Silent Wisdom

Talks on the topics of spirituality, nondualism, advaita, vedanta, path of knowledge, other spiritual paths etc. for spiritual seekers.

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Satsang 10(20/01/2022) Information, Knowledge & Wisdom
Questions covered: 1. What is information? 2. What is knowledge? 3. What is wisdom? 4. What is the difference between them? 5. How are they defined in different spiritual paths- Occult, Kriya Yoga, Path of Knowledge? 6. When does information become ignorance. 7. How to move from information to knowledge?

Format: MP3 - Size: 39 MB - Duration: 49:05m (106 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 9 (13/01/2022) Swadharma (In Hindi)
What is Swadharma (Inner calling)? Why do we need to follow Swadharma? How to know if it is my Swadharma or not? (Hindi Satsang)

Format: MP3 - Size: 38 MB - Duration: 48:06m (107 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 8 (06/01/2022) Self Realisation
1. What is Self-realization? 2. Will all my problems be solved through realization? 3. What should one do to have spiritual realization? 4. How to evaluate if another person is realized or not? 5. What is the difference between one who is realised and one who is not? 6. Why does one need awareness practice even after realization? 7. How to develop desire for realisation? 8. Who is this 'I' who wants to know the experiencer? 9. Does spiritual path mean giving up on pleasures? 10. Are there any general tips for spiritual growth that anyone can benefit from?

Format: MP3 - Size: 49 MB - Duration: 51:06m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 7 (30/12/2021) Questions and Answers
Q1: Is it wise to face fear in unavoidable social interactions? Q2: How can we love without attachment? Q3: How to manage my regular responsibilities with spiritual journey? Will I not progress if I do not find time for spiritual practices? Q4: What are the tips for effective abidance? Q5: If we ignore the mind does it become careless? Q6: What does it signify when I keep seeing the same dream even after waking up a few times in between? Q7: Does it mean anything when some people dream of their loved ones who are no more but many do not?

Format: MP3 - Size: 39 MB - Duration: 41:36m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 6 (23/12/2021)Destiny or Free Will?
This question plagues all of us some or the other time in our life, especially when circumstances are not as per our liking or expectations. On the spiritual path however, the answer is only relevant if it allows us to accept our situation, whether through destiny or free will. Otherwise this question is of no relevance since it does not help us progress on the path. We can lose ourselves in the intellectual gymnastics and find ourselves still there, where we started.

Format: MP3 - Size: 43 MB - Duration: 45:07m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)


अध्यात्म पथ पर सामाजिक बंधन
जब हम अध्यात्म के पथ पर चलने लगते हैं तो अपने आप में और विचारों में बदलाव देखते हैं जिसके चलते सामाजिक अपेक्षाएँ बंधन जैसे प्रतीत होती हैं। कैसे हम उनसे बचें और अपने लक्ष्य की तरफ़ अग्रसर रहें, चलिए जानते हैं।

Format: MP3 - Size: 7 MB - Duration: 7:25m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 5(16/12/2021)-Surrender- Shortest Route to the Ultimate
While surrender is the shortest route to the Ultimate, why do we find it so difficult to let go? Is there a process of surrendering? What if I surrender to a fake Guru? Does it mean blind belief? Why the mind is not ready to give up the control? Let us find out.

Format: MP3 - Size: 44 MB - Duration: 45:53m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 1(18/11/2021)-My Spiritual Journey and Role of Guru in My Life
My spiritual journey in brief, and role and importance of Guru in a seekers' life. Why do we need a Guru? What does a Guru really teach us? What does a Guru give? Why is someone unable to find a Guru? Can we change Gurus? Can we have more than one Guru? Let us find out.

Format: MP3 - Size: 49 MB - Duration: 51:26m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 3(02/12/2021)-Be Here Now
Is there any moment when we are not here? This moment is the only reality, the only Truth. Even with our direct experience we can realise that. There is no then and there, only now and here. Let us see how.

Format: MP3 - Size: 41 MB - Duration: 43:40m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)


Satsang 4(09/12/2021)-Lifestyle of a Spiritual Seeker
How is the lifestyle of a spiritual seeker different from that of a normal/worldly person? What are their goals? Who do they have a relationship with? What kind of food do they eat? What is their take on money?

Format: MP3 - Size: 45 MB - Duration: 47:50m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)


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This is my effort to bring age old spiritual wisdom to ordinary people and dedicated seekers in a simple language. Hope you enjoy it and will be benefitted by it.

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I am a seeker. Trying to help other seekers on their path as I was helped by great masters.

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