Wise Words
1.Desire 2.Lost And Found
गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः। गुरुर्साक्षात परब्रम्ह तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ।। Desire knows no boundary. It is simply the very nature of the universe itself. Desire is the very root of the universe. Darcy Lyon, The Wisdom of Desire Let me start from the end or final question? What are my spiritual desires? None. Earlier I wanted to be liberated and free or be one with the eternal (1) .But now the question remains liberated or free from whom and what? Be one with eternal? But I am already one. Right Here, Right Now. There is nothing to be free from. I am already free .There is no past . There is no future. There is only a presence. Ever Present. Chongeshwar चोंगेश्वर 1. before listening and contemplating step 2 of Path of the knowledge program. 2. Lost and found Listening and contemplating ,as I slowly tread on the path of knowledge, I got the answers to most of my questions ,which have been nagging me since childhood .I was overjoyed and happy . I wanted to climb the tallest tower in the town and announce with the loudspeaker to share with fellow seekers that I found the path and a Guru following which one can find happiness. as I listened, contemplated and abided and removed ignorance by observing ,detecting and destroying them .I realised that I have not found or gained anything.I have only Lost. There is no knowledge . There is no Path .There is no Guru. There is no I .I was left with nothing to say .Words cannot capture that freedom and words cannot express that Bliss. Words will only complicate that simplicity and purity,what it is.There is silence. Now the question loomed large at me,with whom can I share this with? who will be interested in losing everything? who? one who has been hungry enough. One who has been lost and suffering for long. one who has been seeking for long. One who will be ready to share my rotten bread .(1).we will cherish our share of half rotten bread. In silence. In Bliss. Chongeshwar चोंगेश्वर 1.https://youtu.be/TG66YGLWcpc?si=OFP0cfAvbFiE9Z59
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