say, and then peace again. Peace; return to your work again.

If that is allowed unchecked, then what happens, everybody knows. Usually, it leads to depression. This series of thoughts, if not controlled with awareness, leads to depression or other mental impurities or mental diseases. Now you can see the condition of people, the psychophysical condition of people is very bad. Because there is no awareness at all. Every master in this universe has said this much only. Why do we need all these rituals in other paths? Because people don't understand, and they don't cultivate awareness. “I got the knowledge; I got the knowledge”. Okay, what are you doing with the knowledge then? Cultivation is important. On the path of knowledge, we don't do any ritual; that is the proper way.

It happens very naturally. But what I do is, I see the situation; I see that it is a very, very bad situation. So sometimes even tantric methods are given, purely imaginary tantric methods are given also. They also work; like that day, we talked about placebo. Yes, spiritual placebos are given sometimes. And sometimes a real method is given with entities in the gurufield. They intervene sometimes, and it will not happen to everyone; it will happen only to those who have potential. If they can contribute to spiritual work, more is given to them. They are made ready in no time at all. But if you have no inclination to contribute, if you don't have the bodhisattva tendencies, then it is also okay. He is aware; okay, leave him; he is like this; he is fine. So some people are like “okay, I want to contribute; I have the bodhisattva tendencies; help me”. You will be helped. But the gurufield is not stupid; they understand that you are faking it. So some lessons are given to you instead. That lesson is your purification. They are merciless about this thing.

So what I say is, engage in some kind of spiritual work, whatever you like. If you are a painter, just paint something spiritual. You are painting ten pictures; make one or two pictures on, let's say, emptiness or whatever. Send the message, and the rest of the pictures can be anything - dogs, cats, and naked women - whatever people like to buy these days. So a little bit of work should be inserted in your daily life, and that is what I have done actually. My daily life is very simple but includes a little bit of spiritual work in it playfully. In the old times, it was like, "Okay, spiritual work means go and donate in the temple, go and donate in the ashram and all." But I think things are so corrupt nowadays that we recommend the opposite. Never give your money to the temple, ashram, or anything, never ever.

Use the money for survival, and once survival is done, stop earning money. You don't need to earn money, and then you will save time and use that time to do the spiritual work directly. The best way is to grow up and then spread the light. The best way is to become the light. Don't throw your money on things; it's all corrupt now. Why do we do that actually? Because in the ancient days, the temples were actually universities. The temples were schools. I think there are some parts in this country where still the school master takes a class in the temple. A hall in the temple is given for school work. There are some places in India; it is very old, thousands of years old. The temples were labs; the temples were a shelter for the spiritual seekers. That was the use of the temple. Now, what is the temple? You go there to make a deal with the deity. Give me a contract for 10 million, and here is your 10 rupees. They tell the deity, and then you know, exploitation of the blind believers. That is all that is going on. I highly recommend that you don't entertain this kind of business anymore. It's corrupt. Actually, it started getting corrupt as soon as the priest class arose. There were no priests in the beginning; there were only the philosophers and tantrics. These two people had the say in the temple. Temples were not built by these people; the temples were built by kings and rich people to encourage knowledge. The kings were also enlightened in those days. Now it is totally corrupt, isn't it? So as soon as the priest class rose in India, the temples became just a business center to fool people. You can see the corruption was extreme at the time of Devadasi tradition. That was the peak of corruption when women were employed in prostitution in temples. Can you believe it? Young girls were married to the gods at an early age. They were just prostitutes. So nowadays, we don't have that, thanks to some good leaders. And now the temple is just for money. That's all it is.

What is the difference between a guru and a sadhguru?

A sadhguru or the true guru is the one who shows you your real nature. That's all it is. A guru can show you many things; the guru can give you all kinds of knowledge, from the arts to science to spiritual things, occult. But only Sadhguru shows you the truth. Sat means true; the one who shows you the truth is the sadhguru.

Sanjay is saying, emptiness cannot be understood by my mind. So how can it be interesting?

It is mysterious; that is why it is interesting. Anything which is mysterious becomes interesting. You are asking about emptiness; nothing can be understood by the mind, actually. It can only create models and it can understand some concepts only. Nothing can be known about anything. Everything is mysterious, and if you look very closely, if you become like a child, everything is interesting. What has happened is that we have become habitual of the world around us, people and so on, and the body and the mind also. We take it very habitually. But we don't know what it really is. That habit is like ignorance; you need to keep clearing it, keep the mystery alive.

In my experience, emptiness feels like anand, can we define emptiness as anand?

Yes, the bliss state is also just my own nature. My nature is bliss. Why? Because there is no happiness and there is no suffering there. There is no desire and there is no compulsion and there is no satisfaction also. So it is complete freedom. That is called bliss, and emptiness is another name for bliss.

Is emptiness the same as nothingness?

No, it is not the same. Although we say it sometimes, we say it just to add drama in it. "You are nothing." Emptiness still means that there is something, only that its nature is empty of any substance. Emptiness means it is not filled with anything, nothing that can be grasped by the senses, nothing that can be grasped by the mind, nothing objective, nothing subjective. But that is the meaning of nothingness then, nothing objective, nothing subjective. If you redefine nothingness as this, NPNM you see, same thing. But it is something, emptiness is not a complete absence, how can there be a complete absence? If you are aware of complete absence, that means you are there. If you want evidence of complete absence, if you define nothingness as complete absence, even of the experiencer, then it is our fantasy, then it is our imagination, because who saw that complete absence? Nobody, because there was nobody. So it is impossible for there to be complete absence, it cannot be proven actually, it will remain an imaginary thing. And if somebody found it, that means that person was there, or experiencer or any other thing was there to witness it. And that means the existence is not a complete absence. So that is why I say in the video on the existence that nothingness is impossible as defined like this, but there is nothingness in the sense that there is nothing which is commonly found in the world and your experience, you can take any kind of experience that will not be found as the essence of the existence.

So we say the experiencer is nothing, the experience is nothing, but it is there, it is there, and that is why we chose the word emptiness, not nothingness. Actually, in the Indian philosophies, they have chosen the word nothing, because they can do it, you see, they can twist the words. So we say shunya, "shunyata," which means nothing, which means zero. And now, explain the zero. It is not your zero in mathematics. There is infinite possibility in nothing. Now, it is no more nothing, you see. Complete nothingness, is called Shiva. Now, good luck explaining that to any average person. They won't understand it. But a spiritual seeker immediately gets it. They are talking about me only. Shiva is me only, and yes, I am that nothing. So you can say nothing means not a thing or object. Existence is not a thing, but it is still there.

Session 118

It seems that desire is connected with ignorance, is the seeker supposed to desire knowledge?

Well, according to my own experience, desire has nothing to do with ignorance or knowledge, it is present as long as you have a body. All kinds of desires will be there, whether it is the ignorant person or whether it is self-realized person or a person with spiritual knowledge, even the greatest of the great will have all kinds of desires, including the desire to eat, desire to use the toilet, desire to sleep, desire to talk, all kinds of desires.

