Silent Wisdom

Talks on the topics of spirituality, nondualism, advaita, vedanta, path of knowledge, other spiritual paths etc. for spiritual seekers.

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Satsang 9 (13/01/2022) Swadharma (In Hindi)
What is Swadharma (Inner calling)? Why do we need to follow Swadharma? How to know if it is my Swadharma or not? (Hindi Satsang)

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 38 MB - Duration: 48:06m (107 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 29 (15th September 2022)Q&A
1. What is common between different spiritual paths? 2. If you have practiced more than one path, what are the commonalities you find in them? 3. Is goal of all paths the same? 4. रात्रि भोजन, सूर्यास्त के बाद भोजन पर विविध आध्यात्मिक मार्गो पर क्या निर्देशन है? 5. What is the difference between a Muni, Yogi and Swami? 6. How to differentiate between a Swami and a Siddha. 7. What is the meaning of 'agnihotra' in Kriya Yoga?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 48 MB - Duration: 1:02:14m (102 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 5(16/12/2021)-Surrender- Shortest Route to the Ultimate
While surrender is the shortest route to the Ultimate, why do we find it so difficult to let go? Is there a process of surrendering? What if I surrender to a fake Guru? Does it mean blind belief? Why the mind is not ready to give up the control? Let us find out.

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 44 MB - Duration: 45:53m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 16th March (Getting over past hurts, memories, how world is an illusion)
1. What to do when someone hurt you very badly and it keeps coming back to you again and again? 2. If world is an illusion, isn't it ok to do anything? I could beat up people, steal objects and not fulfil my responsibilities. 3. How to get over the past when the memories run too deep? 4. How do I deal with family negativity while living with them? 5. मुझे मौन में रहना है, संकल्प कैसे लूँ? 6. क्या ध्यान और साक्षी भाव एक ही हैं? 7. ध्यान के बाद की अवस्था हमेशा क्यूँ नहीं रहती?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 46 MB - Duration: 57:14m (107 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 25 (19-05-2022) (Life and Teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti)
Who was Jiddu Krishnamurti (JK)? How did he join the Theosophical society? What is Theosophical society? What is their purpose? Why did JK leave Theosophical society? Who was Annie Besant? What were the main teachings of JK?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 36 MB - Duration: 46:16m (106 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 19 (24-03-2022) Questions & Answers
1. Do male seekers face different problems than female seekers on the spiritual path? 2. What about the ecstasy one can experience while on spiritual path ? 3. I have benefitted so much from you. How to 'repay' you? 4. Gyani needs a conscious interest to hold on to Maya. What is your interest here? 5. What is spirituality's take on organ and body donation? Should we or shouldn't we? 6. Do experiences evolve after realisation? 7. Are kriya yoga and sudarshan kriya different? 8. Tell about the 7th chakra? 9. How to know one is situated at which chakra?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 32 MB - Duration: 42:55m (100 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 23 (21-04-2022) (Experiencing, Oneness, Abiding, Creature, Surrender, Suffering, Doer, Ethics, Selfishness)
1. Experiences are present where the Experiencer is, Experience is different from the Experiencer. How are they One? 2. If the Experiencer is empty/nothingness isn't it a complete absence? (I tried answering it) Yes, it is illuminating all the experiences hence, hence it is present. 3. How is experience empty? 4. I could not understand the concept of Experiencing. How is the Experiencer, Experience & Existence one? How will it be dramatically represented? 5. I am the experiencer. Ever free but question appears what about this 'Jeeva". Where there is Existence/duality there will appear chaos because there will be many forces that will create friction. Hence this "Jeeva" can't ever be free because experience is eternal. 6. After realizing that I am the experiencer all actions seem to be in darkness even now. 7. The Mind is wandering around the concept of free will. Can't understand what should the Mind do. Abide? Realize that I am the Experiencer but then this Jeev will continue to suffer 8. If I am eternally free why this Jeev has to remember that the Experiencer is eternally free? 9. After realising oneness does it mean all the ignorance is removed? 10. Why abiding is required? 11. What is ego? I tried meditating upon it and found it's a Survival Mechanism that gives a boost to this individual for evolving further. I've heard ego means wrong identification with the body-mind. Can't see what actually ego is... Please show some light 12. After realizing that 'I am the Experiencer' why does this Jeev has to remind himself that I am that. What will happen after repeated remembering? Where will this Jeev go / What will happen to this Jeev? 13. Even after getting the knowledge of self I feel like completely surrendering to the master. This becomes very intense. What should be done? How do I surrender? 14. I feel like sharing with others that I got Self-realisation. Does this mean I lack Knowledge somewhere? 15. Guruji says there is no doer. I can't see that. Please throw some light. 16. I heard Guruji saying 'even after realization don't stop being a seeker' Somewhat similar to this sentence. What does he mean? 17. Is ethical behavior necessary after self knowledge - like not getting angry etc? 18. Is all this a static cyclic drama and creation is part of drama? Or creation is a possibility beyond this cyclic drama. 19. When I spend time on my spiritual practices, am I being selfish?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 37 MB - Duration: 48:24m (103 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 27 (Story Telling)
1.28: Muni’s story of meeting her Kriya Yoga Guruji 9.37: Madhavi’s first story: Determination of Sparrow and Grace 14.03: Madhavi’s second story: Master and Disciple 20.06: Madhuri’s first story: Safety of Women and Power of Prayer 26.34: Madhuri’s second story: Getting a Surprise Gift from a Stranger 32.01: Sathya’s story on Love, from the author- Don Miguel Ruiz 44.52: Vaibhav’ story of the Train Journey and Contemplations 52.29: Graham’s story of the Dosa and His Realisation of the Importance of Guru 58.45: Suma’s story of Initial struggle and Coming on PoK 1:01:03: Leyla’s story of Marriage, Suffering and Finding PoK

