Wise Words
Signs Of Spiritual Progress
Tarun Pradhaan
*This article presents an overview of typical signs of spiritual progress from the point of view of the path of knowledge. This may not be applicable for other paths.* ## How will I know that I am progressing? It is very easy, if you are reaching closer to your spiritual goal, you are progressing. This question can only arise if there is no clear goal. On the path of knowledge the goal is knowledge, a complete destruction of ignorance. The ignorance here means - blind beliefs, social conditioning, superstitions, assumptions, prejudices, biases etc. - all that which was taken as truth without proper evidence. If all that is going away, you are progressing. If there is no clear spiritual goal, no matter what you do, you will not progress. If there is no destination, wherever you go, you are always lost. Sometimes seekers assume something or the other as signs of progress. But that is nothing more than a delusion. Secondly, when there is no proper path or someone who can guide you on that path, progress does not happen. If there is a doubt about the progress or the amount of progress, it is best to consult your guide or guru. They can know where you are better than you can due to their long experience. If there is no path and no guide, the first step is to get a path and a guide. That itself is a great progress. Hereafter the journey is smooth and fast. ## What are the signs? Usually a new seeker has no clue what it feels like when the spiritual progress happens. So here are some signs to help you discern. But remember that these are not seen for all, some may happen to you, some may not. Anyway it is not a rule, just a general observation. The final evaluation is always done by your guru. **Awareness** Awareness, of your true nature and of the illusory nature of the world, will become steady. You will remain in knowledge more and more, and the ignorance or ignorant thoughts will drop. **Peace** Your thoughts, emotions, speech and actions will be calmed down. Only that which is necessary will happen. Any anxiety, worry, restlessness, doubts, questions, etc will decrease. **Bliss** You will be blissful naturally. You will be equanimous in all situations without effort. **Joy** You will be joyful on your own without needing objects, people or achievements of any kind that made you happy in the past. You will not depend on others to make you happy. **Freedom** You will enjoy a free life. You will do that which you like instead of anything that was imposed on you. The real prison is of the mind, and it will break down because of knowledge and continuous awareness practice. **Intelligence** Your overall intelligence will increase a lot. It does not mean that you will become a scientist or mathematician overnight, it simply means that your everyday activities and decisions will be full of wisdom. You will not make many mistakes. You will get clarity. **Minimalism** You will learn that less is more. You will let go of everything that is non-essential in your life, like objects, people, jobs, relatives etc. You will become lighter and lighter. **Love and Compassion** These increase and are felt for all creatures universally. You will become truly unconditional. You will want to give as much as you can instead of demanding love, attention or support from others. **Independence** You will slowly come out of all kinds of dependencies, whether it is financial or relationships or emotional. You will stand on your own feet. You will not be bound by anything. **Detachment** You will become detached from unnecessary things, people or activities. Detachment does not mean dislike, it means it is ok whatever it is, there is no clinging no running after anything or anyone. **Knowledge** You will get inspiration and intuitions without needing outside help. You will discover the mysteries of existence on your own. All answers will start appearing to you without doing any effort. **Talents and Abilities** These will find expression in your everyday activities. You will express your inner joy via art and skills. Your abilities will also make others joyful. **Purification** All kinds of impurities, bodily or mental, will be cleaned up slowly. Purification happens as a result of living in awareness and it accelerates spiritual progress in turn. **Beauty and Health** As a direct result of purification your health and beauty will improve. Due to your loving nature and wisdom, people will be attracted to you. **Guidance** You will be able to guide anyone regarding their personal or spiritual matters. You will be able to transmit knowledge effortlessly. You will understand the difficulties of others and you will be able to solve them. Your selfless service will draw new seekers to you. ## What cannot be called signs of progress? **Strange Experiences** None of the strange experiences, visions, sensations, miracles etc can be considered as a sign of progress. They do not happen to all and you can nicely progress without any such unusual experiences happening to you. These experiences can be a side effect of progress in some rare cases, but these are not really required for spiritual progress. **Unusual