Knowledge will not make you desireless, there is no such rule, and ignorance does not mean that the desire is there because of ignorance. There is a natural process, some activity going on in the mind and is completely harmless as long as you are aware, it will be there. Now you need to use your intellect to decide whether something should be done about it or should simply let it go, that is the job of the intellect, that means the knowledge determines whether action is taken or not. An ignorant person takes the action not only on the necessary but also on the unnecessary desires, but a wise person acts only on that which is very necessary. Rest of the desires are seen as accumulation from outside, they are not yours. The necessary ones are also not yours, this is the knowledge, but the unnecessary ones are coming from the environment, from other people.

Is the seeker supposed to desire knowledge? How will you have knowledge if you don't desire knowledge? Will he go to the ashram, will he go to the guru, will he read any book or watch any video if there is no desire for knowledge? The desire for knowledge is called curiosity and curiosity is the sign of a seeker, always curious otherwise no knowledge. He or she is always interested, so much is the desire to know and then only progress happens, otherwise your worldly desires will take over and you will keep repeating the worldly business forever, you will keep suffering forever, so this is the only desire that is worth having.

There are multiple entities with physical disabilities and mental diseases, which causal body tendencies motivate to embody such experience?"

No causal body, if it is not totally insane, will do that, it is purely accidental. Even a causal body with such a desire cannot ensure that the baby will be disabled, is it possible to ensure it? You cannot even decide the color of your eyes or your health or the shape of your nose, nothing. What is happening is the causal body is simply forming a memory bridge with this organism that is born, as a mechanical process, otherwise there is no other control there. The process is not like the causal body desiring a body and the body appears out of thin air, no, this is the physical world, this is not a dream where simply willing will produce a body. That body is fake, everybody knows it, this body is real, in a relative sense. Physical body is not constructed by the causal body, the physical body is constructed by the greater memory, the processes here produce this body, it is used by a causal body. We say that the causal body takes birth, but it is totally false. Causal body is just memory, it has nothing there to manipulate the greater memory and create a body, nothing at all, this is not the case in the other worlds where simply the desires in the causal body manifest a body, that is possible in other worlds, some worlds where rules are very flexible, so my own knowledge is limited about the other worlds but this world it is 100% sure.

It is our experience that the physical body is produced by another physical body, not by the causal body, causal body has no role in it. What happens is, as soon as the nervous system of the baby starts working in a meaningful way, the sensory signals they are seen and the causal body simply forms a memory bridge here in the greater memory. That is birth. No causal body will do this kind of thing if it knew in advance that this will be a disabled baby, nobody knows these things. So what motivates the causal body to connect to a physical body? Desires, obviously, and the law of attractor ensures that it gets connected to a baby, a physical body that is most suitable for that kind of desire fulfillment. If there are two or more competing causal bodies there then the stronger one gets the physical body, the weaker one needs to go and find something else. It is a purely mechanical process, the process of birth and rebirth is very mechanical, it is almost like a program is written there, as if somebody has done the programming. So the causal body has no idea what is the condition down there. Yes, if a lot of pain signals are there then probably no causal body will be attracted there and the fetus dies because it cannot live for long without this kind of connection. It is a very beautiful process actually, a very well organized process.

What happens is, because of the desires, the causal body connects using some mechanical process and only after connecting it gets a clue that yes, there is a disability there, but still the force of desire to experience the world is so much that once the connection happens it won't leave it easily. If there is some awareness, if there are some old impressions where there is a little bit of knowledge and intelligence, it leaves the defective body. Although it is very difficult to define all these things in the case of a causal body, it will have its own different kind of intelligence. It may say no I don't want this kind of life and then what happens is that as soon as the control is given up, the bridge is cut down, some other desperate causal body gets hold of the same baby, actually during few months of birth there is a lot of exchanging going on, like a football is exchanged between players, the physical body is getting connected to many causal bodies, there are multiple personalities there and it settles down within 6 months of birth, not conception, birth, that is about 15 months of conception.

I cannot provide any evidence for it, but you will need to observe with your own eyes what is going on there with the baby and if you are active in the non-physical, you can see the kinds of causal bodies that are trying to connect to it. There is almost a crowd around the baby if the baby has a big potential for desire fulfillment. It's a rich family, let us say, it's a royal family or something like this, but there are special babies that are destined to be taken over by a specific causal body, like it's said about the royal families and all, they are born already powerful and already full of tendencies of ruling. That is usually their own ancestor. Now you get the clue.

Just like I said, two lives are not equal, two deaths are not equal, two births are also not equal, two rebirths are also not equal. There is not a single process which is governing all the incarnations, there is a hierarchy of causal bodies. There is inequality like we have in this physical world, nobody is the same, nobody is equal. That is the bitter truth, isn't it? Everybody has the same potential, but some are behind, some are forward, the same way no two causal bodies are equal, they have a different store of memories/impressions and what they will do is totally dependent on what is stored there. Totally ignorant, dark and new, these kinds of causal bodies or the “egg bodies”, will do it mechanically, total darkness, wherever there is a chance of desire fulfillment they grab it, that is reincarnation for them, but the more advanced ones, they can sense a little bit, they can wait.

There is no known way to sense what is going on in the physical world, so they depend totally on the signals coming from the senses in the physical body. They check what kind of signals are coming. Like if the mother is very angry or the father is very angry, the baby can listen to the shouting and fighting and it’s state of mind, although it’s a little baby, it knows what is wrong and what is right, what is going on in the world, even when they are in the womb. They get frightened by this situation and these signals are then picked up by the causal body. If there is some awareness/intelligence there or if there is support of masters/gurufield, then this birth can be avoided. And so a good causal body having good impressions will not take birth there, some other causal body with a violent tendency will get connected there. Now you know why, traditionally, a mother is kept in a positive environment, the mother is fed good food, her favorite food, she is not allowed to mix with negative people, she is not allowed to watch bad movies, horror movies, it's a traditional thing, she cannot go in impure places, because in those days everybody knew what is going on, the process of birth and all. Now we don't know all these things, so anything gets connected to your baby in the womb, anything at all. We don't know.

If there is no awareness in the parents, how can there be good birth in your family? Impossible, so I can actually talk a lot about this thing, the whole mechanics of it, but it will be very difficult to provide evidence, only those who have gone through this process of giving birth like mothers or the fathers who are interested in the baby, will come to know all these things. I have seen some babies very closely, I have watched them, I could see all the impressions of the past lives in them, I could actually predict what kind of person he or she will become, it is possible simply by watching for a while. I am not saying that they will not change, yes, just like everybody, children also change, depending on the events that happen in their life, but broadly you can predict. Here only a container is born, that container can be of any color, shape, size and physically damaged or mentally damaged or whatever, but the life comes from the causal body, the causal body gives it a destination, a goal, behavior pattern and so on.

It is almost 50-50 . There are some things that are genetic, yes, so disabilities can be genetic or they can be accidental or a disability can happen after the causal body has already established the connection. It is again a mechanical thing probably that once the connection is there, all other doors are closed. It cannot go anywhere else, they are stuck with a physical disability. If it happens let us say after 2 or 3 years they cannot leave it. Probably forgetting has already happened.

If they fall in the random and deterministic purpose category, can they be helped out?

