Wise Words
QnA On The Trignosis Program
Tarun Pradhaan
## Questions on Self-Knowledge #### 1 - How will we get the proof that I am not the body, but I exist even without the body? I exist without the body Knowledge that I am not dependent on the body Without the body there will be no intelligence, no knowledge Instruments are necessary for knowledge, not for my existence How to know if there will be a screen without the picture? There will be no one asking for proof Belief - Knowledge is possible without the body, mind or intelligence #### 2 - Everything can be removed but not the brain, so am I the activity of the brain? It can be removed (a part at a time) Many creatures do not have this organ Which activity? I am one, not many Gradually, on removing the brain, the experience will change, not the experiencer On removing which picture will the screen disappear? Essence does not arise from form, wood from the table Belief - Experience is the cause of the experiencer #### 3 - If memory is removed, I will not exist. So is my memory me? Self knowledge will also disappear There will be no one to say whether I exist or not There will be no proof, nor anyone to take proof It is not me who is born from memory, but my knowledge If memory is removed gradually, the experience will change, not the experiencer Many memories have been destroyed Which memory? I am one, not many Belief - The experiencer and its knowledge are the same #### 4 - I am immortal, but how will we get the proof that I will exist after death? Who will get it? If the person still exists, then by progressive elimination By direct experience and logic Then it is not death, it is life, in another form The proof of immortality is found in present not in future What is it that will die? There will be no knowledge without the instrument Even the experience of tomorrow cannot be known, how about death? Belief - The event that will happen in the future can be known today #### 5 - If I do not exist in sleep, does it mean that I am changeable? Sleep is a state, the state is changeable Sleep is also an experience, coming and going The body is active, so is the mind and the senses There is no memory of sleep state I cannot remember an incident from 10 years ago, but I was there When the previous image is erased, does the screen also disappear? Belief - I am dependent on memory or state or any other event #### 6 - How can I experience myself if not through the senses? Will that experience happen in a subtle state? It will not happen What will experience it? All experiences will happen through senses The screen cannot appear on itself, its false form can appear All experiences are me (non-dual level), I experience only myself Belief - I am some special experience #### 7 - If all experiences happen to me, then why don't I know the experiences of other people? People are experiences There is no one else (Nondual level) Experience is had, it cannot be known Knowing means knowledge is in the memory, all people have their own memory There are many experiences, which the person himself does not know Even after knowing everyone's experiences, the basic knowledge remains the same The screen is just the background of all the pictures, there is no memory in it Belief - I am a person, I am different from others #### 8 - If you are also me, then why do I not experience your thoughts? The thoughts are neither mine nor yours, I am the witness Example of windows Many mental processes are not experienced Even after experiencing everyone's thoughts, the knowledge is the same Even after knowing everyone's thoughts, there will be a doubt that the witness is different Belief - It takes a strange experience to prove that the essence is one and the same #### 9 - If I am not any experience, then why do I have a body, why do I have this mind, feelings, thoughts, or why is there a world? You do not have these All experiences are causeless Arbitrary reasons can be given All these are also me, false forms (Nondual level) If there is a screen, there are pictures, if there are pictures, then there is a screen Clay does not have a pot Belief - If I am not an experience, then there should be no experience #### 10 - If I am bliss, then why don't I always experience bliss? Bliss is not an experience, it is your essence Bliss is me There is always bliss Activities such as happiness and sadness come and go Belief - Bliss is a pleasant experience or a state of the mind #### 11 - Why is knowledge not permanent? Why doesn't the mind become stable on its own? It will not take effort for a man to become a man Ignorance, doubt, distrust, superstition No path, knowledge is not the life goal, no Guru Impurities, suppressed desires, disorders #### 12 - All is me, this is true love, then why is there only hatred in everyone, why is there no love in the world? If all are one, how is everyone's behavior different? Behavior or impression are of the body-mind machine I have no qualities Love is not a feeling or conduct, it is my essence People are ignorant Belief - Essential nature has impressions, qualities or conduct #### 13 - I am neither able to do anything nor do I feel any happiness or sorrow, so am I lifeless? Life is due to me only The bodymind is inert, I am conscious The liveliness is due to being a witness, not due to actions or tendencies Belief - Life means actions or feelings etc. #### 14 - What should I do after self-realization? I am not the doer, I am the observer Whatever the body-mind does will happen That which is necessary or practical and natural Guru's command Belief - After knowledge, I have to do specific actions, or change my behavior #### 15 - Who is my creator? I am uncreated Creation can be of objects, which is just a change of name and form Creation means change, I am permanent Matter, change and form are necessary for creation Existence = experience + experiencer, experiencer is