Creation and Life Force

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Many budding Occultists are curious to know how creation happens in illusion? How to fulfill desires instantly? In the physical world, how to change the material things? How water turned into milk pudding and milk pudding into blood?

In the independent path it is very easy- establish a spiritual intention. It will happen, it has to happen that is certain. When? This is uncertain. And in what form, what would be the result of this material interference, this too is uncertain. In the dependent path there is certainty, but it is tough, and not so straightforward. Here the consequences are borne along with the Occultist by the Guru, concerned God and atomic power.

Kimiya process is also there. The principle is like this- all matter is made up of irreducibles. Irreducibles are psychological. If these are mixed in the right proportion and then life force is infused into them, then desired objects like gold, food etc are produced. To an ordinary person these would seem to appear directly from air. It is not like that. These are created without using matter, these become matter.

The whole world has been created in this manner, it is just a small sample of the process.

Life Force

Now where will the life force come from? This is somewhat cryptic. Occultist can use own life force for this process. But it is better not to do that. A few pellets can be created, it is a safe experiment, but there is a tendency to become greedy and for a kilo of gold the Occultist will use all the life force. Death is certain and what is the use of this gold?

You must have understood where the life force is coming from? What do people do. This is where the practice of human sacrifice started. Especially of young boys and girls. They have very powerful and fresh life force. Here is where Occult has been corrupted. Practitioners of Occult became scared. Occultist became a devil, thirsty for blood.

See this is Occult; here there is nothing moral or immoral. Some practitioners started sacrificing animals. Cow, buffalo, horse like big animals are useful. These days people even do with a rooster which has life force worth a penny. There will be some manifestation at the subtle level, which will stay only for little time. It is kids play.


It is possible to feel repulsion here. Weak of heart should not read further.

Whenever there is ejaculation, some life force is spilled. Why? Body will be made up from this, new born will get life force from here. Nature has established this process, this is how new life begins. Later the embryo will pull life force from the mother, and after birth will get it from food. Occultist knows this, can see this. The audience of Bodhi Varta is especially being told this information. It is a big mystery, it is not told, people misuse it, some die in the process. There are consequences of playing with the illusions, be cautious.

Life force from semen is superior. Occultist makes use of this.

Similarly women spill life force in their menstrual blood in small measure. Occultist collects that too. Even some life force is lost through feces, and occultist collects that too.

You would call it a repulsive action, but not for occultist. Like for a surgeon, cutting a dead body is not repulsive. It is his job, his habit. Now you will understand, how sex has entered Occult. What is the use of virgin girls? What is the use of Vishtha? With sexual desire, life force becomes stronger, this is the gift of nature. That is why during sexual intercourse even weak people become strong. A demure girl also does not tire easily. Reproduction is dear to nature, mother likes new life. That is why it established this process. It makes an old person young.

See you are on the path of knowledge, you do not need to do anything, you just have to know it. How logical everything is. What was considered as superstition, what was laughed at, what was made so scary, is actually a big Science.

This is what happened in the West. In the dark times doctors were sentenced to death because they dared to look inside the body. Made pictures of internal organs. Collected blood from patients. They were charged with doing black magic and killed. Occultists were burnt to death, men or women. They were accused of adultery. Many scientists were poisoned. Many philosophers were persecuted.

Now you would have understood how progress of this science came to a halt. First it was kept a secret and then made extinct. Scriptures were burnt, knowledge was lost. But it is just a matter of time. Time of Occult is returning. It will go thousand times ahead of Science of matter.


I can tell you so much that hundreds of pages will get filled. Today I will tell you just this much that whatever are the beliefs about the relation between life force and celibacy, seem to be correct. Yes, by following celibacy life force is accumulated and more power comes in the spiritual intention. Illusion is then yours. Whatever you say comes true.

This is the reason children have been used to communicate auspicious words. Their life force is pure, it is natures’ blessing. Adults are corrupted. Now creation will happen, it is a simple method.

That is why after ejaculation there is loss of energy, you feel sleepy, life force is weakened. Do not waste it. It has been found very useful in Occult and there are techniques to prevent its spillage. After every ejaculation some life force is lost, age is reduced, person becomes older. Nature has decided its limit. Once semen is over, a person will die. Now no more life force is left to drive the body.

This is the key, to increase life span, to become immortal. Many Occultists live a very long life in this manner. Life force is the key, they accumulate it. The more this energy, the more powerful the Occultist would be. Whatever he wants he can manifest/create through Kimiya.

Women have been restricted during time of menstruation due to this. The spilling life force is very attractive to the Occultists, they were forbidden to go out. Ghost forms desire it, ghosts can be attracted, they were kept pure, they could not touch water, not allowed to enter kitchen or temple. People earlier had the awareness and wisdom. Now it is lost.

That is why an Occultist desires a woman who is herself on the path of Occult, who has strong sexual desire. This is a successful partnership. Remember, they both use Occult and under excitement preserve the energy that is generated, do not waste it. Ordinary people waste it, they are ignorant. All Occultists, men or women come together for bigger experiments. The more the people, the stronger the power. Just like in consecration.

Here it becomes serious. They are accused of being animalistic or adulterers. Society shuns them, women are shunned by their families. Now how would an Occultist eat, where would he live? This is the reason everything became secretive. Whatever became secretive was lost. This knowledge was lost with them.