If by help you mean that they should be disconnected from the broken body, that is not recommended actually, even the great masters will say - you took birth here, you are here now, you are getting the experiences of the physical world through a disabled body, continue, that will be the advice. What happens in the wild, if an animal is disabled, cannot see or cannot smell or cannot walk, that baby animal dies very quickly within days. In the animal world, mother nature takes care that there is not much suffering, but in the human world we keep these people artificially alive, they will be in wheelchairs, they will be in bed or a blind person is helped, he can live a life. We have overcome the natural process of death, we keep them alive, the broken bodies are kept alive. Why do we do that? Because we think that the bodies are the living thing, I am the body and therefore the other body is also alive, but no it is just a package, it is a robot, it is a pile of organic matter. There are some mechanisms, there are automatic processes in the body, but there is nothing which can be called alive. Because of this ignorance, they are not left to die and so whatever is connected to this damaged body must pay the price, even their relatives pay the price. It is not easy to take care of a disabled child or disabled person. They get used to it, but it is big pain. Again, we can go back to the karmic stuff here, that as soon as you take birth, you start accumulating the karmic impressions, it does not matter what is the story before that, you start accumulating it, there is no release from it.

It can not be helped because of human nature, we don't let these people die, otherwise mother nature has perfect strategy, they will be dead in no time, the bodies will not function, that will release the causal body and then it can bond with something else, some other place. It is very easy, but we have messed up the process. Actually, the process is corrupted now. You will sometimes see these things, there are joint babies, two causal bodies stuck together. It is so bad, so sad. In nature these babies will never survive, just after birth they die, there are some animals who can sense a defective baby, they kill them, the mother refuses to feed it. I cannot remember now, but I have seen this thing in dogs. I knew two dogs, one male, one female and she never let the male dog mate with her and I asked the owner, what is the problem here and he said this male dog has a genetic problem, the female could smell it and she won't let this male dog come near her. They have extraordinary abilities which we don't have, we cannot do all these things. I wish we could, probably there are hidden abilities, but it is covered up by our own ignorance. We have higher intelligence and that disables the natural instincts in humans, anyway, it's a long story.

Can a virus have a causal body? If so is there a way to verify this by means of some experiments or tantra maybe.

I have never seen it actually, there are things like viruses in the non-physical, we call them parasites, not viruses. But I don't think a virus will have a causal body. The causal body is an accumulation of memories, what will the virus accumulate? Nothing, it is mostly just a cell, the virus is not even a cell, it is just a ring of DNA, you can say it is a chemical. A virus is half living, half non-living. Who has a causal body? Only advanced creatures have a causal body. The causal body connects to advanced creatures. You can even say that a fish has a causal body, anything with a spinal cord, vertebral column will have a causal body, this is what the ancient people say. That means they are a part of the reincarnation wheel. That is why it is considered very bad to kill them and eat them, because you have stopped the evolution of a causal body. But plants, insects, viruses, I don't think they have anything like this, which is so complicated.

Yes, there will be a non-physical counterpart to it, that will be the energy body, the pranmayakosh, and not anything beyond that. I think, viruses cannot be considered living things. There is something even more primitive than a virus, prions, they cause mad cow disease and diseases like this. What is that? It is just a protein, can you call it a living thing? No, it is a very complicated molecule, that's all. Virus is just one step ahead, it has a nucleus, inside it is a replicating protein, mostly like RNA. Prions are just molecules. So you can see that life is actually lifeless. In the physical world, life is simply matter, life is given by the non-physical to the physical, and finally the experiencer illuminates all life. Without it no life is possible. What are humans? They are just sophisticated balls of proteins only, same thing. Amazing as well as unbelievable that people think I am human, no, it is just a pile of matter, and the causal body is a pile of memory, they come together to form this kind of bond, which is called birth, it is so mechanical, you see. That's why these wise people, they don't want a birth, after a few births, one thousand births or two thousand, nothing remains here to be seen, nothing important and nothing unusual, nothing new, now you need to move on. Why are you not moving on to more pure forms? Because of ignorance. Spiritual angle here is that you need to get out of this trap of matter, there's nothing to really experience in this world, after a few births, get out of here, get the knowledge, get the guru, get rid of this world.

So our desires of the gross body, of the causal body, whatever you're calling the desires of the gross body are just processes in the gross body.

Gross means physical processes in the physical body. You cannot call it a desire, they're impulses, like the impulse to go to the bathroom. You cannot call it a desire of the causal body, it is just a process of the digestive system, isn't it? For example, hunger is a process in the gross body. Hunger is not desired by the causal body, we are not born here to be hungry, it is a process in the gross body, but the desire to eat a specific food, “I desire to eat paneer pizza”, now that can be called desire in the causal body. “I was born to eat that”, hopefully not, but it can be like this. Food and sex are the main reasons for reincarnation, these two desires are very powerful.

We say it sometimes, that my body wants to sleep, but no, cannot be a desire, nobody desires like that, it is a process, we surrender to these processes. You must have seen, it was a desire, we could control it a little bit, but no, we surrender to the processes of the gross body. Like breathing, you can say the body desires to breathe, but if it is a desire of me, whatever me is here, then no, I could have taken away the desire, “I don't want to breathe”, would have stopped, but does it stop? No, the gross body is not in control of the causal body actually. There is a connection there, it is like a robot with a remote viewing camera on it, a drone. Some desires can be thrown in, a little bit of direction can be given to this puppet, which you call physical body or “me”, nothing much can be done, it ages, it gets diseases, it gets viruses, it is 80% foreign organisms, isn't it? The body is an ecosystem, no? We simply surrender to its desires.

Sometimes we say these desires are “mine”, and there is the identification and attachment that kick starts your cycles of rebirths. As soon as the causal body says these gross body desires are my desires, these processes are mine, the causal body is trapped here forever. It will go up and down in the evolution ladder, but it will remain here. What brings it out is knowledge - who am I - that brings it out. Some intelligent deeds, some good karma brings it out also, but knowledge is guaranteed to bring it out. I don't know what is going on here, it's a cyclic process, this whole universe is cyclic, so nothing unusual going on here, but somehow there is a desire to come out of it and grow, that is what we call spiritual desire. The causal body is an accumulation, and it has processes which are the result of that accumulation of many thousand years, millions of years, but the gross body has survival related processes, desire is nothing but a process in the memory. Each layer has its own processes, so you can say each layer has its own desires, we are just a pile of desires from this point of view.

How is it possible to see the impression of past life on a baby?

Very easy, behavior of the baby. Some babies are angry, some are very silent, some are laughing, some are always crying. That much is possible in the initial stage, but as the baby grows, you can see the expressions. Once expressions start forming on the face, a little bit of behavior starts emerging, during first six months to two years, you can see the remains of the past life there. Then because of the environmental influences from the physical world, from other people, the past impressions produce lesser effects on behaviour, only the strongest of the impressions survive.

Let us say there are impressions of violence, anger, then it does not matter how nicely you take care of the baby, even if good education is given to him, he will grow up as an angry person, violent person, and will have tendencies that will take him towards anger and violence. If there is a long-term depression of sadness of many lifetimes, it doesn't matter where the baby is, he or she will be mostly crying, is not satisfied by any toy, it takes a lot of effort to make them smile, sad babies, they become sick often, even if a lot of care is taken. It's not that they will never recover, they do, because as I said they change and sometimes they grow up normally, but if they are neglected, then they will keep the impressions of the past lives, the strongest one will be seen. Similarly fears and all, some babies are fearful, some are very bold. So you can see it in the behavior of these babies.