not created by experience, experiencer is one Belief - I am an object or a special experience #### 16 - Neither am I a living being nor is this my life, then what is the meaning of my being alive? The living being is alive, the living being dies Meaning is also not mine The living being itself determines the meaning, not the witness In the end everything is a play, meaningless Belief - Witness has some use, purpose or meaning #### 17 - Will I forget self-realization after death? Not my death I do not have memory Even if a clay pot breaks, it is clay That which is mortal, even if it remembers, it is mortal I cannot remember the food eaten many years ago, but it was necessary Belief - I am the mind body and it is possible for me to remember enlightenment, even after it is destroyed #### 18 - How to keep this knowledge? Not necessary By the practice of witnessing If I am a man, how can I remember, how can I remain a man? Not effort or action, love and interest Not a method, proof Not being what I am not Repetition, deep impression, resolution There will be no miracle #### 19 - Why is everyone not enlightened? No desire Beliefs, superstitions, stupidity Everyone will have it in the end #### 20 - How will I get more knowledge? You will not get it This is the final one You will get more details, nuances Essence of knowledge program Science or Tantra Bodhi program ## Questions on Illusion #### 1 - Which experience is true and when and how will it happen? None Whatever is changeable is experience and that is false All experiences are created by the mind and generated by the senses Belief - Experience of truth is possible, truth is a special experience #### 2 - Which sense shows the truth? None The function of the senses is to keep the living being alive, not to show the truth The senses react to change Belief - A special sense is needed to see the truth #### 3 - If my food is false, then how am I alive? The creature is also false The body is an object, is an experience Belief - One object is false, the other is not #### 4 - Experiences change, but I remember what it was, so whatever it was at that time was true. Memory is also false A shadow of false Double illusion Anything can be remembered Belief - Whatever happened was true because it is remembered #### 5 - Is death an inevitable truth? Change, An event, Change of dream Belief - A particular experience is true if it is inevitable #### 6 - If bad experiences are false then how can there be suffering? Emotions like happiness, sorrow etc. are also false The mind's attitude is false There is neither happiness, nor sorrow, bliss or peace Whatever reacts to these is also false Belief - Emotions or thoughts are true #### 7 - If life is false then should I commit suicide? Illusion does not end There is no death The dream will become bad Use of life is wisdom, end is foolishness Belief - If life is not true then it is not useful #### 8 - Who created Illusion? No one It is not a creation, it is just a change The creator is also illusion, Illusion is the creator and the creation Belief - There is some reason for experience #### 9 - Objects change, yet they exist. How can they be false just by being temporary? Objects are experiences, they are just appearances It is an illusion, even if they do not change Like the bee The intellect imagines the object (name) If it changes sooner or later, the intellect calls the object false Belief - What changes is permanent in some form #### 10 - Will there be experiences of truth after death? Never Death is also false, birth is also false Belief - The body or the world is false, but the truth is seen in the future ## Questions on Oneness #### 1 - Why is there no third? There are only two categories - experience and the experiencer This is necessary Ultimately, counting is not possible, it is zero Belief - There must be something other than experience and the experiencer #### 2 - Why has unlimited oneness taken limited forms? Form means limitedness Form is not the truth, it is not taken One form is limited, but there are infinite forms Belief - Infinity has changed into smaller forms #### 3 - Is it not arrogance to call oneself ultimate? Oneness means not having an ego, becoming complete The ignorant considers himself and others as body Calling oneself a human, or considering oneself different from one is arrogance, ego Belief - A wise person is a person who considers himself as ultimate or superior #### 4 - Despite being the whole, why can't I do what I want? This creature has neither desire nor action All desires/actions appear to be in existence only Belief - Being the whole is like getting some special superpower #### 5 - How did one break into two? It did not happen It is the dividing tendency of the mind Is useful for study Belief - There is division in oneness, dualism is the reality #### 6 - How to remain in the state of oneness? It exists all the time This is the only possible state, the rest of the states are illusory Belief - The state of oneness is a special state, which can be reached by action #### 7 - Existence, Brahman, Emptiness, Advaita, Perfection, Potential - what is the difference between them? They all are the same Traditions and philosophies are different There are many names which help in establishing oneself in knowledge #### 8 - What should be done after attaining knowledge of nonduality? There is no action, no actor Whatever is necessary Whatever one likes, according to one's own will Simple, beautiful, truthful, ordinary life The seeker himself decides, there are no rules #### 9 - Is unity the final truth? Truth/falsehood are defined at the level of duality Nothing is true, nothing is false, and everything is true, everything is false Expressed as great sayings or formulas in nondualism Belief - Knowledge is attained simply by listening to a few sentences
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