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 49 MB - Duration: 1:07:02m (976 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 14 (17/02/2022) The Balancing Act
1. What is balancing act and why is it necessary? 2. What are the three Gunas (Rajas, Tamas and Sattva) and which Guna is responsible to bring balance. 3. When someone commits a crime, what force works on him/her to act heinously? 4. How to develop Sattva Guna in our life? 5. When Maya(illusion) shops, does awareness pay the bill? 6. What is the stand of Kriya Yoga on killing of insects? 7. What is the simplest Pranayama to calm the mind?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 43 MB - Duration: 53:35m (109 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 1(18/11/2021)-My Spiritual Journey and Role of Guru in My Life
My spiritual journey in brief, and role and importance of Guru in a seekers' life. Why do we need a Guru? What does a Guru really teach us? What does a Guru give? Why is someone unable to find a Guru? Can we change Gurus? Can we have more than one Guru? Let us find out.

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 49 MB - Duration: 51:26m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 20 (31-03-2022)(Jealousy, Differences in men and women, Past and future, Financial freedom, Muladhar Sadhana)
Questions: 1. I feel jealous of other people and that bothers me. How do I get rid of jealousy? 2. Are there differences in the way men and women express their emotions? 3. Why is financial independence important to walk on a spiritual path? 4. Why do we say that past and future do not exist? 5. How does Muladhar chakra Sadhana help in attaining financial freedom?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 41 MB - Duration: 52:57m (103 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 21 (07-04-2022)(Laws of Karma, realised person, programming the mind, renunciation, evolution of mind, path of knowledge, bliss, doer, purpose of existence, indoctrination)
Questions: 1. What are the laws of Karma in Vedanta? 2. Do laws of karma apply to a realised person? 3. Can subconscious mind be programmed? 4. What is the difference between renunciation and realisation? 5. Is mind finite or infinite? 6. Isn’t mind evolving constantly? 7. If it’s finite, why it is evolution ? And if it’s infinite, why path of knowledge is an end ? 8. If someone says Path of Knowledge is end, then is it end? 9. Is bliss also an experience? 10. When one is not associated as doer and also don't attach with outcome, how does one take responsibility? 11. What is the ultimate purpose of our existence? 12. How do I stop being Indoctrinated by society? By questioning everything?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 38 MB - Duration: 54:48m (944 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 22 (14-04-2022) (Weakness, strength, fear of death, problems at workplace, family issues, misunderstanding, sensitivity, renunciation, comparisons, social pressure)
1. I am very weak. How should I become strong? 2. How to get over fear of death? 3. What to do now, after I know who I am. 4. I am facing major problems at workplace. What should I do? 5. My husband does not support my interest in spirituality and we fight every time he finds me attending a Satsang or reading a spiritual book. How to deal with this situation? 6. Is renunciation internal or external? 7. How to develop sensitivity? 8. How to handle social comparisons?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 41 MB - Duration: 53:02m (104 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 10(20/01/2022) Information, Knowledge & Wisdom
Questions covered: 1. What is information? 2. What is knowledge? 3. What is wisdom? 4. What is the difference between them? 5. How are they defined in different spiritual paths- Occult, Kriya Yoga, Path of Knowledge? 6. When does information become ignorance. 7. How to move from information to knowledge?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 39 MB - Duration: 49:05m (106 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 18(17/03/2022) Desires and Desire Fulfillment
Desires and Desire Fulfillment: Is all misery because of desires? Why do we have desires? Can we get rid of unfulfilled desires? How to fulfill desires?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 35 MB - Duration: 51:48m (905 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 12 (03/02/2022) Question Answer Session
1. Is realisation sudden or gradual? 2. What is the use of spirituality in worldly life? 3. I am becoming unsocial day by day and sensitive to hurting others with my lack of interest in them or their activities. What should I do? 4. I am going with the flow, no tension, no worries, nothing...Do I need to do anything else? 5. What is the science behind Kumbhak Pranayama? 6. Breathing pattern for growing back hair? 7. Breathing pattern for digestion issues?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 36 MB - Duration: 48:54m (998 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 7 (30/12/2021) Questions and Answers
Q1: Is it wise to face fear in unavoidable social interactions? Q2: How can we love without attachment? Q3: How to manage my regular responsibilities with spiritual journey? Will I not progress if I do not find time for spiritual practices? Q4: What are the tips for effective abidance? Q5: If we ignore the mind does it become careless? Q6: What does it signify when I keep seeing the same dream even after waking up a few times in between? Q7: Does it mean anything when some people dream of their loved ones who are no more but many do not?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 39 MB - Duration: 41:36m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 24(28-04-2022) (Sutra, Brahm sutra, Nyaya sutra, Yoga sutra, Sankhya sutra, Kama sutra, Bodh sutra, Shiv sutra, Bhakti sutra)
0.50: What is sutra? 6.36- Different types of sutras 7.09: Brahm sutras 7.57: Nyaya Sutras 8.52: Yog sutras 9.14: Sankhya Sutras 9.53: Kama sutras 10.29: Jain sutras 11.05: Buddhist 11.29: Shiv sutras 12.05: Bhakti sutras 13.46: Peep into the Brahm sutras 13.55: Preliminary qualifications before reading sutras 16.05: Shat-sampat- The six virtues 22.39: Bhakti sutra 28.14: Shiv Sutra 35.40: How is drop an ocean? 41.37: I have started Path of Knowledge, want to learn Kriya Yoga.