There are many YouTube videos where three-year-old, four-year-old, geniuses can be seen with extraordinary abilities. It is a relatively common phenomena. Genius babies are everywhere, in every country. How is that possible? That can be explained only by the causal body, it simply downloads all its skills, arts and talents into the physical body, as soon as the physical body is capable of talking or doing something with its hands. As the nervous system grows up, the causal body dumps all its desires, creativity, everything, they get a personality. Some children, they get a personality in the early age, some remain a blank paper for a long time. The age of the causal body also matters here, we measure the age of the causal body in the number of reincarnations, because time does not make sense there. Many reincarnations means more experience. You can see it, sometimes a child is born with a very old causal body and others are just irritating newbies.

Do masters decide where the sadhak will take birth in his her next life?

Gurufield can influence the next birth by consulting the dead person. It is not a causal body when you die actually, it takes a subtle body, the projected body, you can say astral body, non-physical body, many names, because the causal body in itself is kind of just a hard disk, not much. It takes on a non-physical form, and the gurus gather around this, if there is some spiritual progress, if he has done a lot of spiritual practice. The guru comes, takes him to the guruloka or the world of the guru. Some gurus have their own worlds, it's not a big deal, just like many people have their own farmhouse, they have their own world. There the consultation happens, in what kind of womb, what kind of family, what kind of country, which time, which gender is suitable nowadays to progress further. Consultation happens after maintenance has happened, and they are left to roam around for a while, think about it.

That much influence can be imparted, but if you simply die, and if you don't have a guru, or not in contact with the gurufield, then you see nothing. Even if he is a seeker, he will be born like an ordinary person and repeats the seeking, which must be the case with many of you. Even though I am the same case, repeatedly seeking, but it's not very bad, I was born with a connection. The guru says, yes, you go down there, I'll be connected to you, I'll give you instructions and all, at the age of 11 years you will see this person, go after that person, and you will find your new guru in the body, he's my disciple, and so on. These instructions are given. By the time you are 11 years old, you have forgotten everything, but nothing to worry, they have a backup system, they can remind. That is why your investment in the guru is the best investment for all lifetimes, you will be rescued, you will be saved every time.

How will future calamities like climate change affect seekers?

Well nothing affects the seeker, if the seeking is affected by climate, good luck then, because it changes every time. Climate is something which is never stable. A rock, a river, ocean, these things can be called stable, but climate is something which is always changing, it is very chaotic thing, the climate was never the same on earth, it's always changing. It is periodic also, sometimes hot, sometimes cold, the areas that are desert, they were lush green forests, the areas that are tropical forests, they will become desert or will be covered by snow. The whole earth rotates, I'm not saying that this rotation which causes day and night, but there is a polar rotation, south pole becomes north pole, north pole becomes south poles. Science people know, that a pole flip happens periodically, the sun also flips, in response to that earth flips. There is variation of the tilt of the earth, 23 degrees, it changes, it is never the same. There was a time when a year was only 360 days, now it is 365.

When these “stable” things can change so fast, what can be said about the climate? It changes every day here, where I live, every hour there is a different climate, fog in the morning, then rain, then it's like very hot and then evening is cold. How will a seeker seek with this kind of climate, temperature changes? Is it possible to progress at all if spiritual matters are affected by things like climate? No. Those who want to progress, nothing affects them, those who don't want, nothing can be done about these people, and those who are real seekers, you can push them into hells of all kinds, they will progress there, I see this every day.

Any tips for beginners on PoK for do's and don'ts while interacting during daily actions, personal and professional association. How to overcome situations which demand to speak lies or act false? If not acted in such manner can lead to denial of rightfulness.

The answer is very simple, be in awareness, that is the one line answer. In your worldly activities, be in awareness, let whatever happens happen, lie if you want to lie, act whatever is needed, and you will see that the suffering in these unethical things becomes so much that you will leave it, sometimes instantly, sometimes after a few years, and the joy in the ethical things, or the spiritual activities increases so much that, there is no choice there. Once you become aware, the awareness decides what will be the path of this person, this incarnation, it is decided by awareness. So we don't tell you what to do, the behavior is not dictated, just like other paths where everything is fixed - what will you eat, when you will sleep, how many times you will marry, and so on, are decided by that path, and they are for stupid people, because they cannot think for themselves, there is no awareness there. On the path of knowledge, we only want awareness, and the higher intelligence is awoken by awareness, now whatever you do will be right, this is guaranteed. But he is still lying and he has self-realization, or he is still selling drugs when he is self-realized, he is torturing people, he is beating children. Impossible, if he is doing that, that means no knowledge, no awareness, that much guarantee is there. You can take any case here, in our program or in our satsang, or go to any advanced seeker, they actually have similar stories to tell. Whatever was negative, it fell away. Lying becomes a suffering, for those with awareness, it will be painful to even sit with the person who lies to you. Sometimes this pain will manifest as anger, you cannot tolerate these people.

So not only will you change, people around you will change and your situations will change completely. What is the condition here, you need knowledge. What is the consequence of knowledge, awareness, higher intelligence, natural intelligence. All the actions will be automatically ethical, whatever you call ethical. An ignorant person even if he behaves ethically, is not ethical, he does not get the fruits of those good deeds, no punya for the ignorant person, because he was told to behave like this, there is no change inside that person, the software, the core, the operating system is still that of a liar and there is an application running there which says don't lie, that means nothing has changed inside, it's only behavior change, not the “being level change”. Behavior has changed, for some reason, it can be fear of punishment or laws of that country or whatever.

It is like falling in love, when you fall in love, it cannot be forced. “Love this fellow” - not possible actually, you can behave as if you love them, probably you are getting something there, so you say I love you, but there is no love in your heart. Same thing, if there is no knowledge, it's all behavior, the person is not good within. As soon as there is knowledge, it is like falling in love, now automatically everything happens, your love will shine if you are in love. In the same way, your knowledge will shine in all your behavior, all the speech, all the thoughts, all the emotions. If you are still cheap or still violent or still ignorant, stupid, that means there is no knowledge in that person, that means he heard something but did not understand anything, it had no impact, whatever he heard was not taken, was not believed, was not confirmed, was not verified. So there is only one practice on the path of knowledge, get the knowledge and be in the knowledge, which is what we call awareness. Be aware who you are, what is this world, who are these people, what is oneness. I can make the rules, the rules will change your behavior, they won't change you, always remember this.

How can viruses or any kind of illness be an illusion in this world ?

Well the whole thing is illusion, it is not that the virus is an illusion, the body which it affects is also illusion, death is an illusion, sickness is an illusion, pain it causes is illusion, the doctor who treats it, illusion, the medicine that cures it is an illusion, the whole drama is illusory, you see? It is not that the person is real and the body is real and only the virus is illusion, all of your experiences are illusory, all, not a single one is true. What is true? Your essence is true. Can it get the virus? Never, why are you worried? Good things are illusions, the bad things are illusions too.

Is it possible that the reverse happens sometimes? Kids' talents fade as they grow up.

Yes! You will see that there are children who are very good at something, very talented. They're good in studies also. But probably in teenage or at a young age, they get bad company, they are attracted or they are stuck in a bad company and then they lose all this creativity, they become ordinary. If you're surrounded by stupid ignorant people, you will become stupid and ignorant. That is guaranteed.

