Wise Words
Verification Of Teachings
Tarun Pradhaan
*This article is meant for the seekers who are in the step 3 of the Essence of Knowledge Program.* [The Essence of Knowledge Program](https://gyanmarg.guru/eok) is a structured program for the seekers of the path of knowledge. After step 2, which is about listening to the teachings and writing notes, there is step 3, which is about verification of the teachings. Often students are confused about how to do it properly, so here are some guidelines to do that, however, you are free to verify the teachings in any other way, if you like. ### Why verify? Isnt the teaching true already? If not, why is it being taught at all? This can be an initial doubt in the mind of a beginner. The reason is - they were never encouraged to verify anything in their lives, whether it is their school education, news, claims of advertisements or any other things. It is all indoctrination, and many simply assume that the teachings of the path of knowledge are true, due to this conditioning. Some simply disbelieve it, without verifying, probably because something in them does not match with their previous belief. In both cases no progress happens. If the teachings are simply believed, it will remain ineffective, it is just ignorance, a blind belief, as per our definition of ignorance. It does not become their own knowledge. And if they are asked a tricky question about it, they do not know what to answer, they then doubt the teachings or reject the whole path of knowledge. Any blind belief remains doubtful and ineffective, no progress happens, time is wasted. You can only trust something which is your own knowledge, you can act on it only when it is certainly true for you. So every seeker must examine the claims of truth. This is done by the seeker's own direct experience and own intellect. ### How to verify? It is easy, check if everything is according to your own direct experience and it should be also logical. If not, it is all false. Since the path of knowledge is very systematic, even if one sentence is false, the whole path is proven to be false. Just like in the case of proving any theorem in mathematics. This is also called falsification. ### First steps Start by verifying the main definitions. Pick the important words and check if their definitions are actually as you experience them. Are they made up? Are they imaginary? Are they some kind of theory? Etc. Remember words are not knowledge, you need to know their meanings by actual experience. Also check if the meanings keep changing or seem illogical. Remember that sometimes there can be many synonyms for a single word. E.g. - Illusion, false, Maya, appearance - all these mean the same - impermanent or changing. Check if the teaching simply parrots some books, or teaches magical stuff or tries to brainwash you or force you to believe something blindly. Also check if there is any hidden agenda, e.g. is this an attempt to form a cult? etc. Now, we will go lesson-wise and verify important teachings in each lesson. **1. The Path of Knowledge : Essential Knowledge** Here you get important or basic definitions, e.g. of existence, experiencer, experience etc. Rest is just information about the program. Final conclusion is also stated in the beginning, and the whole program is nothing but a verification of it. **2. The Path of Knowledge : Introduction** This is just an introduction to the path of knowledge. Nothing much to verify. **3. The Path of Knowledge : Qualities of a Seeker** Nothing much to verify here. This is not a core teaching, these are just observations of teachers, a summary of their combined experience of many thousand years about what works. **4. The Path of Knowledge : Knowledge** The main definition to verify here is of knowledge itself. See if that definition is true according to your own experience. Do not compare it with dictionary meanings or to some other book etc. Check your own experience. Is there really anything that is called knowledge here? Next check the kinds of knowledge. Do they really exist? Rest is general information. **5. The Path of Knowledge : Means of Knowledge** Check if the claimed means are indeed reliable. If you do not find them reliable, the whole path is falsified. You can drop out of the program in this case. Also check if the types of questions and their expected answers are logical. **6. The Path of Knowledge : Information and Means of Ignorance** Nothing to verify here. This lesson is simply general information. Still you can check if it is reasonable. **7. The Path of Knowledge : Truth/8. The Path of Knowledge : Nature** Using your own direct experience and logic verify if the criteria given here are valid and just. Check if the arguments and justification given there are logical. If not, the whole path is false. No need to verify further. **9. The Path of Knowledge : Ignorance** This lesson is general information. **10. The Path of Knowledge : Unknowing** This lesson discusses the final consequence of the path of knowledge. This is not a claim, it is a general observation of previous seekers. **11. Existence : Basic Analysis/12. Existence : Advanced Analysis** Check answers to each of the seven questions via your own experience. Check the validity of logic used here. Double check the conclusions. **13. Experiencer : Basic Analysis/14. Experiencer : Advanced Analysis** Same as for 11/12 **15. Experiencer : Self Realisation** The main teaching here is pointing to your own true nature. This should be verified thoroughly. Are you the body or any other experience? Always double check. **16. Experiencer : Awareness** This explains a practice. As all practices are optional and are fully in the domain of the illusion, there is nothing to verify here. It is a practical matter. **17. Experience : Basic Analysis/18. Experience : Advanced Analysis** Same as for 11/12 **19. Experiencing : Oneness** Verify if there are indeed two. Verify that the one cannot be known as an experience. Check all observations and logical conclusions given in this lesson. **20. The Path of Knowledge : Practices** This is again about the path or traditional method, nothing to verify here. ### What if something is not verified? Try your best. See if you made any mistakes. Write down your questions about each lesson and ask it in weekly meetings. Your teacher will try to point to your own experience, which should clear it up. Note that the teacher will not teach you more, will not simply ask you to accept his/her answer. It will be a simple pointing, see it in your own experience. Sometimes the teacher will point out a logical mistake or assumption, and you should then check it again. ### What if it remains unverified in the end? If you are not satisfied with the answers of the teachers, it is best to drop out of the program. Other options are - Find another teacher. Try to get the answers from books/internet etc. Try another path. ### What not to do? Do not blindly believe it, if you cannot verify it. Do not blindly disbelieve it also. Do not make up imaginary definitions of words. Do not memorise it all, if you do not really understand it. Rote learning is totally useless. Do not ask other students or non-seekers about your doubts, as they may not know the answers or may misguide you. You can ask senior seekers. Do not give up easily. Remember that these teachings are being verified since many thousand years by thousands of seekers and they still stand. Do not hurry the process of verification, take your time. Usually this can be done in a week but if you are busy ask for more time. Do not start any practice without verification, it is pointless and it will fail badly. Do not mix other paths in it. Each one has unique teachings. Do not judge it by comparing it to other paths. Do not worry about who said what about something, always check your own experience. Do not argue with the teacher. If you do not get answers, it is best to leave or find another teacher. Anyway, if it is false in your own experience, no teacher can help. Do not focus on general statements, e.g. what causes ignorance or which practice is good. Verify the core teachings. ### Symptoms of unverified teachings There will be no joy, no interest. Practices will fail. That seeker will not be able to answer simple questions. It will be easy to confuse him/her with trick questions or made up arguments. They will be attracted to other paths. They will lose interest in meetings or become afraid of oral exam. They will be suspicious of the path or the teacher. They will re-interpret the teachings to fit their previous beliefs. Sometimes the seeker will say that he/she has verified the teaching, but will not be able to produce any evidence of the truth of the teachings, if asked. There can be more symptoms. ### Conclusion Verification is an important part of the program and of the path of knowledge. It truly frees us from ignorance. Traditionally it is called contemplation and it is an art, it needs to be learnt. See that the whole program is nothing but contemplation. Learn to verify and destroy your ignorance forever. I hope this brief guide will help all those who are keenly seeking knowledge.
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