Mental Copy or Mindchild

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Mental Copy is a mechanism with a form similar to the physical body of the Occultist, and the behavior is almost identical. (It can actually have any form, and any behavior can be established, however it will not be a mental copy then.)

Take a seat in a dark room. Let there be no light except for an earthen lamp or torch and your body should be satiated and comfortable so you can stay in the seat for long hours without getting up. Time after midnight is ideal. Nobody else should be present, no noise or interruptions. Some place in a forest or cave would be ideal. Exactly in front of your seat, keep another seat. Never sit on that seat, and to avoid mistakes cover it in red colour or red vermillion.

Pray to the Gurufield and speak aloud your spiritual intention. There should be no doubt and total faith. Intention is the key. Stronger the intention, greater the success. Repeat intention for 20 times. Do not take help of other astral beings (you can take but that would be dependent path.)

Cover the earthen lamp with a basket or utensil so that light is very dim and only with effort can you see the red seat in front of you. After some time, your eyes will be able to see that even in this low light. Focus on the seat. If it seems that the seat is appearing-disappearing then know you are entering the astral state. This is the right state.

Imagine a form just like your physical body on the red seat. Initially it may be dark/black and will appear-disappear, it is natural. Imagine that bright light from your forehead is coming out and entering into that form. Slowly fill it up totally with light. When the form becomes stable, give it a face, hair, clothes etc just like yours.

If the form starts breaking, disappearing or darkening, make it again with your intention. You may have to do this for several days. You can even work on each part separately. Once the form is stable, open its eyes and see movement. Now you can move its head and hands. In few days it will start moving by itself. Now move it from the seat and make it walk.

Once subtle body is ready, introduce voice, thoughts, feelings, desires, habits etc. Use light and intention to do it. This copy will be astral and would be only seen by few other Occultists, Gurus or highly sensitive people. With spiritual intention this copy can also be given a physical form (when required, it will stay for a few minutes.)

This can be used as a protector, informer, in dream state to meet other beings, or to stay in in astral worlds. What this mental copy will see, you will see, you will experience what it experiences.

Because it is subtle, it will not be impacted by five elements, or by weapons. Thus it is very useful in destroying enemies, important in warfare. Multiple copies can be created, depending on your capability. They can also be given the form of beautiful women or wild animals. These can be used to do anything.

After the work is over, reverse the process and dematerialize the copies. These should not be left like that.

If there is fear in mind, lack of purity or ignorance, do not attempt it, very dangerous. It can also be misused with dire consequences. Take help from Guru. First do small experiments,