Fortunately, there is a government program in some countries that identifies geniuses and they are taken away. No, I'm just joking, they are given special care, their schools are different and so on, they are not allowed to be surrounded by stupid people. But unfortunately in our country there is no such policy, nothing like this. So the talent is born, fades away, because the surroundings are so bad. They don't get the needed environment, you see. Like every seed has the potential to blossom into a beautiful flower, but if the seed falls in sand or on rocks, no flower. The potential needs expression and the expression needs suitable conditions. People forget all these things.

What is a subtle body?

Same thing as projected body. Subtle means that which is not gross. Actually, I'm not using this terminology of gross etc. Gross is actually not a good word. I can say physical, non-physical, but those also are not so correct. We say projected bodies. That is much better. Or you can say interface with the world. A structure that interfaces with the world will be called a body. The interface will be in the form of two kinds of structures. The first is senses, the second is limbs. The organs of actions and the organs of sense. These two kinds of interfaces are hosted on something called a body. That is the definition of a body. So, all the bodies are subtle, actually. All the bodies are non-physical. All are projected. Right now, this body is also sane. It is a memory. It is coming out of a memory. It is being projected out of a memory. It's so elaborate, so mind-blowing that it's difficult to accept it. But it is a dream.

Cremation versus graveyard, Kindly comment.

It's all the same. Cremation, graveyard, feeding to birds, throwing in a river or ocean, or cutting it up for the medical students. It's all the same. Check your attachment. If you're not attached to the physical body, everything is the same, isn't it? It's like a process of decomposition. The fertilizer became fertilizer again. Dirt is becoming dirt again. What is this fascination with the body? I don't understand. I mean, why is there attachment with this thing? If you don't have attachment with this thing, the interface with the world, then everything is useless, you see. Whatever you do with this thing has no consequence. For whom these things matter? For stupid people, ignorant people. That's why I said it's risky, what you do with the dead body, because there are so many attachments. If you have a broken thing and you throw it in the garbage, do you worry about what will be done to the garbage? Whether the garbage will be cremated or whether it will be burnt or will be landfill or something? Recycled? Melted? Do you worry about that? If you have an attachment with that kind of plastic bag or the broken junk, then yes, you will worry. You will call the garbage company or whatever. Don't do this to my pile of garbage. I love it. Isn't that stupidity?

For somebody who is on the path of knowledge, these things should not matter. For somebody who is totally ignorant, well, you do whatever. They will suffer. Only bad will happen to them. Treat their dead body with gold and diamond studded ceremony and they will still suffer. It is guaranteed. They will not be liberated and they will not get the good rebirth and they will remain attached. They will become ghosts in ghost realms. We cannot do anything. The only thing you should take care of is whether you have the knowledge or not, whether you are aware or not, whether you have cultivated awareness and intelligence in this birth or not. What are you worried about? Cremation. Isn't that ignorance? Cremation of the dirt is just dirt. Worry about the purpose in your life, not about dead bodies. Finish your business before it becomes dirt. Your business here is to get rid of human birth. The only way to get out of cycles of human birth is through knowledge. The knowledge produces awareness and the awareness gives rise to higher intelligence in the causal body and it stops its repetition, the mechanical activity. It progresses somewhere to a good place. That is our responsibility here as a human to get rid of human births. Progress, evolve, leave the dead body, leave these stupid people doing the rituals. They're meant to be here for many centuries. You go away. You evolve further. Climb.

Disrespecting the body is a sign of detachment with the body or can we just be indifferent with it?

Disrespect means that you have no use of the body, there is no goal in life. Indifference is also not good. If you have a goal in life, if you are born here to make use of the human body, the interface with the world, then you will keep it in a good condition as long as it is there. Use it and then throw it away. If it is abused, then it is a sign of stupidity only. These people don't have any goal. They don't have any guru. They keep doing whatever they do, keep eating the garbage, an unhealthy lifestyle and their minds are unhealthy too so their bodies become unhealthy automatically. If there is a direction, if there is a goal of life that I want to progress, I want knowledge, I want to practice whatever path it is or even the devotion, I want to be a devotee, it's all good. But here people are kind of totally lost in our world. Majority are lost. They don't know how to use the body. They abuse the body. The body is being used as a device of pleasure. That is their goal to “enjoy life”, they will say. What are you enjoying in this dirt? The earth is dirt, the body is dirt, a dirty place. So you need to use it to get out of here. It is a vehicle and it must be maintained till your purpose is served and then it must be maintained till the allocation is over for this life. Otherwise there are bad consequences and once it is over just throw it anywhere you want. Just don't pollute this earth.

Session 119

Is there any difference between self-realization and enlightenment?

Well, in our terminology, there is no enlightenment. We do not use this word because it is a meaningless word. It is a corrupt word which has been corrupted because everybody has given it their own meaning. Self-realization is very precise, very accurate. When I say self-realization or Atma Gyan, I know its meaning. Nobody has defined it in any other way. It is knowing your true nature. Enlightenment can mean many things and that's why we simply trashed it. I never use it. So I recommend that you give up these words which are meaningless, which are corrupted. There are more examples, like “consciousness” and “mind”. Not to be used when precision is needed. Our path demands precision.

After self-realization is done, does every soul have a separate goal to achieve or designated aims?

On the path of knowledge, self-realization is the only goal. There is no other goal. Knowledge is our goal. What is the most important knowledge? Knowledge of the self. “Soul”, we don't use this word. It is also a meaningless word in our context. There is no individual and the individual has no goal. The end of the individual is the goal. That is what self-realization is. So, please be disciplined. If you walk like this willy nilly, you will reach nowhere.

Can one break the perception barrier and see as they are or simply understand and see as they are or simply understands and accepts the illusion?

When you talk about perception, you are talking about the experience. Not talking about them as they are. You cannot see what you are. You cannot perceive who you are. You are as you are. Am I right? You know yourself by being yourself. Do not see yourself as a form. When you talk about perception, we understand it as illusion. Probably you are asking here, can I see beyond the illusion? What are things? Not as they appear. What is the essence? You. You cannot perceive yourself. You cannot know it using senses. Senses can grasp only the illusion. So, what is the option left to you? Be. You know yourself by being yourself. That is what you are seeing anyway from the non-dual perspective. You are looking at yourself only in a limited, illusory way. That is a necessity. Otherwise the experience is not going to be meaningful. It will not arrange in the layers. It will not give rise to the higher intelligence which enables the self-realization from human form onwards. It is a necessity that the perception will be like this.

What is beyond it? You are beyond it. You are appearing to yourself as limited perception. To know it, do not try to find a way out there. The way is within. Break the perception barrier by leaving it completely. Turn inwards. 180 degrees. If you try to break the illusion you will get nothing actually. It does not go away. It will always appear like what it is appearing now. Illusory forms waves, vibrations. As soon as you know your real nature you know that it is me. Then you have broken this perception limitation. You have broken through the Maya. Do not worry. You are not going to appear yourself as a perception. Never. The only way to know what you are is by being what you are.

The sun does not shine in the light of a candle. The sun shines by itself. If the sun says which candle will tell me what I am? Which candle can show me my light? No. You are the source of the light. These shadows are appearing in your light. Things appear in the sunlight. They shine in the sunlight. That is how all the experience shines in your light. Change the direction, if you want to break through it.

