Wise Words
Is There DARK Energy!
Is there any DARK energy? Energy is pure potential to change. It is a kind of potent force, a power! The only darkness is ignorance. It is resistance to a Change. More the ignorance, falsehood of the personality will be that much strong. It is the freedom of the person who wants to live with that ignorance or ready to be free from them. Normaly all ignorance are accumulated in the name of knowledge and gyana. So it is not easy to be free from them. And when undesirable result comes in one's life, one may assume that he or she is in the influence of any dark energy! So, only by understanding the nature of energy we can redirect the change towards desirable direction. One must know know how to use it, before one owns it. It is like a sword in the hand of Monkey. As energy of overflooded river can be harnessed and utilised as electrical energy to light a lamp or it may wash away Cities and demolish buildings. Before invoking any kind of energy one must be ready to withhold it with pure intentions. For intentions to be pure one's intellect and mind should be pure. That is why in spirituality it is said that power will not come to you, if you are not ready to recieve it. Removing ignorance is the key to purification of chitta and so the body mind. For a saint there no dark energy, but only energy. Essence of energy is pure light, that illumin darkness too.
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