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 35 MB - Duration: 45:52m (104 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 6 (23/12/2021)Destiny or Free Will?
This question plagues all of us some or the other time in our life, especially when circumstances are not as per our liking or expectations. On the spiritual path however, the answer is only relevant if it allows us to accept our situation, whether through destiny or free will. Otherwise this question is of no relevance since it does not help us progress on the path. We can lose ourselves in the intellectual gymnastics and find ourselves still there, where we started.

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 43 MB - Duration: 45:07m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 13 (10/02/2022)Questions and Answers
1. You said 'Tapovan' is a special place. Tell more about it. 2. What is important about Rishikesh? 3. How do I know that I am following my 'Swadharma'? 4. I sometimes feel I am slipping off being the observer. I do not remember all the time. What to do? 5. I feel disturbed hearing about Gurus who are were so popular and then turned out to be fake. How to guard against fake gurus? 6. What about those who does not understand languages (eg- English, Hindi etc) can't get knowledge? Can't realise self? Oneness? There must be way for it. 7. How do we say "I" am not the doer?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 42 MB - Duration: 52:52m (107 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 17 (10/03/2022) An Ode to the Guru
Seekers sharing their love for their Guru. Although no words can be enough for singing praises of the Guru, we still like to express something.

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 50 MB - Duration: 1:14:13m (905 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 8 (06/01/2022) Self Realisation
1. What is Self-realization? 2. Will all my problems be solved through realization? 3. What should one do to have spiritual realization? 4. How to evaluate if another person is realized or not? 5. What is the difference between one who is realised and one who is not? 6. Why does one need awareness practice even after realization? 7. How to develop desire for realisation? 8. Who is this 'I' who wants to know the experiencer? 9. Does spiritual path mean giving up on pleasures? 10. Are there any general tips for spiritual growth that anyone can benefit from?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 49 MB - Duration: 51:06m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 28 (9th June, 2022) Discussion on Rajas, Tamas and Sattva
1. जब कुछ करने की इच्छा ही नहीं रही तो अब कैसे जिएँ? जिम्मेदारियाँ निभाना भी एक बोझ लगता है। क्या करें? How to live now when there is no desire to do anything and feel like running away? Discussion on Rajas, Tamas and Sattva 2. How we can reduce tamas? 3. How to increase Satva of relatives? 4. Can Music heal diseases like Cancer?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 48 MB - Duration: 1:02:57m (102 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 11 (27/01/2022) Kriya Yoga- What, How, Who, Why, Where.
Kriya Yoga is a scientific technique for self-realisation. It has become popular through Paramhansa Yogananda's book- 'Autobiography of a Yogi.' Mentioned in Bhagvad Geeta Chapter 4, Verse 29, this technique accelerates evolution at a very high rate thus making it possible to attain and retain the highest knowledge.

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 48 MB - Duration: 1:03:48m (101 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 15 (24/02/2022) Q&A
Q1: How do 3 Gunas play their role in deaths & other misfortunes for which Individuals are absolutely not responsible for, eg:- Accidents, Epidemics. Q2: Is there any significance behind the rituals that are followed after the death of a person? Q3: Can you share something more about kriya yoga. Please. Specially on Guru parampara (YukteshwarGiri maharaj) Q4: I find it difficult to breathe long and deep. What could be the reason?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 40 MB - Duration: 50:23m (107 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang October 6th, 2022
Excerpts from Mumbai Satsang with Guruji Tarun Pradhan Announcement of Tantra Bodhi Do not feel like working for earning money Do karmas get over after knowledge/gyan? Can one causal body give rise to more physical bodies? What is the experience of death? Can a gyani be impacted by tantriks? How to recognise tantrik? How to know what is my prarabdh/pre-allocation?

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 31 MB - Duration: 39:24m (106 kbps 44100 Hz)