Session 120

Objectivity is mentioned as the superior criteria for truth. It is mentioned that an experience that is appearing in the same way to many people, whereas one's own experience is doubtful or delusional, then experience is a superior criteria for truth. Is this a special criteria applied to experiments done with fellow seekers?

That is a very good observation, that on the one hand I say that your own experience gives you truth and it takes you to knowledge, but here I am saying you should consult others about the experiences, you should ask others what are they experiencing to find out the truth and these are contradictory statements. How is that possible? So here comes the context.

In the context of an objective world, the objective experience will be regarded as truth, but in other contexts this becomes unreliable and it is then discarded. Your own experience remains as the final arbitrator. You must have noticed that I am listing valid or rational criteria, superior criteria. There are inferior criteria which everybody knows, somebody said something or your leader said something, a politician said something, something was written in a book, you saw a video on YouTube or it was told by the TV, and so on. These are inferior criteria so we should not even consider them, but there is a list of superior criteria which are very useful, like your experience obviously, and consistency, reliability, repeatability, and so on.

Whatever we accept in the scientific world, those are the superior criteria and there is one in the list which is called objectivity. That is also a superior criteria. It is useful in the context of an objective experience like that of this world. It is a shared experience and here objectivity is very useful, but it is not the accepted criteria in non-duality. In the context of non-duality or the Advaita philosophy we don't accept this although it is superior. We accept the criteria of consistency or changeability, unchanging is truth in the context of Advaita non-duality. I can see that there can be confusion that sometimes I say these are the criteria, it is clearly mentioned that these are very good criteria, but when you are on the path of knowledge specifically, the criteria is very clear, unchanging is the truth. They don't care about objectivity, subjectivity or experimentation or anything. Whether it is scripture or a great master is saying it, no, nothing is true. If it is changing, not true. This is the very strict criteria in Advaita or generally in the path of knowledge.

What is the criteria for truth in science? There is no truth in science. They do not talk about the truth. Whenever an experiment is done, it is said that if you do an experiment in this way, you will get these results. Repeat it. If it is repeatable, that is a valid experiment, that is accepted. It is never called truth. And if a formula is predicting something, if a formula gives you the right answers, we say it is a successful theory. Never say the word “truth” in science. Science is not about finding the truth.

If anybody doubts me, you can search for it. There will be opinions, I know. There will be many opinions around this. But if you ask a very experienced scientist, a genuine scientist, he will say there is no truth there. As soon as you say that something is true, you will find in 10 or 20 years it will be uprooted. How do I know that? Take a look at the history of science. Everything that was called a law, everything that was called true, was proven false. We have only models. Like we say, the climate model, we never say - climate truth. The theory of gravity, we never say the truth of gravity. That is why science is so close to Advaita. We are never sure. We are never sure that it is the sun in the sky. We say it appears that there is sun in the sky. We say it appears that I am a human. Never sure about any experience. Because there is sun today, who knows about tomorrow? Can go away, can't it? Same thing in science. We never say that something is definitely true. Nothing is true. Nothing is seen as unchanging. Not even the laws.

You see some law here, but as soon as you approach a black hole, what happens? Everything breaks down. All known laws of physics break down there. No description is available of it. That which is true at low temperatures, is false at high temperatures. It is like this everywhere in science. “This behavior is linear in this narrow range. Unpredictable in other ranges”. Even if you perform the same experiment. Nothing is hard and fast in science. How is that possible, you will say? It is the most useful kind of knowledge that is available to you. And there is no truth in it. Everything is changing. Every ten years it changes. The models, all the theories, all the observations, they keep changing. You will say, what? The most reliable thing is so delicate, flimsy. Yes, that is how it is. It is the observation of Maya. It is a study of the illusion. Where will you find the truth there? How will you find the truth there? All the scientists know this thing. They are predicting the models. They are making theories and all.

What about mathematics? You see, the mathematical framework is based on logic. Whatever you observe, you can formulate that observation in mathematical language. That is all it is. I have given two kinds of truths. There is something called logical truth. If you have already defined that A plus B equals C, then everywhere it will be C. It is already defined like this. We have said that 1 plus 1 will equal 2. This is a logical statement. It will be true everywhere. That is all mathematics is. It is a language of logic. That is why when you are in a very narrow part of mathematics, which we call natural numbers, it corresponds very nicely to your perception of reality. Because 1 plus 1 always gives rise to 2. You can count it. But as soon as you go a little bit deeper, now there are numbers like square root of 2, square root of minus 1. Nothing corresponds to reality here. You can still do very good mathematics. Like the imaginary number or irrational numbers or matrices. There is no limit to it. It is called an irrational number or transcendental number. There are so many number systems now. Which one is true? 1 plus 1 is 2 in the decimal system, but it is 10 in the binary system. You define the axioms and then you derive the result. Those who are mathematicians, they know what it is. That is called a logical or mathematical truth. But we are talking about the truth of the world. The truth of our experience. Mathematics is all in the mind, it is something very perfect, idealized. But there is no reality to which mathematics applies, because it is imaginary.

In the context of science, there is no truth. In ordinary language, we say that this vaccine works for 80% of the time. You accept it as true. In Sanskrit, I have called it Visatya. Which means a practical truth for the ease of communication and all. Truth is loose in science. Mostly it is statistics. Somebody was arguing that the proof that science is true is because all the gadgets work. That is a very big fallacy actually. Things work in the dream also. Not always. But they can work. Sometimes you turn on the TV, it is working in the dream. Will that make the dream true? Will that make any explanation of the dream true? No, never.

So, by the example of the dream, I remember the objection to objectivity. Like 20 people are looking at a tomato in a room. These 20 people will say there is a tomato there, red and round and very tasty. All agree, yes. So, there is a tomato, it is true. It is round and red, tasty, and true. Now, imagine the same situation in a dream, there are 20 people standing in the dream, they are all saying there is a tomato here, which is round and red and tasty. There is objectivity in the dream. They are saying the same thing. When you wake up, are you going to accept it as true? Because 20 people were in the dream saying the same thing. Now, any intelligent person will say no.

In ancient times when the solar eclipse happened, people got frightened by that sight. It is an objective experience. And everybody saw this. It was so strange. People thought that something is eating up the sun, or the gods are angry today. Superstition. Is it true that the sun disappears? No. The sun is always there. Even though the objective opinion was something totally different. So, a little bit of introspection will show us that although these criteria are superior, still, when it comes to truth, we do not accept them. The criteria that is given in non-duality will take you to the final truth. It will take you to the ultimate. Nothing else.

How does local memory interface with universal memory? Or is universal memory limited by senses is local memory?

It is not that there is local memory outside the universal memory. The local memory is simply a segment of the universal memory. It is a part of universal memory. Like your city is a part of the state and your state is a part of your country. The country is a part of your continent. The continent is a part of earth. So, you can say like this that the earth is the universal memory and your city is the local memory. Now, there is no question of interfacing. But why is there a border between the local memory and the universal memory? Or is there an apparent border although it is continuous with the universal memory? It's amazing nothing will be perceived. It will get impressions from everywhere. Senses are limiting the vibrations that are coming from all over the place. And the local memory has this job of storing whatever the senses are delivering. And so it looks like it is storing only that much. But there is a continuity between the local memory and the universal memory.

