Silent Wisdom

Talks on the topics of spirituality, nondualism, advaita, vedanta, path of knowledge, other spiritual paths etc. for spiritual seekers.

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Atmabodha Verse 13 and 14


Verse 13 and 14 Unlike what most religions preach, God isn't seated somewhere far. He is the light within. God means Atman. And just as things in this material world cannot function in the absence of the sunlight; likewise nothing, (including the body, senses, mind, intellect) can work, in the absence of the light of the Atman. Physical body, cognitive senses, mind, intellect - are the sequence from tangible to sublime. 'I' the conscious Atman lies behind the intellect. The intellect understands, but it is 'I' who knows the understanding of the intellect. And it is 'I' who knows, the understanding and misunderstanding. In Vedanta, the unit of mind-subconscious, mind-intellect, Chitta and ego is collectively referred to as "Anthakarana" It is the AnthaKarna (mind) that enters this world. But the mind doesn't come alone, light of the Atman is in it. Mind-intellect, understands and the understood information gets stored in the subconscious mind. [The subconscious mind is known as Chitta - it is a vast store house of all the experiences and information in the form of memory.] Guru Nanak Dev says,"No matter where I go, O Lord! You are everywhere. You are the substratum of the entire creation, you have in effect, become the entire creation." When the light of the supreme Self became the substratum of this multi-verse, that was when jiva came into existence. The universal supreme Self stays with the individual mind as the Atman.


Format: MP3 - Size: 20 MB - Duration: 25:38m (107 kbps 44100 Hz)

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