Dreams** Dreams do not usually indicate spiritual progress. Spiritual progress is seen very clearly in the waking state, not in some muddy or confusing dream. A dream can mean anything, so you should not judge your progress with what appears in them. **Debates and Arguments** Tendency to debate and argue, or to show off your superior knowledge or attainments is not progress. It is actually a retardation. Need to always be right, and to show others that they are wrong is mostly ego and hubris. Even when you win a debate or argument, it does nothing for your own progress. Moreover, if you lose, it makes you extremist, bitter and angry. Other seekers and teachers will distance themselves from you. **Bookish Knowledge** Collecting tons of information and stuffing it into your memory is not knowledge and it does not make you progress. It makes you a parrot, a hard drive. Your only option is to regurgitate the collected information. Knowledge always comes from direct experience, and it needs a good teacher. Reading books helps initially, but spiritual progress means actual transformation. **Strange Coincidences** Sometimes an unusual coincidence is assumed to be an indicator of progress. Sometimes a bad coincidence is assumed to be a sign of being on the wrong path. But it is only a superstition. Random events or coincidences do not dictate your progress nor do they indicate it. Spirituality is not random, it is very logical and systematic, you will see results directly. **Strange Symptoms** Unusual symptoms in the body do not mean you are progressing. Sometimes they happen as a result of purification and go away. If they are painful and persist, it is an indicator of some disease in the body. If they are caused by a practice, it means the practice is not good for you and you must stop the practice and consult your guru immediately. Do not delude yourself that strange symptoms are a sign of progress, it can cause health issues. **Getting Lucky** Getting material things, chance events, meeting interesting people, getting a new friend etc. do not indicate spiritual progress. **Seeing Animals** Seeing a snake, wolf or owl or black cat etc. does not mean you progressed a lot. Spiritual progress actually ends all such stupidity and superstitions. **Relationships** Breaking of old relationships can be a side effect of spiritual progress, but formation of a new relationship or improvement of existing relationship may not say anything about your progress. Usually entering needy relationships means the progress is slowing down. **Jobs** Loss of job or getting a new job may not indicate anything. However, if you get a job that you love via your own efforts and skills, or you get rid of a bad job knowingly, it can mean some progress. **Worldly Gains** These probably will not stop your progress, but they do not mean that you are advancing spiritually. Usually a detachment is seen regarding worldly gains or losses. Aversion, attachment or running after such gains is a sign of regress. **Stopping of Thoughts** Stopping your thoughts or repressing emotions or desires forcefully or by means of random practices can cause damage instead of making you progress. If thoughts stop naturally and start naturally as and when needed, it is a good sign. **Mental States** Attaining a certain mental state is not progress. They come and go. Being equanimous in all states brings peace and accelerates progress. Forcefully holding on to some strange state of the mind is unnatural and damaging, especially when it is done without a proper path or without consulting your guru. Expecting that you will progress only if you achieve some magical state of the mind is just ignorance. You are whole and complete right now right here. **Comparison** Comparing your own progress with others often does not give you a right assessment of progress. Everyone is unique and everyone progresses as per their own abilities. Some go fast, some are slow, some do not progress, some fall. Similarly pointing out flaws or commenting on the state of progress of someone else is a sign of immaturity and ego. It is a job of the guru, your job is to ensure your own progress, not to judge others. ## Conclusion In summary, an intelligent seeker should not delude himself or herself regarding what it means to progress spiritually. You should not blindly believe any criteria of progress heard or read from here or there. Know your path and know your practice well. Know the exact fruits it brings, do not play dice, estimate your progress accordingly. Again, it is always good to ask your guru instead of assuming things. I hope this short article will be useful for all seekers and they will reach their spiritual goals easily and quickly and all will enjoy their accomplishments. ## Helpful links How to start on a spiritual path: https://gyanmarg.guru/start.php Finding a guru: https://gyanmarg.guru/ww/view.php?id=73789455&con=37251427 Arbitrary practices: https://gyanmarg.guru/ww/view.php?id=73789455&con=21910339 Knowledge sutras - a detailed guide for beginners in spirituality https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB-JSAbBz5B63ZDW7sQfAPL6Ly17hRJiw
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