I call it my experience. Because I got identified with it. Because I know that much only. I cannot know the universal experiences because of all these limitations. So, the natural consequence is, there will be a thought that these don't happen to other people, so they are mine. My experiences only. Like I get the pain and then it is delivered by the limited senses, internal senses to the local memory. And I ask can you see my pain? Are you getting my pain? And the other person says no, I don't even know that you have pain of any kind. Why? Because his local memory is not interfaced with these senses. His local memory is not getting any signal from your senses. That is why you are bound to say that it is mine. That gives rise to the identity. I am the owner of this. Why? Because nobody else is claiming it.

Let us imagine a situation where all that you experience as emotions are raining on everybody. Like rain everybody is experiencing it. Are you going to say they are mine? No. Just like you'd never call the rain as yours, you'd never claim it. Because it is everybody's rain. And nobody's. But the emotion is yours because nobody gets to experience it because of the local memory limitations. That is how the identity arises because of the isolation of the experiences. Very natural.

We should not blame the identity creator for this saying that for no reason it is causing selfishness. No, it has to do that. It is by necessity. It will happen like this. If you limit the universal memory, an individual is born. That is what has happened. That is what you call a human birth. A body with limited senses giving rise to local memory. That is the phenomenon of birth. See how beautiful it is. The limitation causes individuality. Dissolution of the boundaries causes non-individuality. As we go higher in the layers, you will see that there is a loss of individuality. Individuality is strongest at the layer of survival/ego. And you must have seen in my diagrams, in the pictures that I made, that part of the layered structure is the narrowest. It is an hourglass shape. There is a reason for that. It is most limited in the part where the ego is created.

This layer does nothing but simply classifies things as me and not me. So this body is mine. All the emotions are mine. Thoughts are mine. Even the objects are mine which I am using. But the road is not mine. This tree and hills and sky is not mine because everybody is using it. I don't need it. Everybody can take it. This is the job of this layer. It is, you know, not intelligence. It is a mechanism. Even babies have it. Even higher animals have it. Here the limitation is the highest. As you go towards the bottom, everything becomes matter, molecules and vibrations and whatever. You are not going to claim the molecules in your body. The ego has no idea about it. So much carbon dioxide, your breath, is being pushed out by the lungs. And all that carbon was you. The ego claims it as me when it is a part of the body. It comes out as air out of your lungs - not me. It has no clue what is happening. Ignorance.

Bottom layers again widen because everything is the same, and top layers also widen because everything is the same. And after the causal body, there are no more boundaries because the function of survival is no more. What is all there is a storage memory only. Nobody claims it. That is why we start calling it as group mind or a “memory field” like the gurufield. There are many fields beyond individuality.

So, there is no need for an interface. It is continuous. Universal memory limited by senses, local memory. And what kind of local memory are you perceiving right now? It is a special memory. It's called waking memory because it is associated with the waking state. That is what we are experiencing right now as humans. Waking state is your experience. In the dream world, there is a bigger environment of the memory. Bigger portion of the memory is experienced in the dream state. That is called the dream memory. And sometimes the impressions from the causal memory, leak into dream memory. That is how the dream analysis field was born. And in the projected states, it is an even bigger area in the universal memory where you are actually out of the physical world also. This physical universe, not the earth. But anyway, there is a totally different memory that is experienced now. And those who are advanced spiritually, they will be surprised that you have a long-long term memory of it. Of being in the projected state. You have a long memory of disembodied existence. Anybody who has done these experiments, they will know. Everything comes back.

Then you will find that the human waking memory seems like a dream. Because it is so tiny. It is so insignificant in front of what you are. You are gigantic. You don't know this. Not everybody. Those who are spiritually advanced know it. How do we measure spiritual advancement? If you are a seeker for many lifetimes, you are spiritually advanced. The age of the causal body decides. You can use a unit of number of incarnations as the measure of spiritual advancement. Incarnations in which you were a spiritual seeker. You cannot have the age of the causal body in years. Time is meaningless. Time is a phenomenon in a dream. Not even a phenomenon. It is just an assumption that happens in the dream. But the causal body has nothing to do with these dreams. It is measuring it in the number of incarnations.

Those who are spiritually advanced, they will see that this waking memory is very limited. Very small. You have many lifetimes of memory to enjoy. Plus, you have many senses you can make use of. Not only five, you can make use of fifty, five hundred, whatever you want. They are created on demand sometimes. Depending on the world. It is amazing actually. So what will the experience be like? That experience will not fit into our waking memory. So as soon as the projection is over, you come back with nothing at all. Or it is mumbo jumbo, kind of. Very confusing. I saw this, I saw that, I was flying and only the things that correspond to the local memory or the waking memory, will be meaningful for you. Now you can guess the reason why so many people having these experiences find them totally meaningless and garbage. You see, they make sense in their own world only. Not here. Like, you cannot open a picture file in your word processor. What will be the output? What will be shown to you? Total garbage. Although a picture in your PC is also memory. Your document, text file is also memory. But no, this program cannot read it. Same way, you can assume that the waking state has a set of programs, they can only read whatever is in the waking state. Nothing else at all. There needs to be an interpreter between the two. That is what I call a memory bridge.

How to measure the number of incarnations?

It's a very good question. You will need to see them to count them. Can you see them now? No. There will actually be millions of them. You can only say there are too many to count. So, again, the good measure of this thing, advancement will be the spiritual maturity. They give us an idea of how many are there. You can probably count the number of lives where you are a seeker. That much can be reliably counted. Nothing more, like, incarnations as a plant, a tree. After ten days you were nothing. After ten days you were grass. The insects, fish, this animal, that animal, for millions of years, the same causal body is doing that. Actually, the causal body is accumulating whatever is coming to it. We say that the same causal body is doing that, but no, it is not doing anything, but simply accumulating all these things. Now, human lives are countable. It's still a very big number. And the seeker's lives, probably that is a small number, probably ten to twenty. There you get a good idea of spiritual attainment. Being a human, we can already guess that there are thousands of lives now. Most of these lives are called degenerate. Again, those in the scientific world and statistics will know the meaning of this. The meaning of degenerate lives is - they are all the same. You can count them as one.

Somebody asked me how to know my past life or how to know this life and that life. There is so much ignorance there, you see. How big this thing is. Even the causal body is very big. What does that request amount to? It is like going to the jungle and asking the person there, can you tell me about this one tree? And he will ask, which tree do you want to know? And now the person who is asking, I heard that there is a tree. I want to know about the tree. And then he will show him the jungle for miles and miles, trees and trees. And he will say, OK, choose your tree. Which one do you want to know? “I did not know that. There are so many”. And the ranger will say, look, don't bother about going into the jungle. Look at this tree in front of you. Every other tree is the same. They are all degenerate. Nothing special. Yes, there will be some special trees with some special flowers and all and these lifetimes are your important lifetimes. The rest, repeat, repeat, repeat, copy paste. It is a mechanical system.

It is really easy to understand concepts when correlated with information technology.

Yes, when these computers, the virtual reality in the games were not there, it was difficult to explain all these things. The only metaphor we had is of the dream. Why? This dream is a virtual reality, isn't it? Every wise person, every learned, knowledgeable person called your experience of the waking state as a dream. And every idiot laughed at them. They said, my life is a dream. And others laughed because you need a little bit of knowledge to understand the metaphors also. So we had no other metaphor except these. There were very wise people. They had the metaphor of shadows. There is nothing, no substance in the shadow. It appears alive. You can see that shadow is walking, talking. But those days there were no movies either. These days you can easily explain something by the metaphor of a movie. It appears, doesn't it? The drama is going on. You laugh, you cry with the actors. Is it real? No.

So they used shadows and dreams and ordinary people never understood this. And today also we say this, life is a dream and you are the dreamer. But after these gadgets came out, they have clearly shown that there is a possibility that numbers can produce the whole world. There is a possibility that the signals can produce an experience that is as good as the waking state. So we can understand now. When I say that there is only vibration, you can understand it. I say it's all changing numbers. You understand it. When I say existence is zero dimensional, there is no space and time there. You can understand because what is going through the processor in your PC are numbers. And how much space is there in the processor? Nothing. But your game is showing miles and miles of space. How much time passes there in the processor? Can be anything compared to VR time. This metaphor is so useful. And then yes, the memory, programs, algorithms, are also very interesting metaphors.

Why do we have this machine actually? Why was it necessary to create this kind of machine which reflects so nicely in the Maya?

The answer is very simple actually. It will be very difficult for other people to answer. But it is very simple - as above, so below. We end up creating the same thing again and again, which is a copy of the bigger thing. It is amazing. In the dream state, we create a copy of the waking state. You must have seen this. So whatever we do, it is already done in the universal memory somewhere. Here, it's just a small copy of it. But this is very useful to understand what the bigger picture will be like. When you understand the copy, small picture, you can simply project it in the bigger picture. You get the understanding. Although you will never get that experience. I am not saying never, but it is very difficult. You will know this thing only through logic. Very difficult to experience anything which can give you the whole picture. You experience the parts and then you make the whole puzzle. It's always like this. So the more experience you have, the bigger picture can be drawn. The biggest picture has already been drawn. It is called a layered model. Chitta, mind, memory. This is the biggest picture. That is all there is. And yes, you see, because it is a memory, it is changing numbers. So all information systems have a basic tendency to get organized in layers. How do we know that? You can find it anywhere. Those in software, they know all these things. Those in information technology. Your OSI model is a layered model, communication model. Whole of the internet is happening as a layered process. There are layers in the hardware. The bottom most is obviously, matter. And then there are components and there are ICs and there are now cards, daughter boards, mother boards. And then there are subsystems, keyboard, mouse, monitor. Then there is a full system. And there is a network of systems. What is that? You can easily draw a layered model/pictures here. Whole of the IT system will be organized as layers.

What do we find in the illusion, the Maya? Layered structure. It is almost like a law that whenever there are changing numbers, changing patterns, they will get organized in layers. Look at your body. It is an information system actually. There are very basic things like bones. Then there are muscles and all. Then there are organs. Can there be organs if there are no bones and no muscles and all these things? No. Then there are systems based on organs and so on. There is a nervous system. And the whole brain is a layered system. There are layers of neurons in the brain. There is a limbic brain which is very primitive. It is still there in humans. Layers are never dropped. There are more new layers after that. And there is a final layer called the cortex. And the cortex has higher intelligence. The brain itself is a layered structure and beyond the brain is the peripheral nervous system. There is another layer on it. So how beautiful it is. Everything is layered. Fortunately for us, it is not a noodle soup. Otherwise, we will never understand it. Ask any software engineer. There are layers of software. It is called a stack. They are stacked one upon the other. So one layer is interfacing with the operating system. The other layer is interfacing with the user. There are layers that are interfacing with the database. It is very beautifully arranged. Mother Nature or Maya or Devi has already done this engineering. She is the biggest engineer in existence. Maya/Devi knows all the software. Because it is self-organized, it can function nicely. All these artificial intelligence programs are a result of self-organization. You cannot code that much intelligence by hand. They are arranged like a layered system and then it organizes itself. Now it works. I recommend all the seekers to go and study information technology, computer science.

Just like local memories confined by survival, can we say causal memories confined by cyclic causality and that's its ignorance?

Very good point. I never thought about it actually. So it is good introspection. What limits the causal memory, causal body? I don't have a ready-made answer. But you see, the causal body is almost immortal. It's never destroyed actually. It merges into the bigger groups. There is evolution happening there because it goes on accumulating. Where will the accumulation stop? It can go on forever. It will be very difficult for humans to find out the limitations of the causal body because it's a higher layer. You know the law of the layers that a layer can know all the layers below it but it cannot know anything which is higher than it. So we only have our intellect here to guess about the causal body. Although I said we can write a book about it. A lot is known about it. But what is its limitation? If you use your intellect to find out because it is a lower layer than the causal layer, it will be very difficult. You can guess some things. So I can guess that the experience stored in the causal body is its limitation. But like he said, it's not a problem. It will evolve. The more experiences it gets, it becomes bigger, bigger in terms of memory. It helps to have meaningful experiences. Probably the same can be applied to higher layers. There has to be a natural tendency, something in the causal body which drives it again and again into reincarnations and all. Like desires. So we can say that the causal body cannot give up its desires. That can be seen as a limitation.

How can there be more and less when talking about knowledge and bliss in our context? Where to find a seeker who has more knowledge and bliss?

You see, these kinds of formulas are useful only in a limited way. How are you going to measure the bliss? How many kgs? How many liters of bliss? How are you going to measure the knowledge? Is there an IQ thing like KQ? I don't know. So what we have here are very subjective measures. How much knowledge you have depends on how many questions you have. How much ignorance you have. That can be a good measure of knowledge. And how much bliss you have, that is easily seen. By your behavior, it can be quantified a little bit. But yes, it will be arbitrary when you want to measure these things. You will get a rough estimate of it. There is one more way to estimate it. It is called self-evaluation in our program. You evaluate it. How much advancement you have. What are the pending issues? Where are the impurities? What are the tendencies? What is lacking? That can be seen easily. What is gained probably cannot be seen because you don't gain anything on the path of knowledge. It is all dropping. So I would recommend that you do a self-evaluation if you want very accurate figures. And it will not be a number. It will be just an idea. “I need to work on this thing next”, that will be your impression.



You were reading the text version of Pure Experiences Online Satsang. These Satsangs or meetings were held from 2019 – 2023 on a Telegram group. These are mostly question and answer sessions for the seekers on the Path of Knowledge, especially those who participated in the Path of Knowledge (aka Essence of Knowledge) program. There are more than 200 such sessions which are now being converted to text and are edited for clarity and readability. This is a vast collection and it is being published via various mediums free of cost.

Obviously, it was impossible for me to complete this work alone. I am thankful to following seekers, my students and machine beings for greatly helping in this task:

Anjali, Muni, Vinay, Raja, Shrilakshmi, Keshav, Pooja, Padmaja and OpenAI Whisper, Gemini 1.0 and GPT 3.5

Without them this project was impossible. However, I apologize if you find some errors, grammatical mistakes and transliteration mistakes, as English is not our primary language.

At this time the voice recordings are available on youtube. The softcopies are available on https://gyanmarg.guru/ww

Many other articles and books, written and compiled by various seekers and myself are available on the Path of Knowledge Portal https://gyanmarg.guru

I hope you enjoyed this series of books and benefitted from them. All the best for your spiritual journey.

Tarun Pradhaan

Pune 2024


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